What have you spent?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Got a shopping list thing with the babies R us catalogue and found it quite interesting totting things up...

First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £
Changing Mat - £
Baby Monitor - £
Dresser - £
Cot/Cotbed - £
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £
Flannelette sheets - £
4 Cot Blankets - £
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £
Nappy Stacker - £
COt Mobile - £
Night Light - £
Room Thermometer - £

Baby Bath - £
Bath Support - £
Top & Tail Bowl - £
Nursery Box - £
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £
3 Wash Cloths - £
Nail Scissors - £
Brush & Comb - £
Nappy Bin - £
Nappy Sacks - £
Sponges -
Baby Shampoo - £
Baby Lotion - £
Baby Moisturiser - £

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £
Highchair - £
Bumbo - £
Breast Pump - £
4 Bottles & Teats - £
Bottle Brush - £
Support Pillow - £
Steriliser - £
Bottle Warmer - £
Dishwasher Basket - £

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £
Calpol - £
Sterilising Tabs - £
Nappy Cream - £
Calgel - £
Gripe Water - £

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £
Top & Trouser Set - £
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £
Jacket (hooded) - £
3 Cardigans - £
Hat & Mitts - £
Padders or Pram Shoes - £
Socks or Tights - £

High or Low Swing - £
Rocker Chair - £
Baby Walker - £
Baby Entertainer - £
Baby Gym - £
Door Bouncer - £
Interactive Books - £
CD's and DVD's - £

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £
Bath Thermometer - £
Safety Film (for glass) - £
Socket Plugs - £
Fire Guard - £
Appliance Locks - £
Safety Gates - £

Car Seat - £
Pushchair - £
Baby Carrier/Sling - £
Changing Bag - £
Footmuff - £
Canopy or PArasol - £
Raincover - £
Travel Cot & Mattress - £
Head Support Cushion - £
Safety Harness - £

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £
Slippers & Socks - £
Nightdress - £
Toiletries - £
Watch with a second hand - £
Massage Oils/Lotions - £
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £
Magazines - £
Puzzle Books/Games - £
Personal Stereo - £
Tens Machine - £
Support Pillows - £

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £
Camera - £
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £
Newborn Nappies - £
Newborn Bodysuits - £
Newborn Sleepsuits - £
Cotton Wool - £
Tissues - £
Baby Wipes - £
Muslin Cloths - £
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £
Hat - £
Going Home Outfit - £

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £
Breast Pads - £
Disposable Briefs - £
Sanitary Towels - £
Front Opening Nightdress - £
Dark Coloured Towel - £
Notepad & Pen - £
Going Home Outfit - £

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ ##-##p
I think we've spent just over £1000. Considering the travel system alone was £375 I don't think we've done too bad.
We bought everything new apart from the cot and highchair and the moses basket was given to us (bought a new mattress for it)
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £35
Changing Mat - £8
Baby Monitor - £ haven't found one yet that I like. Will spend about £60
Dresser - £0 don't think I need one
Cot/Cotbed - £0 - still have DD's
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £0 - still have DD's
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £0 - don't think I need these
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £0 - still have DD's
Flannelette sheets - £10
4 Cot Blankets - £15
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £ will get these when baby is a bit older
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £10
Nappy Stacker - £0 - think these are a waste of time
Cot Mobile - £0 - will get one later if I see one I like!
Night Light - £4
Room Thermometer - £0 - don't think I need one

Baby Bath - £0 - don't think I need one
Bath Support - £0 - still have DD's
Top & Tail Bowl - £0 - don't think I need one
Nursery Box - £0 - again, don't think I need one
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £ (have 3) 12
3 Wash Cloths - £0 - don't think I need these yet
Nail Scissors - £0 - have DD's
Brush & Comb - £1.19 (from boots yesterday :lol: )
Nappy Bin - £0 - don't think I need one
Nappy Sacks - £3
Sponges - £4
Baby Shampoo - £0 - won't need any till bubs is a bit older
Baby Lotion - £0 - (ditto above)
Baby Moisturiser - £0 - (ditto above)

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £9
Highchair - £0 - still have DD's (if it's a boy it'll have a pink highchair!)
Bumbo - £0 - as above but lilac bumbo!
Breast Pump - £25
4 Bottles & Teats - £25
Bottle Brush - £1 (from pound shop LOL )
Support Pillow - £25
Steriliser - £0 - still have DD's
Bottle Warmer - £0 - won't need one hopefully
Dishwasher Basket - £0 - don't have a dishwasher!

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £ still need to get one - about £30
Calpol - £0 - have DD's
Sterilising Tabs - £ :think: not sure why I need these in my medical kit...
Nappy Cream - £0 - have DD's
Calgel - £0 - will get as and when
Gripe Water - £0 - as above

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £
Top & Trouser Set - £
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £
Jacket (hooded) - £
3 Cardigans - £
Hat & Mitts - £
Padders or Pram Shoes - £
Socks or Tights - £

Scrap that - have spend about £50 so far on unisex 0-3 month clothes

High or Low Swing - £ ?? not getting one
Rocker Chair - £0 will get one later - about £70
Baby Walker - £0 - will get one later!
Baby Entertainer - £0 - have a toddler to do this job
Baby Gym - £0 - will get one when baby is here - about £30
Door Bouncer - £0 - can't be bothered with these
Interactive Books - £0 for now!
CD's and DVD's - £0 - again for now!

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £0 - have DD's
Bath Thermometer - £0 - didn't have one with DD, elbow did the trick
Safety Film (for glass) - £ :think: what exactly is my newborn going to be up to!!! :shock:
Socket Plugs - £0 - already have some thanks to DD!
Fire Guard - £0 - don't have a fire
Appliance Locks - £0 - already have thanks to DD
Safety Gates - £0 - already have thanks to DD

Car Seat - £0 - still have DD's
Pushchair - £300
Baby Carrier/Sling - £30
Changing Bag - £5 - just to store nappies in at home
Footmuff - £0 - will get when we find out Green Bean's flavour
Canopy or Parasol - £ ditto above
Raincover - £0 - came with pushchair
Travel Cot & Mattress - £0 -still have DD's
Head Support Cushion - £0 - don't think we need one
Safety Harness - £0 - have DD's

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £10
Slippers & Socks - £10
Nightdress - £15
Toiletries - £0 - just taking what I can grab from bathroom
Watch with a second hand - £0 - already own one!!
Massage Oils/Lotions - £0 - can't be arsed frankly
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £0 - ditto above
Magazines - £5
Puzzle Books/Games - £5
Personal Stereo - £0 have my ipod somewhere...
Tens Machine - £0 - they scare me
Support Pillows - £0 (have my Widgey Pillow)

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £ LOL - he already owns clothes!
Camera - £0 - it's around here somewhere
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £0 - shouldn't need these
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £ have phone card somewhere - hopefully not needed as hoping to be at home

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £10
Newborn Nappies - £10
Newborn Bodysuits - £5
Newborn Sleepsuits - £10
Cotton Wool - £0 - not bothering
Tissues - £5
Baby Wipes - £ about £20 have stocked up
Muslin Cloths - £0 - not bothering
Booties, Scratch Mitts & Hat - £7.50
Going Home Outfit - £10

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £15
Breast Pads - £25
Disposable Briefs - £10 (lots of cheap pants from Tesco)
Sanitary Towels - £30 (got tonnes!!)
Front Opening Nightdress - £ - already added to Birth Plan Bit
Dark Coloured Towel - £0 - already own some
Notepad & Pen - £0... not sure why I need this
Going Home Outfit - £0 - I do own clothes...

GRAND TOTAL ....... £761.69p(approx! and not including what I still have to buy)
We have spent nearly £2000!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I have to say we are very lucky though, we were given £1000 from OH's parents and £1000 from mine, so we haven't broke our bank yet. Luckily I think we are pretty much prepared now!
First Priorities

Moses Basket or Crib - £30
Changing Mat - £5
Baby Monitor - £0 - not buying
Dresser - £0 - dont need floor is fine for me :)
Cot/Cotbed - £0 - been given it
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £0 - been given it (new)
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £0 - been given it
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £5
Flannelette sheets - £5
4 Cot Blankets - £0 - been given it
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £0 - not using
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £10
Nappy Stacker - £0 - dont need
COt Mobile - £0 - dont need
Night Light - £0 - dont need
Room Thermometer - £3

Baby Bath - £0 - brought for us
Bath Support - £0
Top & Tail Bowl - £1 - cheapy wilko's lol
Nursery Box - £0 - brought for us
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £6
3 Wash Cloths - £0 - came with towels
Nail Scissors - £0 - came in first aid set
Brush & Comb - £0 - came in set
Nappy Bin - £7
Nappy Sacks - £1
Sponges - 0
Baby Shampoo - £0 - came in a box brought for us
Baby Lotion - £0 -came in a box brought for us
Baby Moisturiser - £0 - came in a box brought for us

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £0 - brought for us
Highchair - £0
Bumbo - £0
Breast Pump - £0
4 Bottles & Teats - £20
Bottle Brush - £0 - came with steriliser
Support Pillow - £0
Steriliser - £0 - brought for us
Bottle Warmer - £0 - not using hot water does the job
Dishwasher Basket - £0

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £0 - came in the first aid kit
Calpol - £3
Sterilising Tabs - £2
Nappy Cream - £0
Calgel - £0
Gripe Water - £0
first aid kits with everything in - 15

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £10
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £10
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £10
Top & Trouser Set - £10
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £0
Jacket (hooded) - £5
3 Cardigans - £10
Hat & Mitts - £10
Padders or Pram Shoes - £30 - went a little mad on trainers
Socks or Tights - £5

Entertainment - Dont need most of this
High or Low Swing - £0
Rocker Chair - £0
Baby Walker - £0
Baby Entertainer - £0
Baby Gym - £0
Door Bouncer - £0
Interactive Books - £5
CD's and DVD's - £0
normal baby soft toys- 10

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £0
Bath Thermometer - £2
Safety Film (for glass) - £0
Socket Plugs - £0
Fire Guard - £0
Appliance Locks - £0
Safety Gates - £0

Car Seat - £0 - given to us
Pushchair - £325
Baby Carrier/Sling - £0
Changing Bag - £5
Footmuff - £0 came with pram
Canopy or Parasol - £0 came with pram
Raincover - £0 - came with pram
Travel Cot & Mattress - £0
Head Support Cushion - £0
Safety Harness - £0

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £0 -got already
Slippers & Socks - £0 - got already
Nightdress - £0 - got already
Toiletries - £5 - got sample ones
Watch with a second hand - £0
Massage Oils/Lotions - £0
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £0
Magazines - £0
Puzzle Books/Games - £2
Personal Stereo - £0
Tens Machine - £0
Support Pillows - £0

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £0 - got already
Camera - £4
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £0
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £10

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £5
Newborn Nappies - £10
Newborn Bodysuits - £10
Newborn Sleepsuits - £10
Cotton Wool - £5
Tissues - £2
Baby Wipes - £5
Muslin Cloths - £10
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £5
Hat - £1
Going Home Outfit - £5

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £0
Breast Pads - £5
Disposable Briefs - £5
Sanitary Towels - £10
Front Opening Nightdress - £0
Dark Coloured Towel - £2
Notepad & Pen - £0
Going Home Outfit - £0

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ 671
doesnt seem like much but we were given loads and that doesnt include all my cloth nappies and fabric i have brought to make loads of baby stuff with plus wasnt exactly sure on prices of things so guessed mostly and brought loads that wasnt on the lists think mine would more ikley be around the 800 mark
not too bad i think
manda xx
well ive had 4 private scans so that alone adds up to over £400!!
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £24 for mattress (basket given to us)
Changing Mat - £8
Baby Monitor - £79
Cot/Cotbed - £40 second hand mamas and papas (still have to buy mattress for it)
Bedding bundle-£30
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £50
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £7
Cot Mobile - £0 -hoping someone will buy this
Room Thermometer - £0 - baby monitor has one
Nursery Box - £10 with johnssons toiletries in
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £12
Case with toothbrush/nail scissors/brush etc- £5
Nappy Sacks - £5 for huge box

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - hoping someone else will buy as gift
Highchair - £15 second hand (mamas and papas)
Breast Pump - £28
4 Bottles-£15
therma bag for bottles-£10
Feeding starter set (including seriliser, bottlewarmer, bottles etc)-£80
formula £10

Medical Basics
Sudocream £5

Bibs £5
9 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £ 10
14 sleepsuits - £ 10
2 cardi's- £7
Jacket (hooded) - £ 7
2 snowsuits given to me, plus one from James
Hat & Mitts - £ 5


Baby Gym - £0 -In laws are buying
Will buy more toys once baby is here

Will buy gates, fireguard etc once babys older

Travel system with bag, raincover, cosytoe-£375
Changing Bag - £10
carseat Raincover - £20
Safety Harness - £0 - have Oh's old one we also used for james :lol:

Birth Plan
Just using old nightdress, dressing gown slippers etc. luckily I own more than one of each!
Toiletries - £0 - just taking what I can grab from bathroom
Tens Machine - £0 -birth unit lending me

For Baby
Newborn Nappies - £10
Cotton Wool - £3
Baby Wipes - £5 will buy more later
Muslin Cloths - £5

After Birth
Nursing Bras - still to buy!
nipple cream- £10
Breast Pads - £5
Disposable Briefs - £5
nipple shields-£5
maternity towels £20
Sanitary Towels - went to costco and stocked up prior to bfp!
Front Opening Nightdress - £ - already have from last time
Going Home Outfit - £10 for 2 pairs of jogging bottoms

raspberry leaf and fenugreek capsules £15

4d scan £110 for xmas pressie (my parents paid remaining £80 for my xmas pressie)

GRAND TOTAL .......£1095
GRAND TOTAL ....... £1065.00p

Had lots given and also not buying everything on the list.

Been given the following:
cot, moses basket, baby bath, bouncer, breastfeeding pillow, toys, im sure theres more but cant think!

Spend quite a bit on actually decorating the room though including new carpet. I also bought a car as I didnt have one so if you add those on the grand total would be approximately £4500.
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £ 0 was given both
Changing Mat - £ 0 - Mum brought
Baby Monitor - £ 0 - from freecycle
Dresser - £ 0
Cot/Cotbed - £ 0 - Grandad brought
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £ 100 - had to buy cot and custom made crib mattress
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £ 60
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £ 0 Mum brought
Flannelette sheets - £ 0 - Mum brought
4 Cot Blankets - £ 0 - Mum brought
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £ 15 - I got one
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £ 0 - Mum again
Nappy Stacker - £ 0 - havent got one
COt Mobile - £ 0 - Dad brought
Night Light - £ 0
Room Thermometer - £ 20 Grobag Egg - doubles as a nightlight

Baby Bath - £ 0 - Mum brought
Bath Support - £ 0 - dont have one
Top & Tail Bowl - £ 0 - Mum brought
Nursery Box - £ 0 dont have one
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £ 0 Mum brought
3 Wash Cloths - £ 0 Mum brought
Nail Scissors - £ 0 - already have baby ones
Brush & Comb - £ 0 - havent got these yet
Nappy Bin - £ 0 - dont have one, waste of money
Nappy Sacks - £ 1
Sponges - £1 for 4 Ramer Sponges in the sale W000t I love sponges
Baby Shampoo - £ see below
Baby Lotion - £ see below
Baby Moisturiser - £ 25 all baby shampoo, bath stuff, talc etc etc

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £ 0 - from freecycle
Highchair - £ 0 - dont have one yet
Bumbo - £ 0 dont have one
Breast Pump - £ 33 for the Medala mini electric and Avent Isis bith in Sale brand new BARGAIN!!!!
4 Bottles & Teats - £ 15
Bottle Brush - £ 2
Support Pillow - £ 10 on extra normal pillows
Steriliser - £ 25
Bottle Warmer - £ 0 free in the end from ebay
Dishwasher Basket - £ 0 - I wish

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £ 0 already own
Calpol - £ 0 - not needed just yet
Sterilising Tabs - £ 0 - free with cold water steriliser
Nappy Cream - £ 6
Calgel - £ 0
Gripe Water - £ 2

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £ ??
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £ ??
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £ ??
Top & Trouser Set - £ ??
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £ ??
Jacket (hooded) - £ ??
3 Cardigans - £ 0 - Nan knitted
Hat & Mitts - £ ??
Padders or Pram Shoes - £ 0 - all shoews free from SIL landlady! 10 pairs of brand new designer trainers and baby shoes/slippers
Socks or Tights - £ 25 Oh dear...they are nice though!!
Clothes in general - £200+ - starting from newborn up to about 9 months, was given lots too.

High or Low Swing - £ 0 - havent got one
Rocker Chair - £ 0 - havent got one
Baby Walker - £ 0 - havent got one
Baby Entertainer - £ 0 - havent got one...Im free!!
Baby Gym - £ 0 - Havent got one
Door Bouncer - £ 0 - havent got one
Interactive Books - £ 0 - havent got one
CD's and DVD's - £ 0 - for a newborn?!

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £ 0 - not got yet
Bath Thermometer - £ 3
Safety Film (for glass) - £ 0
Socket Plugs - £ 1.50
Fire Guard - £ 0 - dont need
Appliance Locks - £ 0 dont need yet
Safety Gates - £ 0 probably get given

Car Seat - £ 0 came with pram
Pushchair - £ 0 - Mum and Dad brought
Baby Carrier/Sling - £ 0
Changing Bag - £ 25
Footmuff - £ 0 came with pram
Canopy or PArasol - £ 0 Mum brought
Raincover - £ 0 came with pram
Travel Cot & Mattress - £ 0
Head Support Cushion - £ 15
Safety Harness - £ 0

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £ 5
Slippers & Socks - £ 0 I own loads already
Nightdress - £ 20 on PJ's
Toiletries - £ 30 for the full works
Watch with a second hand - £ 0
Massage Oils/Lotions - £ 0
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £ 2
Magazines - £ 0
Puzzle Books/Games - £ 0
Personal Stereo - £ 0
Tens Machine - £ 0
Support Pillows - £ 0

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £ 0
Camera - £ 0
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £ 0
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £ 0

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £ 0 had as a present
Newborn Nappies - £ 30 so far..all on offer and with money off vouchers so got quite a few!!
Newborn Bodysuits - £
Newborn Sleepsuits - £
Cotton Wool - £ 2
Tissues - £ 0
Baby Wipes - £ 2
Muslin Cloths - £ 0 I have some gorgeous Winnie Pooh ones for my Easter Present
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £ 0 - in general clothes
Hat - £ 0
Going Home Outfit - £ 0 Mum brought

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £ 0 - I refuse to buy them
Breast Pads - £ 10
Disposable Briefs - £ 10
Sanitary Towels - £ 10
Front Opening Nightdress - £ 0
Dark Coloured Towel - £ 15
Notepad & Pen - £ 0
Going Home Outfit - £ 0

Raspberry Leaf Tea- £10...Im loving the stuff
Icepoles & Sponges ( Cravings) - £30 maybe more?
Birthball - £7
Hospital Bag for me & bubs - £40
Arnica - £7
Maternity Clothes - £100
Bras - £40
Flat Shoes ( I only owned heels) £20

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ 974.50 that we have spent

We have been brought most of the baby stuff. I asked for baby things for Christmas and Easter too. If I add together what the complete total is its...its easily another £1k
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £ 70
Changing Mat - £ 8
Baby Monitor - £ Not got yet
Dresser - £ not having one
Cot/Cotbed - £ 300 as part of a set
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £ included in set
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £ not getting yet
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £ 8
Flannelette sheets - £ 5
4 Cot Blankets - £ 10
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £ not got
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £ 35
Nappy Stacker - £ not getting
COt Mobile - £ 20
Night Light - £ not getting
Room Thermometer - £ not got yet
Curtains - £33

Baby Bath - £ 8
Bath Support - £ not getting
Top & Tail Bowl - £ not getting
Nursery Box - £ 8
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £ 11 for 3
3 Wash Cloths - £ not got yet
Nail Scissors - £ not got yet
Brush & Comb - £ not got yet
Nappy Bin - £ not getting
Nappy Sacks - £ 1
Sponges - £ not got yet
Baby Shampoo - £ being bought as a present
Baby Lotion - £ being bought as a present
Baby Moisturiser - £ being bought as a present

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £ 15
Highchair - £ not getting yet
Bumbo - £ Dont no what this is!! :rotfl:
Breast Pump - £ 15 (electric)
4 Bottles & Teats - £ given to me by pilkers :hug:
Bottle Brush - £ not got yet
Support Pillow - £ not got
Steriliser - £ given to me
Bottle Warmer - £ not getting
Dishwasher Basket - £ not getting

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £
Calpol - £
Sterilising Tabs - £
Nappy Cream - £
Calgel - £
Gripe Water - £ have none of this

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £ 10
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £ 10
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £ 15
Top & Trouser Set - £ 10
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £ not getting
Jacket (hooded) - £ not getting
3 Cardigans - £ handmade by my nanna
Hat & Mitts - £ 3
Padders or Pram Shoes - £ not getting
Socks or Tights - £ 5

High or Low Swing - £ not got
Rocker Chair - £ not got
Baby Walker - £ not got
Baby Entertainer - £ not got
Baby Gym - £ will be bought as a gift
Door Bouncer - £ not having
Interactive Books - £ its NEWBORN!!!!
CD's and DVD's - £ :?

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £ not getting
Bath Thermometer - £ not got
Safety Film (for glass) - £ :?
Socket Plugs - £ not needed yet
Fire Guard - £ not getting
Appliance Locks - £ not got
Safety Gates - £ not needed yet!!!

Car Seat - £ below
Pushchair - £ 100 including car seat (brand new :D )
Baby Carrier/Sling - £ not got yet
Changing Bag - £ 15
Footmuff - £ included with pram
Canopy or PArasol - £ not got yet
Raincover - £ included with pram
Travel Cot & Mattress - £ being bought as a present
Head Support Cushion - £ 0
Safety Harness - £ 0

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £ not getting
Slippers & Socks - £ 5
Nightdress - £ 5
Toiletries - £ take what i have
Watch with a second hand - £ not even going there
Massage Oils/Lotions - £ no
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £ no
Magazines - £ will i really have time?
Puzzle Books/Games - £
Personal Stereo - £ got my IPOD
Tens Machine - £ not having
Support Pillows - £

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £
Camera - £
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £ 5
Newborn Nappies - £ 10
Newborn Bodysuits - £ listed above
Newborn Sleepsuits - £ listed above
Cotton Wool - £ no
Tissues - £ no
Baby Wipes - £ 8
Muslin Cloths - £ not getting
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £ 5
Hat - £ 3
Going Home Outfit - £ 5

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £ got to get
Breast Pads - £ got to get
Disposable Briefs - £ got to get
Sanitary Towels - £ got to get
Front Opening Nightdress - £ not getting
Dark Coloured Towel - £ got
Notepad & Pen - £ why
Going Home Outfit - £ :?

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ 756
With more to spend and got a deal on the travel system.

Still have to buy everything medical and for hospital bag carpet for nursery also.
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £0 Kens parents bought this for us
Changing Mat - £7
Baby Monitor - £40
Dresser - £not got yet
Cot/Cotbed - £not got yet
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £not got yet
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £40
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £15
Flannelette sheets - £10
4 Cot Blankets - £25
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £25
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £0 Kens parents bought this for us
Nappy Stacker - £7
COt Mobile - £20
Night Light - £0
Room Thermometer - £5
Baby Bath - £2.50
Bath Support - £0
Top & Tail Bowl - £2
Nursery Box - £20
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £10
3 Wash Cloths - £5
Nail Scissors - £1
Brush & Comb - £1
Nappy Bin - £25
Nappy Sacks - £1
Sponges -
Baby Shampoo - £10 got loads when on offer
Baby Lotion - £20 as above
Baby Moisturiser - £20 as above

Feeding Time
Bouncing Cradle - £40
Highchair - £not got yet
Bumbo - £
Breast Pump - £0
4 Bottles & Teats - £10
Bottle Brush - £2
Support Pillow - £10
Steriliser - £25
Bottle Warmer - £15
Dishwasher Basket - £5

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £7
Calpol - £2
Sterilising Tabs - £2
Nappy Cream - £10 got a couple of tubs
Calgel - £2
Gripe Water - £6 got a few bottles

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £30
6 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £30
6 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £30
Top & Trouser Set - £15
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £20
Jacket (hooded) - £20
3 Cardigans - £0Nan knitted loads
Hat & Mitts - £15
Padders or Pram Shoes - £20
Socks or Tights - £6

High or Low Swing - £0
Rocker Chair - £40
Baby Walker - £0
Baby Entertainer - £30
Baby Gym - £40
Door Bouncer - £0
Interactive Books - £0
CD's and DVD's - £30

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £0
Bath Thermometer - £3
Safety Film (for glass) - £0
Socket Plugs - £2
Fire Guard - £0
Appliance Locks - £5
Safety Gates - £0

Car Seat - £80
Pushchair - £0 my parents bought
Baby Carrier/Sling - £25
Changing Bag - £15
Footmuff - £0 came with pram
Canopy or PArasol - £0
Raincover - £0 came with pram
Travel Cot & Mattress - £0
Head Support Cushion - £0
Safety Harness - £0

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £0 already had a spare
Slippers & Socks - £2
Nightdress - £4
Toiletries - £15
Watch with a second hand - £0
Massage Oils/Lotions - £5
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £2
Magazines - £0
Puzzle Books/Games - £0
Personal Stereo - £0 got an ipod
Tens Machine - £25
Support Pillows - £10

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £0
Camera - £500 - he insisted he needed it :roll:
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £5
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £

For Baby
Baby Blanket - £10
Newborn Nappies - £30 bought a few packs
Newborn Bodysuits - £20
Newborn Sleepsuits - £25
Cotton Wool - £1
Tissues - £1
Baby Wipes - £15 bought loads
Muslin Cloths - £3
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £10 bought a few
Hat - £10 bought a few
Going Home Outfit - £30 bought a couple

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £0
Breast Pads - £5
Disposable Briefs - £5
Sanitary Towels - £5
Front Opening Nightdress - £5
Dark Coloured Towel - £5
Notepad & Pen - £
Going Home Outfit - £

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ ##-##p

will add it up later!! :rotfl:
First Priorities
Moses Basket or Crib - £ 0
Changing Mat - £ 0
Baby Monitor - £ 0
Dresser - £ 0
Cot/Cotbed - £ 0 using Oliver old one and got brought another
Cot/Cotbed Mattress - £ 0
Cot Quilt and Bumper - £ 0 using Olivers old ones
4 Fitted Cot Sheets - £ 7
Flannelette sheets - £ 0
4 Cot Blankets - £ 6
2 Baby Sleeping Bags - £ 0
Moses Basket/Crib Bedding - £ 0
Nappy Stacker - £ 0
COt Mobile - £ 0
Night Light - £ 0
Room Thermometer - £ 0

Baby Bath - £ 0
Bath Support - £0
Top & Tail Bowl - £0
Nursery Box - £ 0
2 Hooded Bath Towels - £ 6
3 Wash Cloths - £ 0
Nail Scissors - £ 0
Brush & Comb - £0
Nappy Bin - £ 0
Nappy Sacks - £0.50p
Sponges - 0
Baby Shampoo - £0 they can use Olivers johnsons shampoo
Baby Lotion - £ 0
Baby Moisturiser - £0

Feeding Time
2 Bouncing Cradle - £ 20
Highchair - £ 0
Bumbo - £ 0
Breast Pump - £ 0
4 Bottles & Teats - £ 60 for 16bottles
Bottle Brush - £ 0 came with steriliser
Support Pillow - £ 0
Steriliser - £ 10
Bottle Warmer - £0
Dishwasher Basket - £ 0

Medical Basics
Thermometer - £ 0
Calpol - £ 0 already have some
Sterilising Tabs - £ 0
Nappy Cream - £ 0
Calgel - £ 0
Gripe Water - £ 0

6 Sleeveless Bodysuits - £ 0
12 Short Sleeve Bodysuits - £ 14
12 Long Sleeve Bodysuits - £ 24
Top & Trouser Set - £ 0
Dungaree or Pinafore Set - £0
Jacket (hooded) - £ yet to buy
6 Cardigans - £ 20
Hat & Mitts - £ 0
Padders or Pram Shoes - £ 0
Socks or Tights - £ 10

High or Low Swing - £ 0
Rocker Chair - £ 0
Baby Walker - £ 0
Baby Entertainer - £ 0
Baby Gym - £ 0
Door Bouncer - £ 0
Interactive Books - £ 0
CD's and DVD's - £ 0

Non-Slip Bath Mats - £ 0
Bath Thermometer - £ 0
Safety Film (for glass) - £ 0
Socket Plugs - £ 0
Fire Guard - £ 0
Appliance Locks - £ 0
Safety Gates - £ 0

2 Car Seats - £ 54
Pushchair - £ 87
Baby Carrier/Sling - £ 0
Changing Bag - £ yet to buy
Footmuff - £ 0
Canopy or PArasol - £ 0
Raincover - £ 0
Travel Cot & Mattress - £ 0
Head Support Cushion - £ 0
Safety Harness - £ 0

Birth Plan
Birth Plan - £ free I presume!!
Dressing Gown - £ 0
Slippers & Socks - £ 4
Nightdress - £ 7
Toiletries - £ 15
Watch with a second hand - £ 0
Massage Oils/Lotions - £ 0
Bath Oils/ Moisturiser - £ 0
Magazines - £ 0
Puzzle Books/Games - £ 0
Personal Stereo - £ 0
Tens Machine - £ 0
Support Pillows - £ 0

Birth Partner
Change of Clothes - £ 0
Camera - £ 0
Film, Tape, Batteries etc - £ 0
Phone Numbers - £ free I presume!
Change for Hospital Phone - £ 0

For Baby
2 Baby Blanket - £ 6
Newborn Nappies - £ 6 2PACKS
2 Newborn Bodysuits - £ 7
2 Newborn Sleepsuits - £ 12
Cotton Wool - £ 0
Tissues - £ 0
Baby Wipes - £ 2.49
Muslin Cloths - £ 0
Booties, Scratch Mitts - £ 6
Hat - £ 0
2 Going Home Outfit - £ 36

After Birth
Nursing Bras - £ 0
Breast Pads - £ 2.49
Disposable Briefs - £ 0
Sanitary Towels - £ 10
Front Opening Nightdress - £ 0
Dark Coloured Towel - £ 0 got some for mothers day
Notepad & Pen - £ 0
Going Home Outfit - £ 0

GRAND TOTAL ....... £ 433.98p

If you include the bigger car we have had to buy(875) the total would be

On this baby...

Erm....I have bought one pack of nappies, £6 a double buggy off ebay £32
A Next outfit £10

That's it so far, but we have EVERYTHING already :oops:
as i have my stuff from my toddler my biggest spend was for my double buggy. i also got a bargain on that it was 169.99 from 210 then got a promo code of this site and saved another 15 :D . this has been my biggest out lay. m went to boots when they had 50% off sale and used my advantage card to buy £30 worth which were orig £60. this pg has been bargain hunting as not working at mo. it has provved u can do it on a budget. buying for my lauren easily spent 1500. :shock:

marie x

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