What is ths pain??


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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Never had it when I was pregnant with Tom but whenever I walk (I notice it most outside when pushing the buggy) I get sharp pains in my left hip towards my bum cheek which shoot down to my thigh. Sometimes it hurts so much to put weight on it I have to stop for a moment.

Does anyone know what this might be?

Ive been getting this too...like sciatica pain.Its fairly common in later pregnancy as the baby can be led on a nerve etc but havnt had it this early on in my previous pregnancies.
i had this a few weeks back and miss panicky dras here went straight to hospitial all was fine i did mention could the bubs be lying on a nerve and was told baby is still quite small to be doing that
i too never had this with my 1st and untill this day i still dont know what it was
oh the misteries of pregnancy :wall:
Sounds similar to the pain I am getting. I have had it since I was 6 weeks preggers. I was referred to the Womens Health Physio at the Maternity Ward as I have a problem with my sacrum (sp?) joint in my lower back which causes pain in my left cheek (not the one on my face!!). Basically, I already have a problem with lax joints but during pregnancy you produce the hormone Relaxin which makes your joints loosen up. Unfortunately mine are a little too loose now and it cause pain when I bend in a certain position or try to lift my left leg up (putting trousers on is a bit of a challenge).

I would suggest you ring your midwife up and see about getting referred to a Womens Health Physio. Don't see a normal physio though, you need to see someone that specialises in pregnant women as there are certain treatments you cannot have during pregnancy.

I started off having accupuncture but after 3 sessions they realised it wasn't working so I am now booked in for Hydrotherapy - hopefully that will ease it a little but unfortunately nothing will get rid of it until after the baby is born.

Sorry it's a long reply here but hopefully you can get something sorted that helps ease your pains.

Take care,
karen x

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