What does your OH do for a living

Jade&Evie said:
beanie said:
mine is a carpenter, and currently has his own business fitting floors, real wood, laminate and cardean(???)

ooooh, that's what my OHs stepdad does :wink: he makes a bomb! :rotfl:

oooh there's hope yet. only just set it up so early days but he works so hard, am so proud of him.
Mine works with his cousin doing roofing and is getting a new job soon which is delevering furniture to peoples houses :roll: Quite rubbish realy lol.. But hes going to college in september to do a plastering course so hopefully he sticks to it :D
Mines a mechanic for a subaru garage. He's a very sexy machanic as well! :wink:
Mine's an "Enterprise systems engineer". Nope he doesn't work for Captain Kirk, he does computery stuff for the exam board :rotfl:
My OH is the ultimate computer geek! He is a computer programmer.
He's written loads of different programs for lots of different businesses but he currently works for a company who writes software for the stock exchange.
*looks about carefully* Debt Collector!

Yes, he is the big nasty man who phones you and tells you to pay your debts or he'll default your account... but he is a nice one! :lol:
Mine works for social services checking old people coming home from hospital have the right care in place or places then in nursing homes if they need extra care.

He also works for social service trouble shooting for children (mainly with aspergers and autism) when their behaviour is too challenging their parents are struggling to look after them.
mines a football commentator :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

guess what we have to watch 24/7 :bored: :bored: :bored:
as from thursday, hopefully mine will be doing computery things at a teaching college
Big G is a white van man, delivering stationary to schools and offices. He's also a barman at night :)
My OH is a Technical Analasyt in the city - Computer geek in small terms. He also builds computers from scratch for people :D
Mine is not working at the moment he lost his job at the end of April, but he usually works in a warehouse. hopefully he will have a new job soon
My oh designs parts for planes for rolls royce.

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