what have you got to do today?

just got the rest of the girls pressies to wrap after they go to bed.

Right now I'm about to run the hoover around.

Might go to a Carol Service later but I'll see how we all feel.

Other than that, just chilling and enjoying the kids :)
just got back from town had to but a couple of last minute gifts cleaned bathroom doing some washing the thats it just watching xmas telly we are out for xmas day and boxing day so not tidying special just normal day to day cleaning.
ive got loads to do cause im going to stay with my rents tonight and bloody santa claus the movie has just come on... now I wont be able to pull myself away from the telly!! :lol:
Nowt much else now. Apart from sitting on me bum and consuming silly quantities of food, that is :D

Finished off some proofreading for a local group I'm involved with this morning and have just now made some soup for the starter tomorrow. Curried sweet potato and parsnip nom nom.
we had to work this morning, then I've been and taken sean to collect his car from the garage, made cookies and fairy buns with Paris, done 3 loads of washing, cleaned downstairs (ddi upstairs yesterday) now my chocolate cake is cooking so just that to fill and ice and I'm done!!
Not alot for once!!! :D Hubby has done all the cleaning and hoovering etc. I made some mince pies and done the trifle and blancmonge for tommorrow. Cooking the turkey and gammon tonight then hubby is doing allt he cooking tommorrow as we have the inlaws round so i have a easy day!!!! :cheer:
The shops are in chaos! I ended up getting pushed up aisles of tesco I didn't want to! :lol: However it is ALL done! Everything is sorted and best of all, I have my lil girlie back from my parents! She is asleep in her cot the now. All I need to do now is get my outfit for tomorrow looked out so that I don't have to run around like a headless chicken! I have a taxi booked at 10.30am to my parents house so I need to have everything ready to put on. Another Christmas with yet another run around to get things sorted. I swear next year I am going to do what my gran does and get my pressies bought in and wrapped in October! :rotfl:
omg just finished wrapping the prezzys.. didnt cook my meat.. didnt have time! lol.... ahhhhh nevermind.. shall have to do it tmro! charls tooth fell out to.. so she has 2 special visitors tonight.. lol..god im knackered.. but you know when you have that head on.. what is left to do.. you just cant sleep..... yawwnnnn.. nunite everyone hope you finished what you had to.. and have a lovely xmas day xx

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