What have I let myself in for? **TMI warning** UPDATE


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
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So... 11.30pm last night I get these AGONISING tummy pains that make me cry... just pain....

I go to the toilet and have the worst "loose bowl movement" I have ever had.... hurts sooooooo bad i'm doubled over during.... after 20 mins of passing some major organs i turn to flush the toilet and radomly start projectile vomitting!!!

I didn't even know I was going to be sick..... after 10 mins of CONSTANT sick the tummy pains start again.

Go to bed with uber strong painkillers and sleep for6 hours.... longest i have slept in one session for weeks!!!

Then get up today and feel like I can't walk!!! So weak and feels like i'm weeing a tennis ball or something all the time.

Dull pains now in my lower tummy like SEVERE period pains.

After talking to my mum she says "might be the start" ..... you know what I soooooooooo do not want to go into labour now! What have I let myself in for??? I hate pain!!! I know I'm being pathetic but I was so scared last night!

I am now joining the to posh to push team..... just cut her out.... I sooooooo do not want labour!! It will be worth it in the end but I have a funny feeling I will think otherwise during!!!!!


**** No baby and no more of any of this!! I was hoping she'd hold on until after tomorrow at least - celebrate my birthday baby free but knowing my luck i will go into 24 hour labour at midnight tonight haha.... and yes there is nothing worse than the thought of pooing in front ofpeople hahaha... thanks for the replies x x x x x****
Dont want to scare you, but my labour started with diorrhea !!
Does sound like the beginning to be honest..!! But it's worth it :D and for months afterwards when your OH is all bravado you can say pah, you think you're macho, I had a baby. It's the best comeback ever :D

good luck xx
LOL.. bless ya.. fingers crossed this is the start and you are that little bit closer to meeting your LO!!

Claire x
Sounds like its starting!!!!!!!
At least you have everything out now and have got a bit of sleep under your belt to keep you going. Good luck!
andreag said:
Sounds like its starting!!!!!!!
At least you have everything out now and have got a bit of sleep under your belt to keep you going. Good luck!

Lol everythings out now! :rotfl: sorry that made me giggle! at least u dont have to worry about pooing during pushing lol!

and yes its good u got a decent sleep! i was up all night and went into labour with waters breaking at 6am lol a while l8r, pushed for an hour and out she was at 7:10pm lol i was shattered!!! was in bed for 2weeks recovering from the energy loss!!

keep up your fluids though having the poops makes u dehydrated and thats one thing u dont want!

hope all goes well, dont worry about the pain etc its all worth it in the end, and yes u can use the 'ive had a baby' thing when they get ''man-flu'' lol
take care! xx
Jayceesmumma said:
at least u dont have to worry about pooing during pushing lol!

I'm really worried about doing that!!!

Good luck xx
kmac said:
Jayceesmumma said:
at least u dont have to worry about pooing during pushing lol!

I'm really worried about doing that!!!

Good luck xx

seriously, when it comes to the time to push, you really dont care if u do or not lol!! they dont tell you anyway.. unless u see or wanna know lol! with j the cord was round her neck so she was like a bungee and it took an hour for me to get her head out.. and with e, i remembered how long it took for j so i gave it 3 huge pushes, i actually thought to myself ''i dont care if this rips me in half, shes out NOW!!'' lol!
I was on the loo for 3 weeks before labour even started. :(

Good luck, sounds like it's going to be soon :dance:

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