What does everyone do?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Ok wondering, since everyime I come online (like a zillion times daily) there are always a hundred new posts.....

....what does everyone do all day or are you online at work etc?

I'm a SAHW - normally online due to boredom!! Car's in the garage so can't even get out shopping this week!!
I stay at home too!! I used to be a Buyer before I had Arianna....

Loving being at home with her tho!

S. xx
i work 16 hours a week but cant come on here as im a domestic assistant lol

i only come on here wen B is asleep lol
I was in Marketing/Advertising before getting married now I just find ways to fill up time with lunches, planning dinners, pottering around. Oh and more recently posting on the forum 20 times a day!!
Im at work! Im an admin assistant for a national construction consultants and approved inspectors company, I love my job but need a break from the monomity sometimes lol

Once we have a baby I plan to take maternity leave and then come back part-time and hopefully train as a domestic approved inspector. Thats the plan anyway!
My DF & I run a letting agency, I run the accounts department & manage the main office alongside my DF...........I sneak on occasionally when at work.........other than that I pop in & out when I'm working from home, as I am too tired to work full time in the office, I get more done when I'm at home, and just have little breaks in here every now and then.

I'm officially addicted.....but I've made some great friends in here that help distract me from the stress of my job :cheer: so its all good :hug:
i confess i am at work and nosing on here every hour or so :oops:

i am a secretary and only work 2½ days since having alex.

Where is Sussex are you Nicola? (if you dont mind me asking - feel free to tell me to mind my own if you do :lol: )

Haywards Heath.....do you know it?

I moved here 3 years ago to be with DH. I don't know a single sole anywhere around here!! :cry:
i am a full time receptionist/secretary in a solicitors.

my job is receptionist but i do lots of tapes and dictations for solicitors - that is what i am planning to be - a full time secretary!!

BUT dont get THAT much tapes to do so when im not doing that i am sat here posting away to you girlies'

im totally addicted!!! :cheer:
Nicola said:
Haywards Heath.....do you know it?

I moved here 3 years ago to be with DH. I don't know a single sole anywhere around here!! :cry:

know it? thats where i had alex, in the Princess Royal!

i live in a little village, Partridge Green, only about 15 mins from haywards heath. its in between Horsham and Brighton!

Nicki and Duds are both in Horsham too (although nicki is defecting to Hampshire soon :cry: )

small world isnt it? :lol:

Very!! I will be having this little Pudding in the Princess Royal - unless I can talk DH into a homebirth, were seconds from the hospital so a transfer would be easy to do if it became medically urgent etc. Yes I know Partridge Green I'm sure my DSS plays football with boys that live out that way!!

We should have a Sussex meet-up would be great to meet other mum's to be!! :lol:
I only work during the summer tourist season but wont be this year :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

so I spend most of my time browsing and looking how much it will cost to get baby things shipped over here!!!!!!

Before moving here I worked for a government dept and my last job was as a personnel supervisor in a local government office.

Have any of you that live out a bit or moved and not had time to meet new people yet tried the NCT??? We have nothing like that here, dont even have antenatal classes so I dont get a chance to meet anyone in the same 'boat' as such. :cry: :cry:

yeah we will have to have a meet up maybe down in brighton when the weather is nicer.

me and nicki have got together a few times and we met up with Duds once too.

only one expecting at the mo is Duds - she is maybe a month or so ahead of you (already has Aimmee who is 1). my lo is 1 and Nicki's Jamie is about 9 months now i think.

there's also Davina in Eastbourne who i'm sure would like to meet up too!

That would be really neat once it gets warmer, Brighton is freezing in the cold!! I have been chatting to a few others from Hove & Brighton so it might work out really well.

Tuc: I've joined the NCT, I start their antenatal classes in June. I hope to meet some new people there but haven't yet worked up the courage to go to a coffee morning or an activity morning/day etc. I thought I'd wait untill I was safely in trimester two and see what date(s) of things they had on offer then. Shame you don't have something similar in Greece.
Nicola said:
Haywards Heath.....do you know it?

I moved here 3 years ago to be with DH. I don't know a single sole anywhere around here!! :cry:

ohhh I moved to bucks from Haywards Heath nearly 3 years ago. I used to live in Aspen Walk (off Beech Hill/Lane?) a few mins from the hospital. I'm originally from Crawley, so am always down that way.
Small world!

I guess, I'm now a stay at home mum (first time I've said that!). But I'm a self employed web designer, so figure I'll do that again once my MA runs out! :wink:
I work full time (apart from the 13 weeks hols :cheer: ) as a Special Needs Teacher. I sneak on here during a free lesson now and then, but mainly pop on during the evening whilst OH ignores me to play MMORG with all his geeky online mates.

Planning to be a permenantly full time Mummy once we have our first child.
Em78 said:
yeah we will have to have a meet up maybe down in brighton when the weather is nicer.

me and nicki have got together a few times and we met up with Duds once too.

only one expecting at the mo is Duds - she is maybe a month or so ahead of you (already has Aimmee who is 1). my lo is 1 and Nicki's Jamie is about 9 months now i think.

there's also Davina in Eastbourne who i'm sure would like to meet up too!


i'm from hailsham in east sussex which is 10 mins from eastbourne!!!
we just bought our new car from haywards heath in dec!
im a SAHW aswell, although im going back to university in september to start my midwifery course. :D

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