What do contractions feel like? Concerned.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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I have bad back pain and have antibiotics as Dr has found I have an infection, the back pain is more intense than it was and my bump gets a pain it in with what I'd describe as a pulse kind of feeling down low, it was manageable but now it's just getting worse on and off all day with period type pains too...I've no idea what contractions feel like and my husband said if it is it'll stop....erm shouldn't I go get checked or something? Seriously I don't know what the hell in meant to do what to look out for etc Im only 32+4 weeks pregnant and I do not want my baby born yet. Help please xxx
If I were you I'd call my maternity unit and describe the pain. It may well be caused by the infection - maybe it's spreading or the pain is moving? But they can monitor you and see if anything is going on... Failing that try some paracetamol and s warm bath, early night with a hot water bottle. Your body may be struggling with pregnancy and infection and may just need rest... But id call midwife anyway x
Hey hun I went into preterm labour in my last pregnancy with my twins at 33 weeks. I would ring you maternity unit up. My contractions started irregular on the Sunday and I had them 24 hours later via emcs, is your bump going hard at the same time as the pains hun? Xxx
Only when the pain is in my actual bump does it harden a little but feels tight and I feel very shitty atm the pain eases off when I'm up and walking about but will come straight back and has done all day nothing is really helping baby is still really active don't know if that helps with what I'm describing at all? But it comes and goes regularly xxx
I would definitely ring up to be on the safe side, it's always best to be cautious. With my contractions I didn't really notice back pain, it was really bad cramps low down that I could feel building up and then fading away in waves, but everyone is different so I would always check with labour ward. Hope you feel better soon. x
Thank you Hun, rang them they've told me to keep an eye on it if it worsens or I lose anything to go in immediately as it seems to ease off for ages and start up again get painful and go away it's really annoying me tbh if he wants to come after 36 weeks I'm fine with it just not yet I just feel so drained today xxx
I've no idea if it could be contractions or infection - but I know a kidney infection can cause pain in back/abdomen similar to period type pains (my cousin had a bad one) either way don't suffer in silence - you need to get checked out either way, if it's contractions (for obvious reasons) and if it's the infection then perhaps they need to give you different antibiotics? A kidney infection can actually bring on pre-term labour so as the other ladies have said - call your maternity unit hun
Sorry just seen your last post - you've already rung. Be persistent and follow your instincts if you need to! Hope you feel better soon xxx
Ita just horrible I've had no leaks or anything nothing's different down stairs just achey and sore and it gets worse at times xxx
Bless you, you haven't had a good day have you?! When I had kidney stones it was the closest thing to labour I have experienced, so imagine a kidney infection could be very similar. Pains and infection are probably linked, but as the others have said its so hard to tell and labour is so different for everyone. Glad you have phoned for advise now, rest up as much as possible and hopefully it will ease off for you. If not don't hesitate to get checked out xx
I will do, glad I can always get advice from you ladies too, I do worry and the pain has been bad today on and off but hopefully a few days of antibiotics and it'll all ease off if not I'll be going in to be monitored would prefer to be 100% sure xxx
Could be braxton hicks or over doing it. If you are really worried call maternity assessment and insist to go up and get checked don't let them palm u off xx
Infections can cause false contractions or really, really strong braxton hicks. Honestly hun, when you're in labour you'll know. It's the weirdest pain, waves is definitely the way to describe it and it's all over your bump. Having said that, monitor them with a contraction app to see if they get closer together.

I have had a kidney infection before hun and the pain was so horrendous I was off work for 3 weeks as it took ages to clear up, I literally spent 3 weeks in bed in agony feeling like I was going to die (not literally but you know what I mean) it radiated from my back to my tummy. It could be that as honestly it is extremely painful.

However if your bump goes tight when you have pain it may be contractions - false or irregular real ones. If it is real labour the pain will get closer together and a lot worse so much so you will know. Definitely ring up again and get seen if you are concerned or it gets worse though as like Summer said kidney infections can on occasion cause pre-term labour. I'm sure all will be fine but it is good to be aware that there is a small chance it could happen.

The anti biotics will take a good 48 hours before they make you feel any better unfortunately from my experience. Hope you feel better soon hun xxx
Today is much much better, the pains eased off a little still really uncomfortable but the tightness in my
Bump stopped at 11pm last night and baby was active for pretty much a whole day which isn't his "routine" I am still exhausted though so resting up today and had my first antibiotic of the day too. I was a bit worried as 3 other ladies who live locally have just gone into labour 1 was 5 weeks early she's a friend with her baby girl due to an infection so I'm sat here crossing my legs haha xxx
Hope you're feeling better violet, how worrying. Hopefully its just from the infection. Have a nice easy day xx

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