what else could go wrong?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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grrr im having a bad day today could it get any worse

was meant to be 2 weeks tax credits this week as they never paid me last week due to a fault on there system grr and this week there saying they cant find me on there computer system :S i sed ive been on it for a year i shud still be there as i received a payment over 2 weeks ago i get payed every week. theyve looked everywhere so theyve had to set up a new one but i have to phone back in a few days so they can take the rest down ie that im due my next baby in possibly 3 weeks as they wouldnt do it lol they didnt tell me weather i had to say it when i found out i was pregnant or wait till ive had the baby so they can put change of circumstances so today not gone well as i went meant to pay some bills and send a postal order off too.

i go get some milk from tescos ended up fainting coz of th heat and dropped the milk all over me and it exploded lol

then some arrogant stupid woman who had no pateinces knocked me over with her trolley i went flying to the ground again so i ended up going to hospital for a check up in an ambulance poor amy didnt know wheather she was coming or going everythings fine baby is happy monitor picked up a few braxton hicks andbaby heart beat is fine the kept me in for a few hours just in case anything happened and just told me to be careful and relax over next few days ill be lucky but amy is out sunday so i can chill then and shes no bother threw the day so today hasnt been the best luckly both times i landed on my side :(
what a day!! Put your feet up and relax tonight!! I can't believe the tax office either, that's terrible - how do they expect to do without the money? grrrrr hope they can sort it for you soon xx
yeah i know i told them i have bills to pay and food to buy i pay my electric and gas and tv license on a friday and they sed an you not get a social loan to help you out im like no as i paying two off already out of my income support which i get friday glad i phoned all the places up and explained to them so ill have to pay them tomorro with child benifit good job i get milk tokens for amy as i can get milk with them till wednesday they cant understand why ive been deleted from there system its more likely happened when they press the key to send a payment out and they pressed the wrong one OH has been so worried as well when i foned him from the hospital he thought i was in labour as thats what he got told im like noo lol some woman knocked me over with trolley and also fainted so he calmed down and asked if amy was alright bless him

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