What does OH say to bump?

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Hey guys

Does your OH talk to your bump? Does he have a name for it?

Mine does...he calls it "Bumpling".

He also says all manner of crazy and disconnected things to it.

"It's always darkest before the dawn."

"Constantinople is a really hard word to say."

"Your mother's a loony, but you shouldn't kick her that way."

"Not many people know that energy equals mass by a constant."

And a lot of stuff about heat loss in air conditioning, explosion hazard warnings and other work related things.

:shock: Our child might grow up an Engineer...hmmmm

lol bless

my OH talks to Coby all the time, just random things mostly, but he does ask him to come out everyday lol
my OH doesn't know what to say. i keep telling him to talk to him, but all he can think of is "hello son" etc... 2 words and then he looks embarrassed... i think he can't get used to the idea of talking to the bump at all! :D
OH doesn't say much to bump - usually along the lines of 'get used to her now - she won't get any better once you're born'

Both boys have been telling bump to grow a willy

DD has been teaching him / her to count to 100 - my degree is in maths so I'm glad she's taking after me with an enjoyment of numbers, but having to lie down whilst she starts again for the tenth time in one sitting is driving me mad!!!

Tracy xx
My OH is a Liverpool fan and he likes to tell the bump where the manager and players are going wrong. I think it's hilarious.
*L* :lol:

That whole "grow a willy" thing made me choke on my tea! And as for counting...my OH thinks I'm crazy but I sing a traditional Irish lullaby whenever my little bean starts kicking...and boy does he/she kick hard when he/she wants!!! It actually has hurt me a couple of times. But my idea is that the child will respond to that song after birth because they have heard it before and it will calm them...

I am also, as both my husband and my child now know, a loony. It gets no easier! :lol:

My DH says things like

'Ella, Ellaaaaaaaaa, give your mummy a kick now'


'Kick now if you definately don't have a tink'


'Kick now if you want to be called Ella'


'We live in a house. With a kitchen, bathroom, front room and garden.'

And that's about the extent of it! :lol:
The DH told the baby off the other day for kicking me in the bladder whilst in an indian restaurant.

Other than that he is too busy getting the bathroom finished to have time to spend chatting to bump

But, he was in the room at the right time last night to feel a very hefty kick and it shocked him completely!
My OH comes home from work and wobbles my belly saying wakey wakey baby boo, Daddy's home!
bless them!

You are all so lucky, i'm with you petchy, my hubby doesnt know what to say. you would think he would have learnt by now, i mean baby number 3.

i said to him the other day say something to the baby, and he just shouted hello.

i played a lot of music to Joshua and he is very musical, loves the Verve, the Beatles and Bob the Builder lol

my OH gave my bump a telling off last night.

I went to see James Blunt and while i was there the baby was kicking like mad, he loved it!

I told Jase when i got back and he wasnt impressed lol, spoke to him for about 10 mins telling him James Blunt is crap and he should like better music and that once he comes out he will teach him what good music is lol

bless him
Hi Layla

Glad to see that you went to the concert. I hope that you enjoyed it.

What music would you OH prefer baby to listen to.

anything rock lol

hes a big rock/ska/punk fan
lol, well he seems to like the darkness too,

think its just anyone with a high voice lol

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