When I say promotions I would love to say it was promoting artists on the music side. Unfortunately the reality was promotions like organising the opening of a new Aldi, giving away a car at a local dealer or organising a school tour. I come up with the ideas, create a pitch and presentation for the sales team but sometimes end up in front of clients and sell it myself. Then I'd process the order, write the scripts, sometimes edit audio for the advert, create the online promotion to run alongside it, staff the event, book in whatever is needed to make it work (lighting, audio/visual, catering - could be anything!) health and safety risk assessments, book the presenters/promo crew/engineer/, create a briefing document for staff/presenters and finally half the time I'd present the thing myself on the mic down at the specific event.
At any one time I'd have 10 booked promotions like this running alongside one another and I'd be pitching out another 10 in the course of a week. It's so stressful keeping on top of everything and then come 4pm I'd run down to the studio to co-host the drivetime show every day. The marketing and PR for the station I'd end up working on at night or weekends but I constantly maintain the Facebook/twitter pages for the station - even now.
Ahh just typing that out makes me miss it a bit! (I must be mad).