What lies ahead?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Thank you all so much for the support I've had. I can now look at posts without bursting into tears every time, which is my small step today.
After my scan yesterday we started medical management so I had a tablet to soften my cervix. I'm going back tomorrow where I think they effectively induce me? Is that an oral tablet or pessary? I have a leaflet but making little sense of things just now!
And then after, if all is straight forward do I have a postpartum bleed similar to a normal birth?
Sorry for so many questions and I really hope I don't offend anyone. Just preparing myself now. X
I'm so sorry meg I realy am no one should have to go through this it's so unfair :( , I think it will be pessery to bring on contractions to make u dilate I won't lie it will be painfull just like real labour I know it was for me with medical managed and I was only 10 weeks , and then I think it will be just like after giving birth with bleeding etc , I hope it is not to bad for you tomoro il be thinking of you take care x
Thanks jojo, the consultant and midwives I spoke with were very reassuring about pain relief etc. It's just easier for me to know what to expect. I suspect it'll be a long day!
Yer they will give u what u need , I hope it's isn't a long day day for you and it happens sooner rather than later , big hugs xx
Hi megs, sorry you've ended up here, just wanted to wish you well for tomorrow and hope everything goes smoothly etc. I had erpc so can't comment on how medically managed stuff works, a friend opted for it though and when she told me about it she said it was a really difficult day for her and her partner but that the staff were lovely and tired to make things as easy and comfortable as possible, so the support should be there to help you through. The nurse where I went were great. X
So sorry, you're being incredibly brave. Good luck for tomorrow xx
Hey Meg's, sorry again your going through this!

When i found out the devastating news it was a Friday however I did not want them near me, I just wanted to get home and be on my own with other half. Anyway I went back to hospital on the Monday for the tablet to soften my cervix and to go back to hosp on the wed 9am. So time came and went and it was Wednesday but I wasn't ready to go in, I think it was about half 10 by time I got to the hospital, I got taken up to labour ward and to a room at the very end so I wouldn't hear any baby cries or whatever.

They started by taking lots of blood from me to test for everything as we didn't know why my little boys heart stopped. So that took a while as I have crap veins and nurse struggled. So about 12pm I got my first pessary. If I remember right I was continue to receive a pessary every 4 hours. Max 5 in 24 hours. So got the first one in and fine, not much happened. Got another one at about 3/4pm and after about an hour of receiving pessary I was getting really bad pains. So they have me a shot of diamorphine to help the pain. It helped brilliantly and I managed to sleep. So that was my day, getting pessary then diamorphine and sleep. I got my last pessary about 2am and they said that would be last one and we're going to leave me to sleep til morning before trying again.

However just after 3am I felt I needed to pee, so went to bathroom and done my stuff however I could feel strange pressure and I started to shout on my other half to get midwives and by time they came running in the baby was out. Then next thing I remember was they gave me some sort of injection in the leg not sure what it was and told me to push to get placenta out so that took about 5-10mins.

I went home about lunch time on the Thursday. The next few days after that my boobs were solid and very sore and leaking constant. I also bled for about 3 weeks.

Hopes story prepares you a little for the physical side of things,

I will be thinking of you

Best advice I can give you is accept all the help you get from family and staff at hospital and just do what you want be it cry, scream or whatever. Take your time with everything. It will seem extremely difficult right now but it does get easier each day. Might not seem it at the time but I promise you it will.

Big hugs xxxxxxxxx
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Hi hun. They will give you a pessary to start you off and it normally works quickly. As baby is tiny you don't have to dilate much for baby to come out. You then have the injection for the placenta and something to stop you contracting any more. The bleed after will be the same kind of bleed that you have normally after giving birth. If you have started lactating they will give you tablets to stop that too. Be prepared hun that baby will come quick and you could be alone with oh at the time as they don't stay with you like a normal labour. They try to do all the paper work before so as to not have to disturb you after names and wishes ect. If there's a table or trolly with a cover over it don't lift it hun just concentrate on getting through it. They will ask if you want baby with you after so it's all planned the same. I'd recommend having cuddles for as long as possible it's not having that what eats me up now.
Lots of stuff here I know but hopefully it helps. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and your angel baby on their journey. They have friends waiting for them this I'm sure off

Massive hugs xxx
Thank you all so much for sharing, it must be hard to go over those difficult days.
I was induced with a pessary with my little boy and that part sounds very similar. I've already spent some time in the room where I'll give birth, a four bedded area that's been converted with a double bed and leather sofa set. They did say I'd have a midwife with me throughout, which is actually the opposite to my last labour.
I need to have a talk with my partner tonight as there's a few things mentioned that I'm not sure he's thought about, and we certainly haven't discussed yet, names being one.
So helpful to hear others experiences and giving me time to prepare myself and oh. Thanks again, I appreciate all the support so much. X
Will b thinking of you much love ����
good luck hun, hope it all goes as well as it can xxxxxxxxx
Im so sorry you that you have to go through this. Wish you all the strength in the world!
Gosh Meg, my heart aches for you. What a tragic loss for your family. Just wanted to offer my thoughts and prayers and hope that everything goes as well as can be expected. Lots of love
Thanks for all the support. I'm healing well physically, though on more antibiotics for either a uti or uterine infection. And my milk came in yesterday :(
But today is a new day, and we're taking a day at a time. The midwife is due back this morning and hopefully they'll draw back a little bit though they're one of the few folk that aren't treading on eggshells! X

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