What is going on!?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I was feeling sick all day yesterday and then again this morning, I have not been sick just feel it. Also this morning I have sore boobs, usually I do get sore boobs but not until at least a week or less till af, she is due next thursday! How early can I test?x

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did hold out as long as you can hunny!!

but ppl on here are getting :bfp: from 10dpo so yuo never no.

if only an instant test was invented save all this waiting lol.

fx hun all sounds positive.
The average person should get a BFP at 12dpo, but it could be a couple of days before or a couple of days later :)
i'd try and wait till maybe the day after your due

only from the point that if you are pregnant and you test early unlike some women here you maybe part of the other side that hormone levels dont increase enough to give a positive result till a bit later on and it would be a shame for you to be so disappointed for a few weeks if its a false negative

also they maybe false symptoms, ive had these loads when i was trying, even to the point of beingg late but not being pregnant

good luck xx
Thanks for your replys girls. I will hold out slightly longer and keep a note of my symptoms, I hope my body isn't playing nasty tricks on me. Have a good day all x

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I would only ever test on the day AF is due because i got BFN's before that day, hold off as long as you can xxx
Got my BFP 9dpo! I am far to impatient! But tbh I wish I had waited till af cuz knwoing sooner makes time slower lol!! X
Its only to be a long old wait to see if af arrives! X

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