What is going back to work like?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hi all,

Probably a bit early to be thinking of this seeing as I haven't even left yet. What's it like when you go back to work, if you do decide to?

Have many people thought yeah i'm going back and then not or didn't want to but have had to go back, or thought they wanted to be SAHM and then actually wanted to go back?

I'm thinking at the moment i will have to go back unless OH gets more ££'s with his job. Hopefully just start back part time and see how it goes. Just don't really know how it'll be and if i wanna do what i'm doing now. I work in IT and pretty busy/stressful although i always made a rule to leave on time unless absolutely necessary so hours are ok, except i might like to see if i can shift my hours earlier as currently finish at 5:30 and get home about 6:30. I guess i'd miss out if i get back that late?

Do many of you work for yourselves, if so what doing. I'm not feeling very inspired by work at the mo!

Rambling alot i think, so bye now!! :wave:
Hard if I'm honest, Harry is with me 4 days a week as I can work from home and 1 day a week he goes to nursery. I'm on my 4th week back and he's already had a tummy upset and now a cold. I'm knackered all the time but then I have two and not one!
I had my first official day back today :( although I have done a few of those back to work days.

I have just went back part time though and OH is doing 1 day childcare through flexihours and MIL doing other so luckily no nursery required.

It wasn't too bad though......
I am returning to work fullt time in January :(
Really didnt want to go back full time but we need the money so full time is my only option ata the moment.
I am dreading it to be honest, i dont want to leave my baby. Me and OH are looking round now at nurseries but we do have a childminder we can use, but havent decided yet.

She will be in nursery four days a week as i work one day of a weekend and have a day off in the week.
I went back to work when Ellie was 5months old. My original plan was to go back on 4 days a week, but when it came closer to it, and Ellie wasn't taking the bottle well / at all! I felt I couldn't do full days, so I reduced my hours to 26hrs over 4 days. This let me drop Ellie of at nursery at 8am get to work for 8:30, take a 30min lunch, and then leave work at 3:30 pick her up at a bit fore 4pm. This worked nicely to start with. I would then express at work 10:30 and 13:30 and feed her when I got home. She then only needed 2 bottles at nursery which she gradually took more and more from as she got used to it. Since then I have gradually increased my hours, and I am currently on 34.5. 5 days, 7hrs Mon-Thurs and 6.5hrs Fri. When we move house I will be able to share nursery drop-offs and pickups with hubby and I can go back full time.

It was very hard leaving her, especially as she wasn't taking the bottle well, but she loved it at nursery, and by the third day she was giving them the loviest smiles and grins when I dropped her off. It was nice to have some "me" time, and although I have a small team working for me the demand on me is so much less than when I am with Ellie. It is the little things like being able to go to the toilet on your own!
I went back to work 4 days a week when Jacob was 6 months old. I was so dreading leaving him, so much that the later part of my mat leave was spoiled thinking about it! I can honestly say that the thinking about it is worse than the doing. It took me about a week back at work to get in the swing of things. The best part of the day is coming home to your LO who is so pleased to see you!!!


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