What exactly do babies wear?? And what size to buy??


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I know this sounds really stupid, but what do babies wear?
Is it just a plain babygro/suit thing under their main outfit?
Sorry I am a bit clueless! My mum has given me a pile of stuff but I don't know if it covers everything or if I need to buy more!!
And also, how do I know what size to get? is 0-3 a safe bet? We are both tall so I would be surprised if baby ends up small.. or should I have some newborn stuff as well??

Thanks! **shuffles off in embarrassment**
It's down to personal choice when they're little. Some people prefer to just put baby in a vest/bodysuit (the sleeveless, legless ones) and babygro/sleepsuit (the ones with long legs & arms), whereas I adored the little outfits so ds was in those from day 1. He only wore sleepsuits at night.

Generally, unless the weather is particularly hot baby will wear a vest under everything else.

With regards to the size, 0-3 months is probably the safe bet - if you end up with a small baby you can always ask someone to pick you up a couple of newborn bits.

And don't feel stupid for asking, some things are only obvious after you've been there!
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as you know the newborn sleepsuits were too small for her (due to her being really long) - next up to 1 month stuff is a good bet. I'm sure some of the stuff I sent you was up to 1 month - it would have been ideal for her when she was born - if only they weren't so warm!!
When Lu was born she was 6lb 14 which meant that all my "newborn" sleepsuits and vests were too big and that was the only size I'd bought. Once we realised this mine and OH's mums went and got us some of the next size down sleepsuits and vests. We found most people bought 0-3 and 3-6 months as gifts so glad we didn't bother with any of that!

Whatever you do buy I wouldn't buy too much of anything till baby is born, just enough to keep you going for the first week or two. Most people consider 6 sleepsuits/vests/etc. enough.

Oh and some outer garments - little cardigans or coats and hats for the journey home.
drea b said:
as you know the newborn sleepsuits were too small for her (due to her being really long) - next up to 1 month stuff is a good bet. I'm sure some of the stuff I sent you was up to 1 month - it would have been ideal for her when she was born - if only they weren't so warm!!

That's what got me thinking!! And I am hoping to get good use out of the warm bits - it will be chilly time!!

Becky said:
Oh and some outer garments - little cardigans or coats and hats for the journey home.

Sorted in that department - my mum has been knitting like crazy!!

midna said:
you can also cut the feet off newborn stuff when your LO outgrows it for some extra weeks usage

That's a good idea!!

maybebaby said:
And don't feel stupid for asking, some things are only obvious after you've been there!

Thanks :hug:

Thanks for that ladies! Think I just need to get some vests then. Given the time of year I think we will be mainly indoors for the first couple of months so probably pretty well sorted!!

I'm getting a bit excited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
TBH I never bothered with outfits till LO was a bit older/bigger. I stuck with sleepsuits even during the day (with a bodysuit underneath if cooler) as didn't want to be pulling him about into tops, trousers and socks etc when so small. Plus its a hell of a lot easier on the laundry and saves a lot of washing. In those early weeks I'm all for making things as easy as they can be for baby and myself. Sleepsuits are so much easier even when going out. LO lived in them the first month.

Also as they grow so quickly they hardly get any wear out of outfits. Even now he is in 3-6 month stuff most of it never really gets anything other than the occasional wear. Saving my pennies for when he is bigger and crawling round and really getting wear out of things.
Thanks Sherlock. That sounds sensible. I think I will just have to avoid all shops that sell baby clothes and stop myself buying cute but pointless outfits!!
Isaac was a vest and gro baby, I never bothered with outfits, bought some and loved them but they just aren't practical :lol: and I think babies look cuter in gro's anyway, love gro's :cheer:

I'd say go mad with 3-6month outfits, LO's move into that size SO quickly, so enjoy your shopping!! :D
Don't buy too much i got given so much stuff.

Its hard knowing what size to buy i had a 5lb7.5oz baby so the newborn stuff i brought was far too big and had to send family out to get some tiny baby stuff for me. Shes only been in her 0-3 stuff for a few weeks now.

I would get some vests and sleepsuits in newborn and 0-3 you can always buy more when baby is here.
Bloom said:
Don't buy too much i got given so much stuff.

Its hard knowing what size to buy i had a 5lb7.5oz baby so the newborn stuff i brought was far too big and had to send family out to get some tiny baby stuff for me. Shes only been in her 0-3 stuff for a few weeks now.

Awwww she's so tiny Bloom! Flod is already in some 6-9 month stuff :shock:

As for what babies wear, AVOID outfits etc except for special occasions and stick with the vest underneath sleepsuit combination every day. Oh and get sleepsuits with poppers all the way down the front - you don't want to be faffing about pulling them over their head when they're mini. Get sleepsuits which are suitable for when your baby is due (thicker for Winter etc). Then just bung a cardi over the top if necessary.
thanks everyone :hug: :hug:
I know exactly what bits i need to get now.

I'm sure i'll be back with more questions soon!!
As everyone else has said dont buy any outfits just stick with sleep suits and vests and something warm for when you are out and about.

I would get a good few sleepsuits you go through them so quickly I would probably only buy a few in newborn and about 10 or so in 0-3, it doesnt matter if they are a little big to start with you can easily roll the sleeves up and baby will very quickly grow into them.

If you prefer to dress your LO in outfits you will receive so many as gifts that I would just stick with what you receive rather than buying any yourself.

We have a drawer full of 3-6 months as well which we received as gifts so we dont need to think about clothes until 6-9 months, apart from sleep suits and vests thats the only thing we need to buy for Maia in 3-6.

If you really wanted to buy an outfit why not splash out on something for your Lo to come home in.

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