What do you do..


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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..when you need cheering up?

Im feeling really down right now, we're having a rough time with money especially with it being Christmas soon and Im finding it stressful. I want to give Josh the best Christmas ever seeing as its the last year he'll be the only child.

Theres loads of people I still need to buy for and Im just wondering where the next penny is gonna come from. Our phone bill was huge this month too so that hasnt helped.

I just feel like crying all the time and because Im so stressed me and OH keep arguing :cry:
If i were you i'd just concentrate on giving Josh the best christmas you can hun. I know you may want to buy family and friends, but i'm sure they'll understand that money is tight just now. It's the same as me & OH, we are only buying our 4 nephews, no family or friends, we have told them this and they completely understand.

Keep your chin up hun :hug: :hug:
I only buy for my mum and my niece in the family. It's too expensive otherwise.

Have a nice long bath and some choccy :D :hug:
Same here, skint, just buying for my Mum and Dad and the kids in the family, no-one else, i am worried about xmas but it doesn't really solve anything does it.

To cheer me up, i stick my Nik Kershaw cd on, remember what a beautiful family i have and count my blessings.Life was pretty shit with my former partner and now i have a lovely man. :hug:
get drunk! but I dont think thats wise in your condition. :lol:

get your crimbo decs up that will cheer u up hehe xxxx
i read sad things in the news then i realise how minnor my problems are.
I know how you feel Kirsty :hug:

We haven't got much money so I am making thoughtful presents! I am making my Mum and Step Dad a photo album of Leorah with little notes and everyone else is having a personalised picture frame for example "I love my Uncle Lee" frames are cheap from ikea and then I paint them and get the letters friom the craft shop. Last year we bought nice food bits and made hampers with nice coffee, chocolate and jams etc. It was quite cheap and everyone really liked them as they were thoughtful. I'm sure everyone knows that you will not have a lot of cash with a toddler and a baby on the way. Me and my brothers made a deal since we were kids not to buy for each other and buy ourselves something!
Awww Kirsty :hug: :hug: :hug:
I take my dogs extra long walks and tell them all my troubles,then stuff my face with as much high calorie/high fat food that I can :)
oldermum said:
Life was pretty sh*t with my former partner and now i have a lovely man. :hug:

Here Here! I wasted 6 years with a complete loser who only ever thought of himself hoping things would get better, they never did and I walked nearly 2 years ago. Last xmas was looking pretty grim, on my own, ex giving me grief and he wouldnt even let me have MY christmas tree that DD had bought a deccy for every year. I told him to stick it sideways :) Then 2 weeks before xmas I met OH and had a brilliant time :D

Kirsty, dont be mistaken that to have a good christmas you need to spend loads of money especially on young kids who have no concept of monetary value. They wont even remember what they got so put your time and efforts into making it special in other ways, time and love is priceless. Little kids like you going overboard on the deccys so hold some back and put them up after the kids go bed xmas eve (Go pound shop). A little kid will have just as much fun with a colouring book and crayons and time with their mums than a £100 trike :wink:

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