What do i need for moses basket?

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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hi girls

i have just ordered a pack of 2 fitted sheets for the moses basket and it just occured to me i dont know what to do in terms of blankets..?

this is the basket...do we keep the top bit on when they are sleeping in there?

and here are the blankets which i'm starting to think might not be warm enough?

photo (34).JPG photo (35).JPG

what are your plans? sorry for sounding so stupid but i've only just thought about it! xx
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I didnt use a blanket at first as i either swaddled or had baby in a grow bag. Left the cover thing on top though as you have pictured x
We've just got similar blankets to you plus cellular ones as plan to swaddle and layer up blankets if needed. Not got little quilt thing as even tho looks pretty not sure how safe as baby will be at foot end of basket? Also gro bags only to be used in a cot apparantly, not in crib or basket (says warning on packet) as I have no experience :eek:)
I bought this set from Tesco - http://direct.tesco.com/q/R.211-1806.aspx

It has 2 cotton fitted sheets in jersey, 2 cotton sheets in flannelette and 1 fleece blanket for £12. Bargain!

The basket my parents bought us (after I'd bought one second hand :roll:) comes with a sheet and blanket I think - http://www.johnlewis.com/231088566/Product.aspx

I've got 2 grow bags, a cellular blanket and a lovely fleecy one a friend bought that could also be uses on top.
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At the risk of sounding stupid but what is swaddling? x
Google it for pics :eek:) its wrapping a newborn up with arms tucked in etc as they are used to being all tucked up in the womb and it helps them feel secure. Also they are born with a startle reflex that means when they are asleep they can suddenly flail their arms about which will wake them up so swaddling can help prevent this. However some babies hate it so its a case of try and see what your baby prefers! X
thansk girls, i thought that about the gro bags too? i will have to look up cellular blankets. so we are meant to swaddle wrap them in the basket? xx
Yeah swaddle them and then put them in the basket and then temp dependant they may need one over that, but if they're got vest and sleepsuit and swaddled in an average temp room they'll prob be just fine :eek:) x
henley loves to be swaddled,like lettie said newborns jump alot coz their so used to being all squished up inside u and not used to feeling space around them so swaddling is great for makin them feel safe and secure,henley wouldnt sleep if i didnt do this with his blanket,also the thinner blankets are best for this i think,then i just put another lightweight blanket over him to just past his waist.and i dont use the little quilt u get with the basket coz it recommends not to use any quilts till over age 1.there just for show really when babys not usin it.xxxx
grobags are fine in a moses basket according to my midwife and ante natal class... as long as they are the weight that it says on the bag. Most gro bags can only be used from 8lbs in weight upwards.

we were advised that if ur room temp is the perfect temp of 16-20 degrees, and if baby has a vest, sleepsuit and is swaddled, you would then put one cellular blanket on top or a grobag, depending on the tog value of the bag.
Quilts shouldnt be used
grobags are fine in a moses basket according to my midwife and ante natal class... as long as they are the weight that it says on the bag. Most gro bags can only be used from 8lbs in weight upwards.

we were advised that if ur room temp is the perfect temp of 16-20 degrees, and if baby has a vest, sleepsuit and is swaddled, you would then put one cellular blanket on top or a grobag, depending on the tog value of the bag.
Quilts shouldnt be used

Thats basically what my midwife said 4 yearss ago when i was pregnant with paige so have always gone by that xx
grobags are fine in a moses basket according to my midwife and ante natal class... as long as they are the weight that it says on the bag. Most gro bags can only be used from 8lbs in weight upwards.

we were advised that if ur room temp is the perfect temp of 16-20 degrees, and if baby has a vest, sleepsuit and is swaddled, you would then put one cellular blanket on top or a grobag, depending on the tog value of the bag.
Quilts shouldnt be used

Thats basically what my midwife said 4 yearss ago when i was pregnant with paige so have always gone by that xx

things change so much and so quickly form the sounds of it.... apparently now, the new guidelines are that babies arms should not be kept inside the swaddling. Even though babies have the startle reflex, when babies are in the womb they are curled up with their hands in front of their face and are more comfortable this way, so should be swaddled with their hands out and up by their face. I cant keep up with all the guidelines lol, think theres going to be alot of trial and error!

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