What did you want to be when you grew up?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I had several flights of fancy..

1. Nurse
2. Midwife
3. Solicitor (I remember the hairdresser telling me I could make loads of money :) )
4. Teacher

I got to be a teacher in the end. Nothing like what I imagined...teachers don't sleep in the school overnight :shock:
I wanted to be a professional showjumper - until I realised my parents weren't rich enough to buy me all the horses I would need (got 2 in the nd, but it wasn't to be :( )
Then a laywer - but I found out how long I would have to study and went right off that idea
Then I decided to be a housewife... :wink:
I wanted to be either an optician or a housewife/stay at home mum.

I got the 2nd one!!
i wanted to be a nurse, then when i was 17 i wanted to be a playworker, i only got as far as taking the nvq lol.. still waiting to see if i have passed its been nearly a yr.. but i think i want to be a midwife now and im really gonna look in to doing it,... :wave:
You mean we have to grow up before we get a job - going to go and hand my notice in right away - far to immature for this job thing that people are talking about!

Serious now i wanted to be Mammy! And also a lollypop lady! Not achieved either yet but i guess there is still time! :pray:
tots hope said:
You mean we have to grow up before we get a job - going to go and hand my notice in right away - far to immature for this job thing that people are talking about

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
tots hope said:
You mean we have to grow up before we get a job - going to go and hand my notice in right away - far to immature for this job thing that people are talking about!

Serious now i wanted to be Mammy! And also a lollypop lady! Not achieved either yet but i guess there is still time! :pray:

When I was youger I wanted to be a lollipop lady too! we could be one together lol.

My real ambition now is to be a midwife, hopefuly one day after Iv had me kiddies
When I was pregnant with my daughter I wanted to be a midwive, but realised that there was no way I could cope with the downsides.. wuold be suicidal every time something went wrong.
Would like to be a Doula I think - am looking into it anyway, would have to wait until my daughter (or any future babies :pray: were older though)
i always wanted to be a nurse then at 17 wanted to be a child play therapist and still do even more after tues/wed so gonna study wen B goes to skool

my sister wanted to be an ice cream MAN couldnt understand y she couldnt be
I wanted to be a nurse - then watched Jimmys and didn't like the blood!
I then wanted to be a supermarket checkout girl, which my mum takes great pleasure in telling everyone, I just like the beeping noise when ou scan, I was very excited about a year ago when I did self serve in tesco and realised my ambition!
I also wanted to be a teacher of which I am, imagine my disappointment to realise I don't finish work at 3:00!!

My old next door neighbour wanted to be a tramp!! His mum and dad thought it was so sweet they named the pet dog tramp!!!!
i wanted to be a nurse then when i went to college i wanted to be an interior designer which i do have a foundation degree for but i was pregnant when i was studying so didnt enjoy it that much!
when Jamies older im gonna set up my own business!! :D
I wanted to be a police woman, then went through a stage of wanting to be in the army.

All along i wanted to be a designer with crazy ideas in between :lol: I made it in the end :D x
When I grow up I want to be a rock star :rotfl: :rotfl:

"We dont stop playing when we get old. We get old when we stop playing"
i wanted to be a few things actually.

when i was at school i wanted to be a hairdresser, work in a bank, estate agent or travel agent.

went to college to do travel and tourism so i could train to become a travel agent, went for a job interview and found out they only pay £50 a week for 2 years, there was no way on this earth i could afford to live on £200 a month for 2 years so jacked that in, and ended up working in a solicitors!!

:roll: :lol:
I wanted to be so many things, I could never decide. I remember telling my sister I wanted to be a nurse but she said, "ughhh you'll have to stick your finger up peoples bottoms" so that was the end of that idea :rotfl:
I wanted to be a chef until I realised I would have to work evenings and weekends so that went out the window rapidly.
SarahB said:
I wanted to be so many things, I could never decide. I remember telling my sister I wanted to be a nurse but she said, "ughhh you'll have to stick your finger up peoples bottoms" so that was the end of that idea :rotfl:


When I was about 7 I wanted to be an animater and work at walt disney :rotfl: , then in my teens I wanted to be a fashion designer.

I still want to do some thing in art and design so hopefully one day I'll have a job that I'm very happy with.

I think I would like to be one of those people who have a 'calling'
You know, who know exactly what they want to be, and aren't happt until they achieve their goal and are bloody good at what they do.
It must be amazing to have such ambition and determination - I have never been like that, just been happy to go with the flow. I just wanted a job that meant I could have a family and my hobbies! Didn't care what it was.

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