What does everyone want? And Why?

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Hello everyone so what do we all want and why?

I want a daughter i think reason being is well urm its hard to explain...:wall2: Oh this is gonna be a fun thread ey?

But as long as HE or SHE is healthy thats all that matters to me :)
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I want a little girl just because my daughters room is bigger than my sons and would be easier also my husband wants a little girl as are son is very very cheeky lol!!! He says he will be pulling his hair out if we have another cheeky man haha! I would love a little boy tho as my little boy gives me so much joy and would be nice for him to have another male influence in the house so I'm not fussed really haha! I would gut feeling be slightly more happy if bump is a girl but that's coz I always wanted a sister myself haha! But still
Chuffed either way x x

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I can hand on heart say I am not bothered either way. DH wants a boy, just so he has someone to play football with!
id like another girl boys are scary as iv never had one girls i get im also single and think boys need the male role model alot more
Originally I wasn't bothered either way but I really want a girl now,I've already got 3 boys but I've got a feelin it's a girl so fx xxx
ive always said i wanted a boy but my mind had changed to a girl x
:bump:I know this is probably a boring answer but hand on my heart....just a HEALTHY BEAN!! especially after last time. Cant wait to have him/her in my arms!!! so excited xxx
i honestly dont mind but i do think i'd be better with a boy purely because i get on with boys better than girls and have never really been 'girly'... Pobably a completely ridiculous thing to say as your child is kind of different to friends or work colleagues lol but hey ho!!
In one way another little girl would be fantastic as my 2 lo's would have each other etc but then I'd also love another boy as my youngest son would just dote on him and it would be someone for him for kick footie with as my other son is 20 :lol: Plus they could share their room :)

So either way I'm sorted :love:
for some wierd reason id quite like a boy first but not that bothered either way, and have no reason to justify this lol!! OH was cute the other day, he said "we will know whether to buy it barbie or thomas the tank engine " lol!! xx
I wanted a boy, purely because i have two girls already, but honestly wouldnt of minded if i had another girl :)
We wanted a little boy as our first simply because we both have big brothers, and I would want that for my children! Hehehe. Also my husbands side had no grandson's so we wanted to have the first one! Luckily our wish has been granted although we would not have been upset if it was a girl! xx
A boy and a girl, the best of both worlds :lol: Although I'm sure there are 2 girls in there, only got to wait till tomorrow to find out :oooo:
pudds, i guess thats my reason too, older brothers are the way forward i think lol x
if my baby wants a brother or sister when he or she is older ill adopt lol x
Haha no relle ive got the bad sickness in this pregnancy and dont fancy it again haha touch wood its eased off lol xx
I secretly wanted a little girl because I love the mother/daughter relationship it is possible to have but was convinced it was a boy. I wouldn't have been unhappy if it was a boy but I have never felt such an intense feeling of elation as when they told us we were expecting a little girl :cloud9:
I can imagine myself with boys. I worry about having a girl because me and my o/h are so big! I'm 5ft9 and he's 6ft 2. His sister is 5ft11 and with size 9 feet! It's not nice being so tall (even tho I wear stupidly big heels) and I worry that any daughters we may have together would be massive lol. I know we'd be safer with strapping lads.
Having said that I would love a little girl to dress up in gorgeous clothes :)
O/h would want boys I think to play soldiers with and teach rugby to :lol:
I can imagine myself with boys. I worry about having a girl because me and my o/h are so big! I'm 5ft9 and he's 6ft 2. His sister is 5ft11 and with size 9 feet! It's not nice being so tall (even tho I wear stupidly big heels) and I worry that any daughters we may have together would be massive lol. I know we'd be safer with strapping lads.
Having said that I would love a little girl to dress up in gorgeous clothes :)
O/h would want boys I think to play soldiers with and teach rugby to :lol:
Im 5foot 11 and my 5 year old boy is really tall at school i read that a boy has to end up being 3 inches taller then his mum so he is going to be a big lad. But like you I was worried i would have a 6 ft odd girl but up to now dolly is pritty tiny lol much smaller then other 2 year old and at her 2 year check she was low down the hight chart so now im starting to think we may look silly together haha so you cant win.

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