what do i do?


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Amy's behaviour has gone really down hill, she sleeps less won't sleep in the day paddy's and throws herself about, shouts at me, hits me the lot.

The thing that is bothering me the most is that she eats very little

2 spoons of cereal, won't eat toast

1 quarter of sandwich or couple of spoons of soup or small amounts of other stuff.

tea time comes she has 3-4 fork fulls and says she's had enough, if i try and spoon feed her she stores the food in her mouth or heaves.

i know they say if she is hungry she'll eat but that is such a small amount of food i worry and don't like her going to bed hungry.

She won't eat crisps either or snack food, just apples all the time.
ah hun its a worry isnt it?

my nephew is like this and always has been from your lo's age - total contrast to his little sister who clears her plate. she is 2½ and he's 6 - she eats more than he does 90% of the time :shock:

my brother and sil used to get really worried but he has always been the same and has got a little better over the years. if they tried to push him too much he'd say he has a tummy ache. we think he genuinly did once but cos he then didnt have to eat his dinner he realised that was a good get out! too smart for his own good.

i think he sees eating as a waste of his playing time! he always wants to get down from the table so he can can play.

if you give him something he really loves he'll eat loads of it so i think its ok.

he is a happy and healthy (although very slim!) 6 year old so they dont worry anymore.

if you are still worried talk to your gp or hv hun.

sounds like my Dior im at the end of my tether with her at the moment, so no i have no advice either. hope some one can help us. Dior has also started hurting her self, having a paddy throwing her self on the floor and headbutting walls and the floor for attention
Oh god Dionne the head butting sounds bad, she doesn't do that but her paddy's are sooooo bad its like she's possessed.

I am seeing the HV on monday for Jacks 7-8 months check so i will ask her then.

I give up thinking of different stuff to give her, there is nothing that she particulaly likes!
i think the terror 2's have come early. its embarresing when we are out if i say no she flings her self on the floor and crys like im murdering her.

she needs my undevided attention.

and she has got me where she wants me she knows what gets her atention from me. i can egnor the paddys or her being spoilt but when she hits harley she knows i respond or when she hurts herself.

hope it passes :pray:

and she hits me to now and it does hurt my feelings :(

she has never hit kris only me. i tell her of she will slap me or pull my hair then run over to kris giggling and jump on him for a love, me and kris have spoke now and iv told him it was funny at first but not now and he needs to stand by me now.
As for the attention seeking by hitting harley i would put her in her cot or bedroom and leave her and ignare her, she sn't getting attention from it then in anyway and if she is able to say sorry learn her to say it to him, cos that is one thing that needs stamping out.
Luckily that is one thing i don't have to worry about (at the moment :pray: )

I have now learnt to ignore her bad behaviour and her shouting at me and she soon learns its boring.

She is as good as gold for everyone else and i think the problem is she is with me 24/7 hense the reason i get it.
Yvonne said:
She is as good as gold for everyone else and i think the problem is she is with me 24/7 hense the reason i get it.

yep defo, Dior will be a sod all day and the moment kris gets in the door the devil goes and she is loving and he sits there cuddling her :roll:
then she gets to no daddy as the nice one and mummy as nasty who makes her eat veg and washs her hair and puts her to bed and forces her to have teething gel (she hates it but it works)
and she knows daddy as cuddes and treat :evil:

her hitting Harley really gets to me, but its so hard because some times she just wants to play but im always saying "NO" she will pick him up and put him in her dolls buggy or try feeding him and raming the spoon down his throat.

i tryed the naughty step i sat her on it went down o her level looked her in the eyes held both her hands and told her "no thats nasty" she screamed then pulled my hair :evil:

when you come up with a magic remidy to make them angels let me no :wink:
I just ignore Amy, put her somewhere she can't cause trouble and walk away, she soon realises that it gets boring and she can't play if she is there.

I would honestly try it dionne, put her somewhere out of harms way (i.e her cot) and somewhere she cant escape from and leave her there, i have strapped Amy in jacks buggy before now.

She has her good moments don't get me wrong, infact they out do the bad moments but it is bad when the bad times attack! :roll:
iv got a square wooden playpen stored in the garage i might get it out and use that, the buggy is a good one though :think:

yes very true when Dior is an angel shes a real angel but when shes naughty shes the devil, no inbetween with her. but then i no im to blame alot, Dior loves and is so happy to make people laugh, she will do any thing to make me giggle she pretends to fall over and allsorts but when im busy and not playing her game thats when she will turn

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