What has everyone bought so far?

family and friends are a godsend when it comes to having a baby I must admit!! don't know where i'd be without mine like xx
Have the travel system £15
120 items of clothes including snow suits and next Dungarees ( 0-3 & 3-6 months)£45
Mamasand papas cot, bouncer, play mat, changing mat and happy stacker, bath and bowl, towels and bedding , highchair, £60
Mattress , blankets and dummies , Mum
Booties, bibs, hand knitted blankets, all sorts of other bits , mil+fil
Steriliser and 7 bottles, £33 and free changing bag from boots.
Just need boobie pump, and lil things like baby wash and few nappies :-)

Sooo chuffed and shows you can do this without breaking the bank! £153 spend so far, can see not spending more than £160 in total :-) all items fantastic condition and lot of brand names
After 12 week scan I started putting something in with weekly shop, whether it was a little pack of vests, or box of wipes or nappies. Meant I never even noticed it going, and we've now got just about everything we need without seeming like we spent much.

got most bits bought just need few more babygrows and another blanket or 2

had delivery note from courier today so gettin all the furniture bits re delivered tmrw cant wait to put it all together

ohh need a change bag too but they seem very expensive anyone got a decent one a good price? the free one with my travel system was rubish barly get a couple of nappies in it
ohh need a change bag too but they seem very expensive anyone got a decent one a good price? the free one with my travel system was rubish barly get a couple of nappies in it

Have you got the free one from Boots?
Like I've said before, I go into Mothercare, panic, and then come out empty handed!!!! lol. I did pick up a barely used Mothercare Moses basket and stand off Preloved yesterday for £15, so at least baby has somewhere to sleep now!!! Think I have more than I think I have, but need to organise it all. It is quite hard at this stage being team yellow as buying white and beige is getting rather boring.

The thing is, I have NO IDEA how many baby grows small babies need per day, so don't want to over buy, but then don't want to get caught short either. Also depends on how zombie like I'm feeling as to how much washing I get round to doing when bubs is here!!!
ohh need a change bag too but they seem very expensive anyone got a decent one a good price? the free one with my travel system was rubish barly get a couple of nappies in it

Have you got the free one from Boots?

yeah was wondering about tht im signed up n all n get stuff in d post but never got d voucher for d bag

is it any good of a one?
i've been looking on ebay for one I like and at a decent price but change bags do seem quite expensive xxx
I have so far:

6 x baby grows
3 x vests
1 x snow suit
1x Mamas & Papas baby rocker

Not a huge amount!!
I got a really nice changing bag from TK Maxx - worth a look in there.
I got a really nice changing bag from TK Maxx - worth a look in there.

Oh I never thougth of TK Max will pop in on sat, Although we dont have the biggest one they might just have a few

Its hard to get a nice one a good price, When i minded my nephew I found the one they had awful fiddley, it had the big flap over closing part iykwim and hardly any pockets so u had to rummage for everything

I love the pink lining yummy mummy ones, not too sure about the outside patterns but the inside layout is perfect and it opens out so u can see everything in front of you but 75 is a bit much i think, seen one for 50 on sale so if i cant get anything cheaper might have to splash out on that
I've got -
Moses basket
Steriliser set
A bouncer
5 sleep suits
6 body suits
3 pairs scratch mits
3 hats
1 blanket
Changing mat
4 packs nappies
Few toiletries

And we have ordered our pram and nursery furniture.

Seems like ive got alot, but don't feel at all prepared. Not even sure how many more clothes i need?? x
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Seems like ive got alot, but don't feel at all prepared. Not even sure how many more clothes i need?? x

I'm the same about clothes steffy - we got given a pack of 7 vests for christmas and my OH actually thought that would be enough clothes for the baby!!! I said that it would probably last us the first 2 days and he nearly keeled over. But I know you get given so many clothes as presents so I don't want to go too overboard beforehand and waste money.
I have nothing. Literally nothing. Oh, apart from 2 packs of wipes that were on offer the other day!

We are being given a Moses basket and a nursing chair so I suppose I could say I have these! x
I've decided not to buy anything until after 23 weeks....I'm too scared :oooo:
Seems like ive got alot, but don't feel at all prepared. Not even sure how many more clothes i need?? x

I'm the same about clothes steffy - we got given a pack of 7 vests for christmas and my OH actually thought that would be enough clothes for the baby!!! I said that it would probably last us the first 2 days and he nearly keeled over. But I know you get given so many clothes as presents so I don't want to go too overboard beforehand and waste money.

Haha, my OH is the same. I am just going to get around 4 newborn sleepsuits and a couple more 0-3. Ive got some body suits, so then going to get a few outfits and then if people buy us outfits in 0-3 it will be ok, or if they buy 3-6 then ill just grab a few more 0-3. Although most of my family have been brill and ask us what we want x
I'm not buying anything until after 20 week scan although my parents picked up a chest of drawers / changing table from freecycle the other day which they said looks very sturdy and in good condition...love that it's free!! We arent fussy about furniture as in rented house at mo so it doesnt need to match. I'm also very lucky as my friend isnt having any more kids and is giving me so much stuff inc moses nasket, bouncer, monitor and loads more and they want nothing for it (think I'll be buying them a lovely present!). And a lady at work has a travel system and car seat to sell so I'm pretty happy npw I know we don't have to find a fortune! Think I might get some boxes of baby clothes from ebay and gumtree as they are probably hardly worn. Only things I expect to buy new is breast pump, bottles etc, nappies and mattresses for cot and moses basket. Proves it can be done on a budget :-)
Yey someone agrees with me! Good feeling ain't it :-)
How many weeks were u all when u started buying stuff. I'm 14 weeks tomorrow and scared to start xxx

We got the odd bit of clothing from about 12 weeks but didn,t start really shopping untill about 30 weeks with the boys, not got anything yet so far for this one
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ive been given loads.
Tones of clothes uni sex and boys (boys im passing on to a friend)
SIL gave me say about a bin bags worth of girls clothes.
got blanekets and sheets.
friend is giving me her moses basket and stand.
got 2 stands bath and top and tail.
loads of toys/playmats
oh icandy travel system and a graco travel system, just the pram and car seat (long story)

just need
bed room wallpaperd and carpet
bottles etc.
and there s a few bits and pieces i would like.

but my friends and SIL have been fab giving me LOADS

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