What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)


Breakfast, cereal and milk
Lunch, tomato pasta with beef and parmesan cheese, banana yoghurt
Snack, whole banana, biscuit
Dinner, cheesy pasta with peas, yoghurt, whole pear
Yesterday ..

Breakfast - Cocopops + Banana
Lunch - Felafal with Yogurt Tahine Dip
Dinner - Chicken Dahl
6oz milk before bed.

Breakfast. Banana cereal
Lunch. Fish with tomato pasta, banana, satsuma
Snack. Yoghurt, grated apple
Dinner, pumpkin risotto with parmesan cheese, two pears!
Today zac has had:-

Breakfast- toast and 2 pears
Snack - oat and raisin bar
Lunch - pasta & tomato sauce and a yoghurt
Snacks - blueberries and some banana
Dinner - chicken peas and potato smiley faces (naughty I know)
He also had 7oz milk and will have another 7 before bed x

Breakfast, cereal and milk, half plain brioche
Lunch, eggy pasta with parmesan cheese, satsuma, banana
No afternoon snack
Dinner (will be) meatballs, tomato pasta, yoghurt and pear

Breakfast - Cocoppops, Strawberries, Banana
Lunch - Jam Sandwich
Dinner - Fish Fingers and Beans.

Yeah, Lazy day lol

Breakfast - weetabix mini's with soya
Snack - soya milk & apple wedges
Dinner - Korma, Rice, Naan Bread, Peas, Apple Scone & Apple Wedges (school dinner)
Tea - Chicken Taco's

think I wanna go back to school :shock:

Breakfast: cereal made with 8oz milk
Lunch: pasta with chick peas and parmesan cheese, pear yoghurt
Afternoon snack: mashed banana with the juice of one orange mixed in
Dinner: two beef meatballs cooked in vegetable broth, with pasta stars. Two grated apples, 1 satsuma
Sounds like marley is doing really well with food again! x
Zmd.. He is getting better but still kicks up a fuss at mealtimes tbh....


Breakfast. Porridge, half brioche.
Lunch. Pasta carbonara (minus the bacon) two grated pears
Afternoon snack. Banana yoghurt, two satsumas
Dinner. Vegetable broth, two pork meatballs. Grated apple, banana
Breakfast. Biscuit cereal and milk
Lunch. Cheesy pasta with vegetables, banana, two satsumas
Snack. Yoghurt, two biscotti
Dinner. Eggy pasta with parmesan cheese, satsuma, yoghurt with grated pear.
Yesterday Sebastian had

Toast with honey
Grapes and orange
Roast beef, carrot and swede mash, mashed potatoes, roast potato and corn in the cob
Cucumber and tomatoes
Grapes and banana
A 'picnic' dinner where he had an open choice of crackers, cheeses (Wensleydale with cranberries, smoked, Boursin and cheddar), chopped tomatoes, cucumber, onion, red pepper, yellow pepper, iceberg lettuce, rocket, watercress, carrot pieces, different salamis, gherkins and ham. He tried everything and we just let him keep going for whatever he wanted.
Ooo MrsR have you decided to give free fooding a go or are you just experimenting for now?

Haven't posted in here for a while :)

Yesterday Jack had
Breakfast: Berry porridge & some water
5oz milk
Lunch: Cauliflower & broccoli cheese, a fruit pot & some water
5oz milk
Dinner: Chicken & lentil stew, a fromage frais & some water
5oz milk
Another 3oz at bedtime
We're just experimenting for now x we allow him free access to fruit at the minute anyway but the picnic dinner went really well!

Breakfast: large bowl of readybrek
Lunch: cheese sandwich, yoghurt, fruit pot
Afternoon snack: grapes, two animal biscuits
Dinner: spaghetti bolognese, satsuma,yoghurt

6oz c&g toddler milk.
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Breakfast. Two weetabix
Lunch. Pork casserole, yoghurt, pear
Afternoon snack, grapes galf homemade banana muffin
Dinner. Home made cottage pie (made with cheesy carrot and sweede mash) apple, yoghurt

5oz c&g toddler milk
Yesterday Jack had:

Ready brek & some water
5oz milk
Mild fish curry, a fruit pot & some water
4oz milk
Spaghetti bolognese, a fromage frais & some water
5oz milk before bed plus 5oz at 1am this morning

Breakfast. Weetabix
Lunch, philly roll, grapes, satsuma, yoghurt
Snqck, strawberries,blueberries,banana
Dinner, pastamwith peas broccoli and cheesy sauce, yoghurt, satsuma, few mlky buttons (naughty! I was pleaseed he atenhalf his dinner with a fork by himself lol)

6oz toddler milk
Yesterday Jack had:

Peach & apricot porridge & some water
5oz milk
Creamy chicken, a fruit pot & some water
5oz milk
Sweet potato & carrot, a fromage frais & some water
5oz milk at bed time
5oz milk at 3am

Breakfast. Porridge with grated apple
Lunch. Cheese roll, satsuma, banana, yoghurt
Snack, loads of grapes, organix animal biscuits, fruit pot
Dinner, two weetabix, apple

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