What does S-F cm mean?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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A question mainly for people 25+ weeks. Went to midwife appointment this morning, and I've just looked back at what she scribbled into my maternity record, and for S-F cm she's put 26cm? What does S-F stand for?
I've not had anything wrote in that box until this appointment, so I'd assume it's something they check for at 25 weeks plus?
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Fundal height hun, correct term is symphyseal fundal. x
did she measure ur belly hun as it may be summat to do with that as they start measuring you at 24/25 weeks plus!!

so for 25 weeks pregnant you shud measure 25cm but if she put 26 you could be measuring a week ahead, this is just a guess from last pregnancy :) x
Yeah she did measure my tummy! I know this might make me sound so stupid, but if that's the measurement she took, does that mean my uterus is that size, or my actual baby is? :oooo:
i think its baby as they feel to see were it is and measure from there down to pubic bone!! its quite normal to measure ahead or behind and nothing major to worry bout my baby measured 4 weeks behind and was still 7lb 10oz born on dd xx
Oh thats ok then. I'm only small myself and the thought of having a large baby absolutely frightens me to death!
It means fundal height and its the size of ur uterus. U can measure 2cm either way of how many weeks u r and it's considered normal.

Pip measured 25cm at my 23 weeks and 30cm at my 28 week appt so he is on the bigger side but still normal. xx
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Im measuring 31cm at 35wks, I had a scan last week as they are concerned that she is small and sonographer said she is approx 4.5lbs but that its not very accurate. I saw the midwife yesterday and she wants me to have another scan as she is concerned that she is still not growing as well as she should be.
Im measuring 31cm at 35wks, I had a scan last week as they are concerned that she is small and sonographer said she is approx 4.5lbs but that its not very accurate. I saw the midwife yesterday and she wants me to have another scan as she is concerned that she is still not growing as well as she should be.

Ohh dear :( This is what my OH's brothers girlfriend is going through at the moment. They've told her she's going to have her baby before Christmas because of it, even though her due date is 18th January!
I hope your LO decides the grow! Bless her
Im not sure what is going to happen with me, my midwife is coming out to the farm next week to sort my plan out and go through with me what to expect etc, but I'm also having problems with collapsing/ fainting as my blood pressure has dropped so low 80/50 and ideally she wants me in hospital but I wont go unless Im not concious as I hate hospital so she said I have to stay in bed and rest ( I'm only allowed out of bed to do my horses twice a day ) and she will check my blood pressure when she comes out.

It has made me wonder whether me having such low blood pressure will affect baby?

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