What have I done


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Oct 20, 2008
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Hi I have just found out that I am pregnant today. On Friday I went out with the girls and had a good bottle of wine to myself. Before I went i took a pregnancy test to be sure that it was OK to have a few and it was negative. However 2 tests today said that I am pregnant I am now really worried that I have casued some damage. what should I do?
Firstly - don't worry. Plenty of people carry on drinking before they know they're pregnant - and even when they do. When you go and see your GP, tell him/her your concerns, and they can put your mind at rest. I doubt it's anything to worry about, but it's totally natural to fret over every little thing!

Congrats on your BFP!
firstly CONGRATULATIONS !!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

things to do .... make a docs appointment, they'll sort you out with a mid wife and some folic acid (very important) dont drink anymore alcohol (i bet you'd worked that one out lol)

and secondly DONT WORRY , i think id be right in saying that most people (who arent ttc) will have had this panic at some point, and have gone on to have perfectly happy healthy baby's :hug: i drank on weekends before i found out about flump and the doctor assured me that everything would be just fine, im sure yours will say the same thing :hug:
You should........RELAX!

The majority of unsuspecting (and some who knew :? ) mothers have drank/smoked in very early pregnancy, those little beans are more resilient than you imagine.

It's natural to feel guilty, I was necking vodka and smoking roll-ups the night before I discovered I was pg with my son :puke: and felt rotten.

but there's nowt you can do and bubs will be fine. Start on that folic acid, give the contents of your wine rack away, and look forward to a happy and healthy 9 months xxxx
Honestly, it won't be a problem. I have had 2 surprise pregnancies (1st and 4th) and with both I didn't find out till 8 weeks. In my first pregnancy I was 17 and went out drinking and smoking at least once a week until I had my positive test. :shock: My daughter was and is 100% healthy and bright. :)

This time round I had one of my rare twice a year nights out just a few days before we found out. I had quite a lot to drink - def more than a bottle of wine! :lol: But I have felt baby kicking and there have been no problems so far and I don't think there will be. My midwife said it is such a common story and she really wasn't too surprised or worried at all. :hug:

Congratulations on your pregnancy :dance:
Dont worry!! I was hammered the day before I found out I was pg....had gone out clubbing, doing shots, necking wine and voddie and smoked about a squillion ciggies!

As long as you put the booze away now, enjoy your pregnancy and get on the folic acid...it happens to so many women!
Thanks all so much for your reassuring words. So it is goodbye to the booze for a while and hello to fruit juice!! :D
And I am sure hubby will be pleased with cheaper nights out and a taxi on call!!
The sickness will soon put ya off the booze :D

Congrats :cheer:

If u did a hpt the day u drank and it was neg it was barely implanted if at all. Won't make the slightest difference to your baby so don't worry :)
I was on holiday in Greece the week before finding out I was pregnant, and I drank every night, usually a g n t or two before dinner, wine with dinner then a night cap at hotel bar.

Told my GP and he said not to worry at all, at that point implantation wouldn't have occurred so nothing in body will have passed to baby. Same with you if your HPT said negative - it would've been before implantation.

Honestly, don't worry - the worrying will cause more harm than the wine! :D
Firstly, Congratulations! :D

And secondly, like a lot of the other girlies that have replied, I also drank and smoked a lot in my first pregnancy before I realised I was! I was only 20 at the time & was going out most weekends drinking, etc., & by the time I done a test & worked out the dates I was almost 14 weeks & felt so guilty that I'd done all that in my 1st Tri. My daughter is now 3 and there is absolutely nothing wrong with her!

Like someone said (sorry can't remember who it was!), you will probably go right off drinking now anyway! This time I knew I was coz I went out for my friend's 25th birthday & half a glass of red wine had me feeling extremely ill & rushing to the toilet (I was about 3 weeks!!) You will fine though hun, don't worry!
As the lovely ladies say...it will be fine!!!

Congrats on your pregnancy and have a healthy, happy 9 months! :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

PLease dont worry.
The week before I found out I was pregnant, me and some friends got absolutely wrecked and I worked out that I must have drunk nearly half a bottle of vodka to myself in one night , the equivalent as to the measures I was having. I cringe when I think of it. I was worried and chatted to the doctor who re-assured me all would be okay.

Here I am in TRI 2 21 weeks pregnant, we had our 20 week scan last Friday and all is good

Enjoy your pregnancy xxx

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