what milk you going to get ??

Yeah last year when I had my son they provided it, but I guess with credit crunch they have emergency milk for night time birthers but they said to me they no longer provide it. Probably because people were stealing loads when they were leaving to give them a good start with baby. I know I took about 5 bottles :( So I guess I only got myself to blame x
The other reason they won't give it you anymore on a lot of hospitals as they have policies to encourage breast feeding

If you're planning in breast feeding I wouldn't waste money in buying tons of formula just buy a couple of ready made
Cartons that if you don't use (like me) you've only spent a pound or so
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I bought some ready mixed sma gold for my hospital bag. The date on it isn't up til next year, so perfect for storing away until such times it's needed in an emergency. I only got 2 wee cartons, 65p each, but according to the chart that should last a newborn for 12 feeds or something? Plenty time to go and get one of the big tubs for mixing if for whatever reason we can't breastfeed.
There wasn't really any reason for me choosing sma over aptamil, I just read both cartons and liked sma better xx

U don't need to take milk to the hospital! It should all be provided for u if u don't breast feed!

I will be using aptamil! Used it for the other 2!

Not anymore , most hospitals ask you to bring your own. I had to take my own in when I had my LO in feb

That's outrageous!!! How can they not provide it!?! For some people breast feeding is not an option?!? I am choosing not to breastfeed, it's just not for me!

Our hospital provides small glass bottles with disposable latex teats! But my partner has a severe latex allergy so we have looked into taking our own teats for the bottles! How the hell r u meant to feed ur baby? Do they provide sterilisers? Why should u be pushed into something u don't want to do? Or physically can't?
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I bought some ready mixed sma gold for my hospital bag. The date on it isn't up til next year, so perfect for storing away until such times it's needed in an emergency. I only got 2 wee cartons, 65p each, but according to the chart that should last a newborn for 12 feeds or something? Plenty time to go and get one of the big tubs for mixing if for whatever reason we can't breastfeed.
There wasn't really any reason for me choosing sma over aptamil, I just read both cartons and liked sma better xx

U don't need to take milk to the hospital! It should all be provided for u if u don't breast feed!

I will be using aptamil! Used it for the other 2!

Not anymore , most hospitals ask you to bring your own. I had to take my own in when I had my LO in feb

That's outrageous!!! How can they not provide it!?! For some people breast feeding is not an option?!? I am choosing not to breastfeed, it's just not for me!

Our hospital provides small glass bottles with disposable latex teats! But my partner has a severe latex allergy so we have looked into taking our own teats for the bottles! How the hell r u meant to feed ur baby? Do they provide sterilisers? Why should u be pushed into something u don't want to do? Or physically can't?

they do have sterilizer and pumps and other stuff, If your worried take your own bottles I was told I could bring my own in and milk and they would sterilize them x
I am thinking of buying a small mircowave one and taking my own bottles in just in case x
The policy to not provide milk in hospitals is slowly being rolled out thought England.
It is a government initiative to encourage parents to bf and not to look to be encouraging ff.
It has hit my hospital and the others than aren't yet are set to follow.
I got a pack telling me all about it.
It said "LWH are no longer providing milk for parents who chose to feed their babies artificially. If you chose this method you must provide your own milk as it will no longer be provided at LWH"

and then loads of bumf about government guidelines.

I hope they back this up with support for those who want to bf, otherwise it's an empty exercise IMO x
I am planning on breast feeding but I will still get with me at the hospital a medela calma bottle. If for any reason I can't bf or baby needs formula for any reason they will provide it there ( if needed)
For home I will get some kind of formula just in case. no idea which one yet but Norway is so pro bf that you barely find 2 different types of formula at the supermarket and not even at every supermarket :wall: at least I don't have to think much about which one to choose lol...
again our hospital doesnty provide anything, its bad. Yes it has a sterliser etc i hope xs
My hospital has a BF policy, I haven't quite read it yet, but I think the thing is they don't let you out of hospital until the baby has latched on....
I don't want to breast feed... So surely they can't MAKE me do it?!
But I can see why they wouldn't let you out until baby's latched, due to making sure we do it properly, etc.
I am not planning on going anywhere until the baby latches on lol....
I got very little support when bf my twins, in fact the mw's were openly encouraging ff. luckily I'd bf before so wasn't pushed into ff but support is lacking in this area.
I'm at a different hospital this time but I do worry about the lack of support for 1st time bf mums x
our hospitals still provide formula but are reluctant to give it, suggesting you try latching on lo every time someone asked for it. i was bf and they were a bit shit with the support for that too unless you pestered them. i asked about her latch 4 times and got a 'it looks fine' and 'i dont know what to suggest'. they were helpful to a couple of other women who were getting a bit distressed by lo not latching on properly but cos mine was latching ok they ignored me. she slept for hours and noone said anything about wether i should wake her etc. now i combi feed as when i was breastfeeding she fell asleep on the boob lots and i just put her down figuring she was tired. then she got too sleepy to feed properly and i had a bit of a nightmare giving her formula til she was awake properly and feeding regularly and then trying to reduce and stop topups only for her to be too lazy to work for the hindmilk lol. now at 10 weeks she is fussy about taking a bottle from me and will only have one a few times a day and prefers to bf.

in a perfect world a lot of ppl want to bf and i just wanted to show that you can do both so even if it dosent go to plan at first if you want to bf and have to give formula then keep trying the bf too. its lovely to do and as long as you offer the boob at each feed your supply wont diminish to nothing. i use aptimil for her formula feeds and it seems to agree with her tummy quite well tho she did get milk rash for a week or 2
agree with bev until you get more support in breast feeding its a nightmare I tried my hardest and had no idea how to feed or when with my son at first he ended up jaundice because I wasn't feeding him enough or he wasn't latching on right. I asked time and time again for help and got ignored x
I got a leaflet at my booking in appointment with mw informing me that the hospital didn't provide formula! I thought it was outrageous to tell me at 8wks pregnant.

I want to BF but thought id get some aptamil just incase I need it! x

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im going with cow and gate my hosp give u the 1st bottle of milk them you have to use your own lol the joys get nothing for free this days
aptamil for me although i intend to BF for as long as possible. if i have to give up BF for any unknown reason again i have my bottles, and everything else needed, but got one small carton of aptamil in my bag just incase am hoping never to use it x x x
I have to say I realise that not everyone can BF or wants to but I don't see why hospitals should provide formula

Before leaving hospital they just need to ensure that baby is feeding whether it be by breast or formula. They won't force you to make baby latch on but I would suspect they will encourage you to BF.

To me unless there's a specific reason why you can't BF the hospital are correct in encouraging people to BF. it's got everything baby needs and is free!
i use aptamil for my baby.

reading some of the posts on here i thought i would share my experience. i went in to hospital open minded about feeding. i said i would like to give brest feeding a go but if it doesnt work out then it doesnt work out. i had the most amazing experience when my son was born, he latched on straight away and instantly settled on me (i had a c section and my husband was holding him first for 20mins while they stitched me up, my son was fine but a bit unsettled). It was the most amazing experience of my life and i felt like i had some sort of super power. So, from that point on i was determind to breast feed. By day three, however, i was a mess. I was in agony from the feeding. My milk hadnt come and my son wanted to feed every hour. i was bleeding, i had blisters and an immense buring sensation in my breasts. i had every nurse in the hospital and the feeding specialist try to help me. his latch was fine they assured me and i was given creams, nipple shields - you name it i got it. although by day 5 my milk had come in i was a broken woman. it had gone from feeling really amazing to dreading feeding time. it was spoiling everything. deciding to given him formula was upsetting but also a relief. when i healed i still put him on my breast ocasionally so he could still get some of my milk but he was and still is mostly formula fed. by the time i healed, i didnt have enough milk to satisfy him. i have very mixed emotions about the whole thing. i see other women feeding their baby and wish i could. but then my son is happy and healthy and that is what matters. i wish, however, that i had done some more research into breast feeding before my son was born. knowing what i know now i now see that i had thrush in my breasts, hence the buring sensation. i also know now that my son is a mega hungry baby with a very agressive suck.

its not always straight forward so i do think hospitals should have formula on stand by just in case.

i also feel strongly that evey woman should make up their own mind about how they would like to feed their baby and not be judged for it.
Our hopsital is supportive of BFing, but in their own way! They are very military like, if you say you are going to BF and then have problems they are so aggresive about it. I wanted to quit, my son was tongue tie, couldn't latch and wasn't getting any food. I had to beg for cups of formula to top him up and they gave it, begrudgingly. They tried to force him onto me, but his head was cut bad from the ventouse and along his tongue-tie BFing was a nightmare. In the end, I lied about his feeds so I felt I could get us out of hospital so I could feed my baby at home. It was an awful experience.

This time I am going to BF, I know what to expect and I did it for a year in the end with my son, but if this LO is tongue tied also, I have bought 2 cartons of C&G so I can top her up with cup feeding until I can get the tongue tie cut.

That's another thing, our hospital booked Oscar in to have his tongue tie cut when he was 3 MONTHS OLD!!! What good is that? I had to go via BFing support and they refer to a different hospital, over 30 miles away that do it within 7 days of birth!

This time I'm prepared, but honestly, first time BFers, it can be hard and hospital staff don't have the time or patience to help, or even the knowledge in some cases.

But if you are determined to BF, you will do it. BFing support is out there, just get to them. THey are amazing!

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