What kind of things are you into?

Have I seen the Giants Causeway? Yes about twice a year for the last 16 :wall: :wall: and I had to do constant projects in primary school and if I have to hear the Finn MaCool story one more time. :lol:

but it is nice I must say-worth a visit if you are ever in this god forsaken country :lol: Don't live in the area myself but our rocks are pretty good, they were formed in the Silurian period 50 million years ago and they are eroded into some interesting shapes. Plus we have the Devil's Hole which is, funnily enough,a hole, if you fall down it you can't get out cause the tide comes in and drowns you :lol: :lol:
I love....

* Spending time with Arianna and Brian
* Cooking/Baking/ etc
* Clothes, Make-up, Shoes
* Reading
* Travelling
* Gardening
* Animals
* Being outdoors in rain or shine - doesnt bother me!
Jen&James said:
2) water - love swimming, snorkling, boating (currently in process of buying a boat)

What kind of boat are you looking at gettin? Im not nosey honest :fib: :shhh:

Ummm mine are...

Canals and my boat
Baby clothes :rotfl: (although I have been banned :shakehead: )
Shocking TV aka Jeremey Kyle & Neighbours
Selling (Ebay)
Finding the buggers who cloned my card :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Reading - historical novels and chick lit mainly.
TV - soaps, The Apprentice, documentaries
Animals - esp cats and horses
Researching family history - made a start on this recently and found it really interesting,
Having nice meals out with OH
spending time with my man
Cars (Generally old fords as we are currently restoring our mk 3 escort series 1)
Bargain shopping (ebay, charity shops etc)
Sims 2
Music (im an indie girl so the killers arctic monkeys oasis style but also like electro house when im out)
Reading (autobi's, true crime or true story type books)
Watching documentaries and the soaps
LilysMummy said:
Jen&James said:
2) water - love swimming, snorkling, boating (currently in process of buying a boat)

What kind of boat are you looking at gettin? Im not nosey honest :fib: :shhh:

We have seen a Rinker 270 that we are in love with. We live right by a canal so were going to go for one to put on that (Leeds - Liverpool canal) but now we have seen this one we think we are going to go with our original idea of putting it on the sea and moor it at Liverpool Marina.

What sort have you got?
Mine are:

1: Eating/Drinking with friends especially at the mo when theres BBQs to be had or pub gardens to be sat in! Even better now with Clark because he stays out late with us and sleeps in his Pram, and I am just so proud that he can go anywhere with us :hug: .

2: Cooking, all the time and I am really loving making (and experimenting with) Clarks baby food :cheer:

3: Baby groups, Clark and I are officially baby group slags now, but we just love them! me as much as him!!

4: Doing up our house, even if we do live in a building site most of the time, its so worth it!

5: Making the most of anytime OH is home (he works ALOT!!), even if its just getting up early to have brekkie as a family :D
evemarie8 said:
5: Making the most of anytime OH is home (he works ALOT!!), even if its just getting up early to have brekkie as a family :D

Aaawww thats nice hun. I should really do that more too :)
Shopping for new clothes (have to be careful now as a couple of yrs ago I got a bit of a problem with shopping and couldn't function without buying 1 new outfit a day :oops: )
Getting my hair done
Getting my nails done
Going out with friends to eat/cinema/pub/club
Listening to music and having a good boogie.
Reading books
Internet/facebook/PF/shopping :D
Retro Computer games - Quiet a obsession with Nintendo and Sega :oops:

Shopping/Makeup/Hair Guuuurrrliie stuff but doing other peoples Im crap at my own

Pink! Anything shiney glittery pink perdy!

Beaches walking getting all muddy randomness like dancing in the rain! :D

Cars if I knew more about the things!

Animals! All animals I love them they are so cleaver

Flowers because I'm a florist they are pretty

I love driving and going different places


AND I like breaking stuff to fix it and taking things apart fiddleing about with stuff and FIRE! I love fire for some reason....shame I live in a wooden house!
laetitia85 said:
x-kirsty-x said:
1) Clothes, hair & make-up
2) Anything creative
3) Photography (and Photoshop!!)
4) Days out with OH & the kids
5) Music
6) Internet

8) 8) 8)

we are very similar!! I can see myself getting along with you!! :hug:

Funny you should say that cos I was gonna quote your first post and say 'Exactly the same as Laetitia' but I thought I'd post my own instead of copying :lol:
i think it took me a while to get my own identity back after i gave birth
coz i had to adjust from being party girl to mum but i have a good balance now and i know who i am again if you know what i mean!?

i love watersports and scuba (i used to work as an instructor)
rock/metal/punk/alternative music
tacky tv- reality and jezza kyle..lol
my 2 boys :-)
gossipy mags
Rock Music (esp. Alice Cooper)
Sci-Fi & Fantasy tv programmes
Table Top Roleplaying (although I don't do it much these days)
going to rock night clubs (again, I don't really get to go these days)
playing The Sims 2
Writing (working on a novel)
Surfing online

my kids are obvious :)
Xena said:
Table Top Roleplaying (although I don't do it much these days)

Is that the Games Workshop type stuff? I always walk past and see people playing. It intrigues me, looks like an interesting hobby, something you could really get in to.
Minxy said:
Xena said:
Table Top Roleplaying (although I don't do it much these days)

Is that the Games Workshop type stuff? I always walk past and see people playing. It intrigues me, looks like an interesting hobby, something you could really get in to.

nah games workhip is more like warhammer - little model figurines and so on.

table top roleplaying is where you sit around a table and verbally 'act' out scenes - you pretend to be a character and say things like "I'm going to walk into that pub over there' and then the leader (games master) says 'ok, you've walked into the pub, you see lots of people sitting quietly,' so then you say 'right I'm going to go and punch one of the people', and then the games master makes you roll a dice to determine whether or not you won the fight...

and so on.

It's like using your imagination to act...sort of.

Think Dungeons and Dragons - everybody has heard of that right? lol
What you're describing is what I imagined, glad I never went in GW now, battle re-enactments aren't my thing!

What a shame you don't get to do it as much now. These thing are so time consuming though aren't they? It's the same with my drama. I managed to do the Beowulf performances at the Middle-Earth festival this year but that was it :?

Still, we'll be very busy middle-agers when the kids are packed off to uni :wink:
obviously my children and OH
going out and meeting friends
motor racing (mainly F1 and motoGP)
rock music
learning to sew to make thigs for house and children
buying cloth nappies lol
Jen&James said:
LilysMummy said:
[quote="Jen&James":2l82hy98]2) water - love swimming, snorkling, boating (currently in process of buying a boat)

What kind of boat are you looking at gettin? Im not nosey honest :fib: :shhh:

We have seen a Rinker 270 that we are in love with. We live right by a canal so were going to go for one to put on that (Leeds - Liverpool canal) but now we have seen this one we think we are going to go with our original idea of putting it on the sea and moor it at Liverpool Marina.

What sort have you got?[/quote:2l82hy98]

This is my boat


We are on the Worcester & Birmingham Canal :cheer:
kazlin said:
Well apart from my little Dan man:

Making all sorts of things when I feel motivated.
Vampire LARP (Live Action Role Play) yes I act the part of a vampire.
New Age stuff, crystals. tarot etc.
Music, rock, goth rock, alternative and metal...also indie.
Reading when I get the chance, fantasy/horror/New Age/Pagan.
The Internet.

Can't think of anymore at the moment :)

How could I forget my two cats!!! :D

Ooo your just like me (apart from the role playing) :D
Well yes and no to Paganism, it does interest me but have never researched it or anything really so am a bit clueless about it TBH lol.

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