What ROCKS and SUCKS about today?

Rocks - im one day closer to seeing my little one

sucks - im knackered and have jobs to do
Rocks: The weather is still good and its Thursday so the shops are open late after work, and after shopping my OH is taking me for something nice to eat!!

Sucks: I wasted an hour and a half earlier trying to get through to BT!!! I REALLY hate that company!!
Rocks- Entered Jake into the local papers baby of the year comp, and its payday tomorrow :cheer:

Sucks- Lost some lovely bathtime pics of Jake from my phone
Rocks It's my OH's 22nd Birthday today, we've been out shopping and went out for lunch :dance:
Sucks It's pouring with rain so we can't take Harry to see the ducks, my flat is a tip and OH has to go back to work tomorrow :(
rocks - I had my scan
Sucks - paris refused to say sorry to her cousin for money she took :shock:
rocks-my professional wedding pics came :D
sucks-cant get comfy,extra breathless today
Rocks - Doing A levels in college next 2 years of my life sorted :cheer:
Sucks - The thought of leaving Riley in a nursery (1st year general discusson :( )
Rocks: I came home to a clean floor as OH had mopped it (very unusual!) AND I've got a job interview next week AND I've just broken up for Bank Holiday weekend AND it's my birthday Sunday!! :cheer:

Sucks: I have PMT and am looking seriously chubby :(
ROCKS: I've got my new Michael Stipe book

SUCKS: An hour ago I found out one of my friends had died :(
Rocks- Mia started walking today
Sucks- I'm just soooo broke, cant afford to buy myself anything nice.
Rocks: Am currently working my last shift for a week, yeah :cheer:

Sucks: Exhaust fell off my car ansd cost me £300!!! :shock: - it had better be studded with diamonds!
Rocks- My brother, sister in law and niece are here for the weekend!

Sucks- I've got a mountain of cleaning and baking to do!
Rocks - TIS FRIDAY!!! Woo! and my last Friday at work for 6-9 months! (finishing next wednesday)

Sucks - Gotta get my eyebrows waxed today and I always end up looking like a plonker with two glowing eyebrows... AND Ive got a wedding reception tonight!

Rocks It's Friday!! & Pay day!!

Sucks It's only 9am, OH is at work, I'm working tomorrow & the inlaws are coming to stay!
ROCKS: We've been waiting 11 weeks for our new sofas, I had to stay in between 8am & 6pm today for them to be delivered... and they turned up at 8:30!!!!! And they're gorgeous!!!!!

SUCKS: I was supposed to be going away for the weekend leaving today but OH couldn't get time off work . So it's just me & Austin for the whole bank holiday weekend.
Rocks Finally have everything we need to get OH's French visa

SUCKS Turned the house upside down looking for a marriage certificate we've never been given. :twisted:
rocks Its friday and i have 3days off.
Sucks i actually want AF to arrive :(
Rocks Seing my litle girls face when daddy brought her to pick me up from work tonight and she was so delighted to see me!!! We get 3 whole days together now :cheer:

Sucks OH has to work Bank Hol Monday now and I dont want him too :shakehead: :(

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