True enough, but hmmmmm some of the users of the services do lololol. You would be surprised how intense people get about it all lololol.
I did archaeology BSc at Bradford about 15 years ago, then did an MSc in Museum Studies in Leicester, as I wanted to work inside lol. I have been a archaeologist, and it's fabulous work, but the contracts tend to be short-term, plus the weather is not always exactly reliable.... Fond memories of waiting for the ground to thaw before being able to attack it with a mattock, or similarly clearing back using a mattock in the middle of clay country in Stoke-on-Trent and finding out I'd "discovered" a grave
It was very rainy and the ground was like cake mix lol. It is great fun though, and personally I like working in museums as you cna make the past come alive for people.
Nicola - my current degree is the Egyptian Archaeology MA at UCL, which I assume would be the one you would be looking at once your LO is at school? Or you can do an UG degree, depends on what your previous qualifications are. The learning support is ok, the library is fantastic as well as the off-site resources and the staff are very supportive. It is a good degree to do for the sake of learning, although it's probably not one to set you off on a new career. I'm thinking now I may do an open uni one, as they send you all the resources via the post or on-line, and it would be easier to fit that in round a baby. Plus I've been doing archaeology in one form or another for the last 20 years (when I started to volunteer), and I'm only 35 now, so I've got time to do something else. Animals, conservation, psychology and social welfare all appeal.