What do I really need for a newborn? Help me with my list!


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

I've bought a few things here and there but now I'm coming up to 30 weeks I think I really ought to get buying all my baby things.

I've started making a list, I'll write it below. Can you tell me, firstlym do I really need these things or are some of them a waste of time? And secondly, what else can you add that is essential/needed?

1. Over bath baby bath
2. Moses Basket
3. Cot
4. Nappies
5. Bottles
6. Baby monitor
7. Bottle steriliser (got)
8. Bottle warmer (got)
9. Black-out blinds
10. Pram (got)
11. Car seat (got)
12. Rocker/seat (got)
13. Baby carrier
14. Bibs
15. Breast pump
16. Stair gate
17. High chair (got)
18. Baby clothes, bedding, etc

Any help to finalise my list would be much appreciated.

well, i'v got a newborn (just over 2 weeks!) so i'll tell u what we're using a lot:

nappies (about 10 a day!)

cotton wool balls (trying 2 use only water to clean her bum for now while her skin is still very new and sensitive)

nappy bags

babygrows (sometimes change her 2 or 3 times a day if she's sick on herself)

little towels for changing mat (she often poo's on the towel b4 we put the fresh nappy on!)

'mattress' covers for the 'mattress' in the moses basket (she is sometimes sick on it)

sudocreme (its really good- she got a slight red bottom the other day and it cleared it up at the first sign)

olive oil (her skin was a bit dry)

oh and for yourself, make sure u got lotsa maternity pads. i bought 2 packets thinking that'd be enough, but ended up sending my boyf to boots nearly every day i went through about 8 packets!

if i think of anything else i'll come back and edit this post! :hug:
id say dont buy the sudocrem as u get a mini free pot in ur bounty pack which if u only put on when there is a red bottom it will last u ages (ive still got most of mine left).

sick cloths - either terries, towels or muslins, you will need them.

stair gate could wait too, you wont use it for quite some time so wait and watch out for it in the sales :)

dont get conned into buying too many baby toiletries (like me lol) as you wont use half as much as u think. 1 baby wash and 1 shampoo should be enough, perhaps a moistureiser if you feel you need it, but i agree with trixi that olive oil will work just as well :)
1. Over bath baby bath - we never used ours
2. Moses Basket - we used ours for months
3. Cot - didn't use once. My dd was in a basket, then in our bed, then in a proper bed (with side rails)
4. Nappies - I wouldn't stock up with loads of one type, you don't yet know which you'll prefer
5. Bottles
6. Baby monitor - I still use it now, even though she's nearly six
7. Bottle steriliser (got)
8. Bottle warmer (got)
9. Black-out blinds - I'm still trying to get round to putting mine up!
10. Pram (got)
11. Car seat (got)
12. Rocker/seat (got)
13. Baby carrier
14. Bibs
15. Breast pump
16. Stair gate - best not to put up until a bit later on, they can be hard to get through at 3 in the morning with a squirmy baby in your arms.
17. High chair (got)
18. Baby clothes, bedding, etc

19. Changing mat - wonderful things
20. muslin squares - great for using when all the bibs are in the wash, for protecting your clothes when burping, to use as a thin sheet, for the baby to suck on and fiddle with, to wipe up spills and sick, to put on the changing mat so the plastic won't be too cold for their little bottoms, etc.
21. An emergency feed kit - a pre-sterilised bottle and ready made carton of milk, just having it in the cupboard can be reassuring.
22. Some ready meals in the freezer for you.
23. A big present for yourself - you'll deserve it.
Just a don't buy..don't buy a top and tail bowl virtually no one uses them

We do use our baby bath but we bath Dylan together and the bathroom is tiny so we bath him in the lounge ..He is starting to get to big for it now though. so will be in the big tub soon.
thanks for the replies girls. Good to know I haven't completely underestimated what I'll need.

And some of the comments are really helpful on what is actually going ot be of any use.

I better get spending!!

Thanks for this post KJ, has given me a little checklist to go from :D
I know you have bedding on your list but just wanted to say make sure you have quiet a lot as when they are little you probably wont be able to keep up with the washing if they are sick or have a nappy leak!!

Trixipaw said t o have loads of maternity pads - all I would say is dont go over board buying these as everyone is different on how long they bleed for - I only bled for 2 days after Arianna but I know others that bleed for weeks so just wait and see.
And my must have for after birth with the bleeding is to invest in some paper knickers (tescos are good and strong!)and when you are due to change your pad and your knickers are dirty you can just rip the lot off and put them in a bag and bin them!
Very hygienic!
We got a sponge bath support from Mothercare for Jude which has been sooo useful. Saves your arm when you're bathing them. Also really recommend Sudocrem, worth having in. Baby nail clippers or scissors are handy as their nails grow so quickly, also scratch mitts - Mini Mode from Boots are the best as they are small so fit the baby rather than falling off all the time. Also worth having a dummy at the ready, whether you are planning on using one or not. We weren't but changed our minds after a week of no sleep! :D
2 Flat Sheets
2 Fitted Sheets

Moses Basket
2 Flat Sheets
2 Fitted Sheets
Room thermometer?

(if not breastfeeding)
Formula milk
Colic Drops?
Decaling sachets
Bottle & teat brush

Car seat
Changing bag
Pram blanket

Nappy cream
Cotton wool
Wipes tub?
Top & tail bowl?
Baby bath wash
Baby lotion
Talc powder
2 Sponges (body & bum)
Bath thermometer?
Nail clippers
Cotton buds
Hooded towels
Changing mat
Brush & comb set?

Bouncing chair?

Sleep suits
Scratch mittens
(And any additional outfits you may want to buy)
mrs_tommo22 said:
And my must have for after birth with the bleeding is to invest in some paper knickers (tescos are good and strong!)and when you are due to change your pad and your knickers are dirty you can just rip the lot off and put them in a bag and bin them!
Very hygienic!

I posted about this some where else - cannot remember where but if you don't fancy paper underwear. I got some black pants from Primark - 5 pairs for £2, which are the same price/ cheaper than disposable ones... I plan to wear once and bin them too! Just felt I would feel a bit more human in normal underwear! I just got a size bigger than normal to accomodate the huge pads!
Its a bit of an extravegance but my mum brought me one for my daughter and it was an absolute god send...it's one of these mechanical swings, especially if you have a clingy baby...you can just put them in the swing and walk away to finish the hoovering/cleaning/cooking without a wailing infant in the background.

Also take a trip to some car boot sales to buy baby grows/vests...they are around 50p each and in most cases they have only been worn once or are completely new. You will use around 2 or 3 per day and your baby will only be in them a few weeks before you will need the next size up. So why spend a fortune on them when your baby will only throw up on them anyways...plus friends and relatives will buy you lots of new pretty clothes (standard new baby gift). All you need to buy new is the coming home outfit really.

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