What did santa bring?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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merry christmas btw, so what did santa bring you lovely ladies? im really pleased as the mother in law got us a 32" LCD tv, and a laptop as we need to move the pc to put cot in our room 8) got loads of other bits, smellies etc, but my fave present by far is my white patent t bar kickers with multicoloured stitching, they are soooooo cool, will post pics as soon as i get chance!!!!!!
Hey! Sounds like someone got spoilt!!!!!

I got new GHD's, underwear, perfume and an Ipod from my fiance along with afew other bits and pieces!!!

Loads of nice smellys, and bubble baths things as well!!!!
cool, weve got toys all over the house, and kids wont see OH's mum til tomorrow and shes bought them loads, i really dont know where im gonna put anything!!!!!!!
I got:

from DH
Sims 2 and Sims 2 Pets for PSP
Donnie Darko UMD for PSP

from one uncle and aunt
a pair of pink pyjamas
some fluffy bedsocks

from my mam
a set of 3 yoga videos (antenatal yoga, yoga for parent and child, and yoga for toddlers)
some black boots

from a friend
some toiletries

from another friend
some earrings
plus Phil and I were given a £10 HMV gift card a few days ago as an early joint Christmas pressie, but he went and spent it all on a game for himself *pulls angry face*

from my dad
half a new mobile phone (it was a joint birthday and christmas pressie)
some makeup
a cuddly Rupert the bear (I collect Rupert things)
Great presents everyone!!

Most the presents we opened were of course for finlay, but i got...

-New mighty boosh dvd
-Black eyed peas cd
-A voucher for a full body massage from my parents
-A new game for the Wii
-Lacoste touch of pink fragrance
-River Island gift vouchers

Very happy girly :dance:

we don't buy for adults in our family. Just kids.
OH's brother got his wife some new pots..... She is NOT happy :lol:
hubby suprised me and has got me a signed jonny depp picture of him in pirates of the caribbean :shock: its great ! also got me some trainers , and some pj's too !
From Ian: A new mobile phone,

From Alfie: Socks slippers and a beautiful jewelerry box (joint from Ian and Alfie)

From Mum and Dad: Pair of shoes Knee high leather boots, two tops and some jeans, perfume, handbag, white gold bracelet, pair of socks.

From Frazer and Darren: A webcam for PC and a beautifull frame with the pictures from birth to a yr absoloutely gorgeous wanted one for ages ... cried!

But the best present was being with everyone and holding my little boy.
I was spoilt!!

I got oasis, take that, Jason Donavon and Janet and John cd's
Three pairs of jammies
perfume x 2
hat gloves and scarf
lost game
£500 from Dad
£100 from Grandparents
a new camera when I choose it
and loads of other stuff!!!! I love Father Christmas (and my oh!!)
my main prezzie from my OH was a trip to AMERICA! :eek: well suprised.

from family i got:
lonsdale fluffy lined jacket
warm coat by tresspass and you can take the inside out for the summer
pair of ping and black vans which ive wanted for years lol
me to you underwear
electric can opener (ours broke a while ago :(
pair of boots,
hair brush,
unicorn poster.

OH's family got me:
pair of vans lol (same ones my parents got lol. oh well my trainers are well used so ill store them for when these wear out.)
2007 diary
pink cussion
hair grips
and a few other stocking fillers :)

i deffinately got spoilt this year.

so suprised :D
I got bath stuff, chocs, a handbag and clothes that don't fit.

Also got some argos vouchers that I've spent on a PC game :D
I got £70, 4 bottles of vodka, tickets to see snow patrol and a watch
I got a portable DVD player,Loads of The Sanctuary stuff, ear-rings, £125, £100 of Next vouchers, a cookbook, a microwave, slippers, socks, scarf, gloves, woolly hat, photo albums and a few other bits and pieces. :D
I got a Dove gift set and a vegetarian cook book from my MIL and a hardback glossy book with all of the pictures in from my pregnancy modelling shoot in October from my husband :)
Momnat, have i missed piccies of your little man?? I cant wait to see him :D xxx
zoe c said:
Momnat, have i missed piccies of your little man?? I cant wait to see him :D xxx

Yeah I haven't posted him on any pregnancy/baby forums actually and I won't be doing so. Sorry

Sounds like everyone got spoiled this year glad ot hear :)

Bernie got me a video camera!!

Sarah. bath lotions

My dad a toaster oven

mom , a blender, hair brush and makeup set

MIL plug in pan, socks, earings

friend manicure set, insents, and 30 dollers to buy maternity clothes i ended up getting two shirts

bernies cousin, i got the movie the divinchi code

and 75 dollers to the grocery store, so i got tons this year am very very happy :)

From DF:
my main present from df was a gorgeous white gold diamond and sapphire eternity ring :D :D :D :cheer:
DKNY handbag
bath spa bubble jet thingy
bodyshop spa set
little britain live dvd
little britain dvd game
3 other dvds
ipod alarm clock and ipod dock with speakers
bath pillow and exfoliating sponge
a Bench jumper
And he is going to get me the nintendo wii when the stores get some in again

From my mom:
another DKNY handbag (when shopping with both of them i said i liked it) lol
la senza underwear that i asked for
fiorelli purse and mirror
mandy the annual (its a tradition had it since i was little)

from others:
no7 make up bag and make up
bop it extreme 2 :cheer: its sooo addictive
the sanctuary smellies
a book
a ted baker jumper
a cov city calender
Bottle of tia maria
bottle of rose wine

Think thats it :)
I got (all from OH) a shiney new laptop - top specs, an LG Choc mobile in red, a strange top - low cut, see through back and doesnt cover my belly - thanks darling lol no-one needs to see that much of me! lol. Oh and some gorgous D'issey pefume, pirates 2, and a simon webb cd. I got him a psp and 2 games (tekken and grand theft auto), ted baker smellies and a budha sculpture. We got kasmin an easel and pallet set, brush and knives, set of acylic paints, water colours etc etc, cadoo game (its ace!) an art manual, a robopet dog, and loads of girlie smellies and stuff.

Best present of all was this was our first xmas in our new dream house where we intend to live for the rest of our lives together :D

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