What is Your Favourite/Least Favourite 'Job'

has to be playing with him when he giggles like hell and the whole being a mum thing is the best job! things i hate, well ky did his "annoying bedtime routine" today. had his bath so all clean in his jammies, refused his bottle :wall: got the hiccups (they take about 45mins to go so he wont sleep) :wall: , boffed all over his jammies :wall: then did a huge poo :wall: so had to basically re-do everything id just done. :roll: he always saves his smelliest poos, hiccups and boffs for bedtime
I love feeding from a full boob LMAO. Some might think I am mad but I love the "pain" that goes with it so yes... I like mornings when he has fed off one side more than the other in the night :rotfl:

Dont think there is anything I "hate".
Best part of the day is thinking stuff the dishes they can wait and getting loads of kisses and cuddles off my little girl

worst part of the day is facing the dishes :evil:
Its not a job but I know the best part of my day......

Waking up in the morning and listening to Luke laying there babbling away to himself. No matter how tired I am and how bad the night before was, I LOVE IT! It is soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Least favourite - Expressing, especially when i know ive got to make x amount or i cant go out that day/ next day

Favourite- Giving him a bath he loves it
best - the random cuddles and constant 'mummy mummy mummy' lol :lol:

worst - tidyin up after hes gone to bed, looks like a bombs hit my place :roll:
favourite playtime - he makes me laugh and i love his giggles

worst feeding time as its a battle wether solids or milk
Jade&Evie said:
My favourite part of the day has to be when Evie is having her bottle and she looks up and me and every now and then gives a coo or a squeak :D Makes me all mushy :D

My least favourite part is sterilising the bottles before I go to bed :evil: I'm always shattered when I do it and it's such a palava! :roll:

i love putting mine to bed :twisted:
i hate unloading the dishwasher
Worst is bathtime cos I'm so small I find it really difficult to hold and wash him, especially when he wants to turn, stand up, drink the water etc.
Best is mornings when OH and I are in bed and playing with James after his first bottle. I also share the nappies on the line fetish!
Most favourite is going into her in a morning...she's always so smiley, I love it!!! :cheer: :cheer:
Least favourite is trying to get her to sleep in the daytime she fights it but gets angry cos she is tired. :evil:

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