What 'possible' inventions would make your life easier?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Mines easy, a remote controlled kettle!

I hate waiting for the kettle to boil. With a remote controlled one, all i would have to do is make sure there is water in after ive used it, set it to go with the remote and i can go downstairs into the kitchen with a ready boiled kettle waiting for me!
Removable breasts!!!! :lol:

Then i could actually do things and leave TP with people cos ATM she wont take milk out a bottle or water/juice from a beaker whilst i'm gone. And i could have a night off!
An ATM machine that gives me money for free :dance:

Just seen that it says "possible" invention... This is possible, surely :doh:
A self-cleaning house.

'nuff said!
*Star* said:
Mines easy, a remote controlled kettle!

I hate waiting for the kettle to boil. With a remote controlled one, all i would have to do is make sure there is water in after ive used it, set it to go with the remote and i can go downstairs into the kitchen with a ready boiled kettle waiting for me!

*cough TEAS MAID cough*

Everlasting batteries. I know this is probably not possible, but how many time a year do you change batteries in toys or remote's.

Elmo live eats the flipping things as does mizz glow bear!


A self cleaning house as well.
bonny said:
Everlasting batteries. I know this is probably not possible, but how many time a year do you change batteries in toys or remote's.


A pregnancy test that you can do the morning after the night before :D , to save having to go through the torturous 2 week wait!
The perfect man!!!! who can do housework without been asked!!!!! :wall: :wall:

Never gona happen.......
a laminated house that never needs cleaned, and self cleaning clothes!! :)
A car that never needs, MOT,tax, repairs etc!
as others have said, a self cleaning house
I always think of inventions then find out they already exist :doh:
Like umbrellas on buggys for the parent - already done, they can't be very good though because I'm yet to see anyone actually using one.

When Isaac was little I think a changing mat with hand restraints would have been usefull, why do they always want to put their hands in their poo? :lol:

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