what did your baby do today?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2006
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well to try and lighten things up a bit and get back to normal ....

what silly/funny/new/clever/whatever! thing did your baby (or dh/oh/mum for that matter!) do today?

alex got into the bathroom and decided to be an andrex puppy - toilet roll all over the floor and wrapped around him about six times! bit like a scene from the mummy :lol:

anyone else?

I've been at work today, Brody has been with Nanny.

When I picked him up he'd gone a bit poorly, he has a really high temp and was just sitting cuddling my mom, not his usually wriggly self at all.

He had a big sleep between 4 and 6, then woke up a bit better for a play and some food and a bath. Now he's in bed.

I hope he's better tomorrow we need to go and pick our pumpkin at the children's farm!
well braydon took his nappie of then pooed just ot make a change lol
ah poor love - hope he feels better tomorrow for your pumpkin trip - although i dont know why you are bothering - i've got the contest in the bag! my pumpkin weighs almost 5 stone :shock: he he gonna take ages to scoopeout!

Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
well braydon took his nappie of then pooed just ot make a change lol

eeeewwwwwwww gross! :puke: i'm dreading alex figuring that one out! :lol:

it is and i cant stop him doing it the HV thinks i should potty train lol
i took my oldest shopping with me today while my mum was looking after the younger 2,
then we all went to the park when i got back
hi girls
well last night my hubby when out with havana to buy nappies and came back with a giant winnie the pooh.
she loved it and was amazed by it, even though its bigger than her.
and today her nan and aunties brought her tigger, piglet, and eeyore.
she sat on the floor for ages surrounded by her new 'friends'!!!!!
she looked so happy it was brill. xx
Aimee had fun pulling a whole packet of wipes all over the floor. Her favorate game. :roll: She tried to say balloon but couldn't say the L so it sounded really cute. She pulled herself up on the coffee table for the first time, pulled everything on the floor and fell over. Can't even leave her for a minute now!
Josh has been shopping with his Grandma, he got all sorts bought for him! And he was chuffed to bits cos he got to go on the bus (nasty mammy uses the car to go everywhere!) :D
i trapped Diors fingers in the door :( long story but i feel so bad the screams were sooooo bad por lil thing wonder if she has forgot by tomorrow :pray:

Harle learnt to hold his own bottle today

we have just stayed indoors all day trashed the house played hide and seek and mess about... :cheer: i love it
aw poor Dior..i feel so bad i've so far managed to bump haydens head on a door (not hard though) erm burn his hand on the hot tap when bathing him in the sink..and my mum accidently cut him when she tried to cut his nails! it makes you feel evil!

hayden managed to roll himself onto his tummy this morning while i ws making his bottle and he was left on my bed!..but we've had a pretty boring day..went to the clinic to get weighed etc..went shopping with my sister, came home and vegged out!
dionne said:
i trapped Diors fingers in the door :( long story but i feel so bad the screams were sooooo bad por lil thing wonder if she has forgot by tomorrow :pray:

Harle learnt to hold his own bottle today

we have just stayed indoors all day trashed the house played hide and seek and mess about... :cheer: i love it

on poor Dior - and poor mummy (i had it when things like that happen meaks you feel awful! :( ) sure she will have forgotton it today though!

sounds like you had a fun day though!

Well last night Noah managed to eat more chinese food than I did! fat little bugger.

And today he pooed out whole sweetcorn for the first time, that was nice!
Cat&Noah said:
Well last night Noah managed to eat more chinese food than I did! fat little bugger.

And today he pooed out whole sweetcorn for the first time, that was nice!

lovely isnt it? we got whole raisins too!

cool I havent fed him rasins yet, will have to try that one.

Satsuma sements tend to come back pretty whole, and cranberries!


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