What do you suggest pram wise, with a 2 and half yr old??


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Ive been thinking about this for while....

When this baby is born at the end of May, my son will be nearly 2 and a half. Im undecided as to whether or not I will need a double pushchair or whether to go for a normal pram and attach a buggy board???

I know the Phil and Teds are a good option, but im really not at all keen on the baby being so close to the groud, and when my baby is born I want people to peer in the pram and coo, not have to stoop down to the floor. They do look good pushchairs though despite that.

Do you think my son will be old enough to go on a buggy board? It will only be when im out on my own, because when im out with mum/hubby we can put Zachary in his Maclaren buggy, so it wont be for long periods of time/distances.

Be interesting to see what you ladies have done in my situation/what you are planning to do!!

Thanks in advance :)
we are in the same boat. I think we have more or less decided to save the money for this buggy, but not actually buy it. I plan to sling this one quite a lot anyway, and alice only really uses her buggy if it is peeing it down with rain or if she is tired at the moment. She prefers to walk everywhere. If it turns out that we need the double one, then we have the money saved to be able to go out and get one. If it turns out we don't then the money will go in the kids savings.
Brody will have just turned 2 (2 weeks before my due date). I was planning on carrying the baby alot and probably still will but I do walk ALOT so we have decided to go for a bouble buggy too. I know Brody will not stay on a buggy board and I'm thinking ahead too - the nursery Brody will be going to is about half hour walk away so I know he will get tired!

If you have the money for one, why not save it and see how things are when the baby is born?
Olivia will be nearly 3 when i have this baby so i dnt think there is any point in buying a double buggy, she like to walk a lot anyway, even tho at the minute i do try an encourage her to go in the pushchair as she is so slow and its so cold :oops:

I was thinking of a buggy board but the 2 pushchairs that i have seen dnrt fit one so i dnt know what to do, risk it and hope olivia will walk or opt for another pushchair that does fit a buggy board?

Someone i know has a little girl she is 3 months older than Olivia and a baby and her little girl walks everywhere in all weathers she is brilliant, so i dnt what to do, the only advantage is that it will be getting warmer in may. I may just buy the buggy i like and get a sling as well so olivia can go in the buggy if we are going far. Its such a hard decision.

Jaidy i think that zachary would be ok on a buggy board as my neighbours little boy is 2 and he sits on one, i think it does depend on the child whether they will actually sit on it tho.
Im in the same boat my son will be 15 months so I guess I will need a double, but plan maybe on a sling for a while. I just cant decide on a double I like :think:
We're in the same boat too Jaidy, think we're gonna go with the buggy board and if Soph doesn't like it then get the double buggy, but I'm the same as you it's ony for when I'm on my own!
Stanley will be 2yrs 9months when this one arrives.

I want a pram that I can attach a buggy board to. In the very early days, Stanley will be in his stroller and I'll sling the newborn, but I struggled to baby carry after a couple of months so we'll switch to that option.

This will be our last child so I'm not sure I'd get the use from a double buggy. Plus, even the best designed ones can be bulky. I'm only little and on the buses so don't fancy heaving one about.
hi girls, wot a good topic.
I too have a young one shes 3, she does love to walk everywhere but plays up a lot, she still uses her pram time to time as she gets tired of walkin, i plan to keep the buggy i have and carry the baby in the sling, hopefully when the baby is born in may and amber is almost 4 she will behave when shes walking. I don't intend on keeping her in a pram at that age but it will be hard to cope if she messes around and i have the lil baba with me.
Buyin a double buggy wont be pratical fo me as i catch the bus to town and most shops wont even fit a double.
Im not a fan of the boards as i dont think its fair as the toddler need to walk for exercise.
guess its just experimentation when the baba comes along.
Thanks for all your comments girls...this has been a great help.

Vicki, Zac is a week younger than Sophie, and I think im going to just get a pram and buggy board like your doing with Soph. I think im going to get a decent sling too, incase I need to go and do alot of shopping and I think Zac may need the pushchair. But like I said previously when I do go out its usually only into town and not for long, and the majority time I go with mum!

Minxy, slinging is a great idea I hadnt really thought of that, such a good option. This will be our last child too, so double buggy will be a bit pointless!

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