what could this be??


Mar 31, 2010
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i have bad back cramps and period pain. it kept me up last night. could this be the start of something?
funny you say that, i had awful period pains last night aswell. got me a bit worried. was gonna phone up the hospital if they were still there in morning but ive been ok today. thank god! hope you dont go too early x
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im 34 weeks, but i started bleeding at 23 weeks and have had to get growth scans every 4 weeks so the pains scared me a bit last night incase there was sumthing up
I had period type pains and bad back at the weekend. They were constant rather than a contraction but called the hospital anyway and was told to go in. I got checked over and they said that it was just due to the muscles and gave me some codeine to take. I still get it but just take the tablets when needed. Best just to get it checked out tho to put your mind at rest.
they gave you codeine?? luck you i got told to take paracetmol. which is pointless it doesnt make a dent in the pain. im starting to get uncomfortable cramping again now and my backs agony, it tends to ease of a bit when im on my feet though.
i found out today i have a really bad water infection! explains my pains xx

A water infection? Do you mean there's an infection in the aminotic fluid?? I've never heard of that. Are they considering inducing labour and taking the baby early?
they gave you codeine?? luck you i got told to take paracetmol. which is pointless it doesnt make a dent in the pain. im starting to get uncomfortable cramping again now and my backs agony, it tends to ease of a bit when im on my feet though.

If you are actually in labour, the back pain could be because the baby is in the posterior position. This makes it harder for the baby's head to fit through the birth canal and puts terrible pressure on your back. Rocking back and forth on your hands and knees can often entice the baby to turn.

If you are not in labour, it might be a bladder infection...

All the best.
a water infection, as in i have an infection in my urine. not the water the baby is in.
Hope your feeling better soon x are you on antibiotics?
No not antibiotics, they have just told me to drink plenty of water and cranberry juice! its pathetic. and im getting grumpy lol. jenny no worries about the language barrier thing. xx

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