what NOT to buy


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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there is so much you can buy for a baby but there seems to be a lot of stuff that mum's say you just will never use or are pointless.

I'm busy collecting all i need and want to save ££££ so my question is.........

What has been the most un-useful item you brought for your baby?

x x x
I bottle fed my first so had to buy steriliser, steriliser tabs, bottles, teats, milk powder etc. I breast fed the second and saw a major difference in our finances! So Iwould say if Icould turn back the clock I would have breast fed the first and saved a fortune.

Have you seen this? http://www.babycentre.co.uk/baby/buying ... budget/#10
a top and tail. ive brought one and havent used it yet and dont really see any use for it. maybe i will later?
vibrating bouncy chair hannah hated it and top and tail bowl,changing mat never used them
top and tail bowl - we only ever used it to store bath toys in :D

all the baby toiletries - you use such tiny amounts that the freebies you get are plenty

changing mat - I only ever used it to let Josh have a kick about after a bath
I bought some scented wipes but they made Jakes bum red. I agree- the top and tail bowl, although it did get about 3 weeks use until Jake started getting regular daily baths
Deffo the top n tail bowl - altho it did come in handy when I had a sickness bug and was :puke: whilst sitting on the loo :?
I would NEVER buy one of those 'nappy wrappers' again. ( The one we had was Sangenic. I think they are all virtually the same though.)
It is a contraption that 'wraps' the dirty nappy and strings them up like sausages, andthe unit is emptied when full.
We used it exacly how the instructions told us, but still, that 'nappy aroma' seeped out, it was HORRID. And to think you've got about 15 nappies sitting there in your babies room until it's ready to empty.
Sorry, but I'm sticking with nappy sacks and trips to the outside bin.
I think these 'nappy wrappers' are for lazy people.

AND the refills were expensive too....
Top and tail bowl - We used it a few times and then just started using a normal bowl and washing his top half first and bottom half second.

Baby bath - Again we only used it a few times and then we started using a bath support in the big bath. If you don't want to put your baby in the big bath right away you could always use the sink for a while.

Changing mat - We again only used it a few times as most of the time we would change Jake on our lap or on a towel on the floor.
Baby Bath, bought this after a few weeks and wish I'd had that instead of the bath from day one.

I personally love my nappy wrapper....(and I'm not lazy :wink: ) but living on the first floor trips to the outside bin are not really possible every time we change a bum, we empty it every 2 days (and keep it in the bathroom) and it don't stink......just needs a good bleach once a week. If I didn't live in flat then I wouldn't have bothered with it though.
I'd have to agree with those ladies who said top and tail bowl and as for my baby bath, when it was full I couldn't get it out of the bath so ended up buying a bath support instead which both my kiddies could have a bath at the same time which they LOVED. As for the baby bath, its in the garden with flowers growing in it :D
top and tail bowl, bath and bath box. And I've never used my napper wrapper either. We lost the instructions and could never work out how to use it :roll:
top and tail bowl i had as a gift i used once when doing a painted footprint of D to dip his foot in :?

I used my baby bath for about 6 weeks..Our bathroom is small so it was much easier to bath him in lounge.

baby lotion still have one bottle just opened .

oh and bought a small baby carrrier that D grew out of in a few weeks should of bought a much more adaptable one
Baby bath.... We bought a combined changing mat, baby bath and storage area and it was SO fiddly to empty and fill up that it was just ridiculous. After a few weeks I just used to put a few cms in the big bath and bath her in that, on a baby support.

Bath Seat. Erin hated the bath seat when she was old enough to sit up. Used it once I think and then sold it on EBay.

GroBag Bought one because it was so recommended, but Erin slept on her tummy, so couldn't move properly in it. Even when she was on her back, she didn't like being tucked into a GroBag.

Baby bath and baby shampoo For the first few months they don't need anything but clean water.
The baby bath was bloody useless... It was sooo heavy... But I had to use it because we lived in a council house that only had one gas fire to heat the whole flat and I had to wash Tia in it in front of the bath..

A moses basket was pretty pointless too..

I loved my top and tail bowl ... Babies skin is sooo fragile you shouldn't be bathing them a lot.. so the top and tail one served as a mini bath (again in the living room)..

The nappy wrapper did smell, but I lived on the third floor with no lift... so couldnt just pop out.. but in the end I just used nappy sacks because they were cheaper.

New born baby clothes were an absolute waste of money... Firstly most of them didn't fit Tia when she was born anyways... and if they did, she only managed to wear them once maybe before they were too small. Unless you have a prem baby don't bother with them.

bottles were a bit of waste of money too.. Tia never really used them.. I had her using a sippy cup at 3 months... she occasionally had a bottle though.. which is why I have brought second hand ones this time.
annem said:
there is so much you can buy for a baby but there seems to be a lot of stuff that mum's say you just will never use or are pointless.
I'm busy collecting all i need and want to save ££££ so my question is.........
What has been the most un-useful item you brought for your baby?
x x x

Hundreds of wet wipes - Just use cotton wool and water 99%of time
Baby toiletries (Bath/Lotion etc) - Never used them until recently
Buggy Travel System - Just used the car seat
Bouncey Chair - He didn't like it
Changing Mat - Invest in a quality bundle of towels instead
Full body coats - Used one, once :lol:
not sure tbh we use everything atm.

get nappy bags can get 300 bags for £1 if u shop around :)

hated using water and cotton wool balls to clean her. than god for wipes :D

stuff we dont use we will use when shes a little older.

my baby has dry skin on her head was told to use a mild shampoo on her head and that what i got :) its head to toe wash :)

used 99% of the freebies. on bought stuff now :)
i found my top n tail bowl handy, and will get one again wilkinsons they are only 99p.. babys shoudlnt be bathed every day.. so i shall be using mine again, and johnsons baby wash, shampoo n that.. very expensive and most babys react to it.. so just a bar of simple soap with do.

baby baths.. waste of £.. i had one that goes over the bath and one u can take anywhere.. my back killed leanign over bath washign erh.. found it easier to take ehr in with me.. and have the change mat and towle on radiator and just get ehr out lay ehr all cuddled up and then sort myself out
yea weve only got a walk in shower so bath ideal. kitchen sink is always dirty so not doing her in there.
top & tail bowl, only ever filled half of it so any old bowl wouldve done the same thing. baby bath was used but only for 3 months til she grew out of it. wouldnt hav been any harm in putting her in the big bath right from the start so i guess its not necessary.

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