what milk you going to get ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2010
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going to buy some milk get stoked up think going with cow and gate what you putting your baby on ??
I would like to Breastfeed but we will probably buy a small tub of Aptimel as I have heard good things about it, just in case xx
I'm the same as Karate Kid, will BF but get some aptamil just in case x
I'll most probably be using Aptamil, purely because it's meant to be the closest to breastmilk in the forms of formula..
Same as karate kid and firstbaby. Even got measured for nursing bras today - SCARY!!!
I'm thinking Aptamil, I do want to breastfeed though but i'll buy some forumla incase i am either unable to for some reason...
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I bought some ready mixed sma gold for my hospital bag. The date on it isn't up til next year, so perfect for storing away until such times it's needed in an emergency. I only got 2 wee cartons, 65p each, but according to the chart that should last a newborn for 12 feeds or something? Plenty time to go and get one of the big tubs for mixing if for whatever reason we can't breastfeed.
There wasn't really any reason for me choosing sma over aptamil, I just read both cartons and liked sma better xx
I want to try and breastfeed, but getting some sma gold in just incase.
I will be going breastfeeding another shot but if it doesn't work out I will SMA gold like I did with LO!
i will be using sma gold :D purely because that is what i gave my dd x
ive got a couple tins of SMA gold x
Oh I thought the midwives in the hospital would advise you on the best for your baby if you were unable to breast feed looks as if I'll need to start researching the best ones x
I hadn't even thought of looking into any formulas as I want to breast feed so didn't see the point. But I suppose I should at least get an idea for the different brands just incase I can't breast feed xx
sma gold for me as I gave this to my son in hospital but I want to try and boobie feed first. x

Also I am getting a starter kit of sma gold for £18 which is glass bottle jars and teats all ready to go and use as my hospital doesn't provide milk anymore x
nah mine doesnt either so have managed to get sachets of sma gold and will sterilise the bottles up there as i am not breastfeeding.
I looked into the premade bottles but could only buy them in bulk other then a couple at a time x
nah mine doesnt either so have managed to get sachets of sma gold and will sterilise the bottles up there as i am not breastfeeding.
I looked into the premade bottles but could only buy them in bulk other then a couple at a time x

You can buy the sma and cow and gate packs from asda hun? x
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I bought some ready mixed sma gold for my hospital bag. The date on it isn't up til next year, so perfect for storing away until such times it's needed in an emergency. I only got 2 wee cartons, 65p each, but according to the chart that should last a newborn for 12 feeds or something? Plenty time to go and get one of the big tubs for mixing if for whatever reason we can't breastfeed.
There wasn't really any reason for me choosing sma over aptamil, I just read both cartons and liked sma better xx

U don't need to take milk to the hospital! It should all be provided for u if u don't breast feed!

I will be using aptamil! Used it for the other 2!
I'm planning on breastfeeding, but I bought some ready mixed sma gold for my hospital bag. The date on it isn't up til next year, so perfect for storing away until such times it's needed in an emergency. I only got 2 wee cartons, 65p each, but according to the chart that should last a newborn for 12 feeds or something? Plenty time to go and get one of the big tubs for mixing if for whatever reason we can't breastfeed.
There wasn't really any reason for me choosing sma over aptamil, I just read both cartons and liked sma better xx

U don't need to take milk to the hospital! It should all be provided for u if u don't breast feed!

I will be using aptamil! Used it for the other 2!

Not anymore , most hospitals ask you to bring your own. I had to take my own in when I had my LO in feb

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