Not eating phase


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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Is anyone elses toddler going through this?

Amy has gone really bad with eating her meals, she'll eat a few spoon fulls of breakfast, a quarter of a sandwich or equivalant and maybe half of her tea!

I know they will eat if they are hungry enough but i'm bothered she's not getting enough.

Any advice????
chloe does this alot, n she is a skinny toddler so i worry so much!!! but u cant force a baby 2 eat.....

is a bit of a no win situation i feel, sum days shell love 1 thing then h8 it, then love it again!!!

i just try 2 make sure shes drinkin plenty so she doesnt get dehydrated
Apparently I was a bit like this when I was little. My mom would cup up raw carrot, cucumber, fruit etc and leave it in the fridge. I would help my self and snack on it during the day.
Not a bad idea!!

I Don't like her going to bed without a good meal inside her, but i know she will eat if she is hungry.

:roll: Kids.... non stop worry!
Zacks just the same. I get really worried that hes not getting enough food, so I put crackers, fruit etc on a plate in the front room and he just snacks on it throughout the day. If I dont do this and just make him eat his meals, he wont eat and will scream the place down :(

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