what do you think?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Im really confused.I came of the pill in july and had a 38 day cycle. my next cycle was 28 days. Im now in my 3rd cycle and 28 days has been and gone a week ago. Ive been feeling sick, bbs sore on and off, mood swings through the roof, af like cramps for the past two weeks and a lot of cm. Ive done tests but negative.Ive never been this bad before.Did any of you experience symptoms like this when you came of the pill? thanks

lisa xx
Hey Lisa,

It's been quite a while since I came of the pill. Actually I was on the injection after the pill for about 18 months b4 I stopped altogether. I was lucky coz my body adjusted back to normal cycles after 2/3months as I recall.

Everyone is different and there bodies react in different ways. It hasn't been that long since you came off the pill so i would give your body a few more months to sort itself out b4 you start to worry about anything.

You never know, you might be pregnant, it sounds like you got some of the symptons so fingers crossed for you that you are. I would give a little while longer b4 you test again, it may have been to early to tell.

Good luck hun.

Nicki.x :D
thanks. I'm holding myself back from doing another one.Its hard not to keep thinking about it.

fingers crossed!

lisa x
Just thought Id update you> I'm now 16 days late!!
\i did a pregnancy test on weds and it still showed up negative. I'm still absolutely shattered when i get home and my moods are getting worse.my poor DH doesnt know what to say to me cause i just snap at the smallest thing!

I know i definately ovulated as i did a stick!

this is playing on my mind so much!

lisa xx
get down the docs! If you are 16 days late then sureley something must be going on (even if it's not a baby) get docy to do a test and see the outcome

baby dust coming your way!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Get to the docs!!!!! Surely 16 days late is good news.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Sam xx

I went to the docs and explained about being 16 days late and that id done tests and theyd all been negative. so he said I was due for a smear so to rule things out he did that :( ,and examined me. he said that everythings fine as ive no pain or anything.Sometimes women skip cycles, but i ovulated so i cant understand that!But if i dont get my next one which is in 12 days he would seriously doubt the tests i did and do another one if that still negative then probably have an ultrasound!

Its just so frustrating i just want to know!!!

lisa xx
PS thanks for your messages and hearing me go on!
What about blood work?? That would be able to tell you definately.

xoxo Ree
Hi Lisa,

I came off the pill in April, and my cycle lengths are really erratic still. Even though you have not had a positive result, there is probably nothing wrong, so don't worry on that front. I had two 28 day cycles, a 33, 46, then 43!! My Ov test showed that I ovulated around day 19 this cycle, so when my AF will arrive is anyones guess. My doc says this is normal, and unfortunately it may not be just settling down after the pill, but 'normal' can be irregular for people too!!

I hope its not for both of us, coz its bloody annoying, but in view of this, it seems highly likely that there is any underlying problems with you.

There is of course, always a chance you are pg, after all, you ought to stay positive until you know for sure!!

Hope this helps,

Em xx

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