what could it be?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hannah slept through from about 10 weeks till about 4-5 months perfectly, in the end doing 12 hour strech. I was so blessed.

BUT the last 6-8 weeks now have been a nightmare. Shes had a cold, nappy rash, chesty cough and a few new teeth during this time so i expected broken sleep.

Now, shes better (health wise), and worse! (sleep wise)
the last 2 weeks we've had hell. She seems to not be going into a propper sleep at all (somtimes waking every 15 mintues). I swear that now every night we are up ATLEAST 8-10 times with her. And she wakes with this horrible wingey cry. (somthing shes never done before.)

Ive kept putting it down to teething, but the thing is shes teethed from being about 6-8 weeks old, so why is it so different now?

When she wakes, she seems hungery, so she eating about 3 whole bottles of a night now. (all 8 scoops/240mls) Of a day she isnt 'that' interested in food., i struggle to get a couple a bottle and a jar of food down her every day. Imtrying to get loads down her before bed time but she refuses.
Why the hunger of a night??? why such a light sleep all the time?? (its like any noice in the whole house starts her screaming) and when im trying to get her to take naps in the day now all hell brakes loose, its as if she hates going to sleep all of a sudden. why???

Somtimes (atleast 3 times of the 8-10) she dosent want food, but just to be held, and falls back asleep in my arms after about 15 minutes while crying/wingying.)

Im finding it so hard now, and im in tears as i write this. Im just not sleeping and im really tired and emotional, and its really effecting me and my OH relationship at the moment. (not really bad, but to the level where we're not talking and are too tired to 'bother' eachother, if you know what i mean) (he also works til late)

my spd has kicked in bad too so i feel like i just cant cope right now!!

has anyone experienced simular, or could tell me what it might be? this almost 'fear' of sleeping, night hunger and 'very light sleeping' is??
:hug: I really wish I could help with an answer but I can't, however, Isaac is a bad sleeper, and he has periods where he does this waking frequently and doesn't eat much through the day, and I too find it very hard going, I wanted to give you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure you may be tired of hearing it, but try and sleep when Hannah does. In my experience, Isaac can sleep well and soundly for long periods if I'm laying with him, have you tried it with Hannah? Isaac's had a few off nights lately, bonfire night ruined his bedtime routine blooming bangs ggrrrrrrrr so now he wakes a lot, and tonight I had to keep comforting him back to sleep by lying on our bed with him, and he slept there until midnight, when OH went to bed and I moved him to his cot and he's been OK since.

With regards to eating through the day, I'd just suggest trying her every couple of hours, a pain in the bum with bottles I'm sure, but she may be eating less but more frequently now, so not big feeds between longer intervals? Are you giving her finger foods yet? Only I find with Isaac if he's been chewing on something a while, he's sometimes more interested in a feed. Does she have a door bouncer/walker? Maybe she needs to tire herself more nowadays, I know Isaac's full of beans!!

Like I said I've no idea what it is that's changed her so much, but it may be temporary, if it isn't, then just take your time finding a new way of living with her new routine, and where you feel you can change it to suit the family for the better, just go for it :hug:

I really hope your spd eases, and Hannah starts to sleep better soon too, just take one day at a time, you're doing great!! There's always here for those times when it gets a bit much too, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you sooo much for taking the time to answer.
I do have a bouncer and ive had her in it ALL evening. lol. Funny enough, i put her to bed (without THAT much fuss) at 7pmish. She woke half an hour later and wated to be setteled. Then again half an hour after that, BUT i moved her into our bed.... and so far she hasnt made a peek.
Could it be a security thing then?? the fact our bed smells of mum n dad?? Gonna put a stinky tshirt in with her when i move her later back to her cot.
Last night was awfull, at one point (at 5am) it was deffinatly her teeth, she was almost shouting at us. (BA DAA GAAAA BA!!!) i put some bonjella on her and gave her some nurophen and she went out like a light.
I think its a combination of alot of stuff... and its so hard work. Hopfully this security, smell thing might help us get a few more hours.

Thanks loads again and ill keep ya posted if i find a miricle cure! lol.
Not sure I can help really, but I've had the same issues with Maia recently, although she sounds like she sleeps better than Hannah. But she has been feeding at night, when she had stopped. I was also putting it down to teething and I do think that is the main problem. she take an oz or so of her bottle and then stops and cries. Then because she hasn't had her normal amount she wakes in the night for a feed! :roll:

I'm hoping its a phase...

Fingers crossed for you I'm sure you could use a good nights sleep. :hug:
Redshoes said:

With regards to eating through the day, I'd just suggest trying her every couple of hours, a pain in the bum with bottles I'm sure, but she may be eating less but more frequently now, so not big feeds between longer intervals? Are you giving her finger foods yet? Only I find with Isaac if he's been chewing on something a while, he's sometimes more interested in a feed.

ive tried the fingure food thing over the last few days and it seems to be working a treat when tryig to get a jar of food down her afterwards.

she loves them too!
Very BIG hugs :hug: :hug:
Sounds like there's some good things happening for you both at the moment, its great to hear :D Cucumber is great because it breaks down easily and its water too, I think carrot bores Isaac sometimes, the messier the better I think :lol: Also if you eat something first, or with Hannah, that encourages and also makes it more fun, well that's what I've found with Isaac anyways hehe
I do hope you're keeping well Rachel, and that Hannah's sleeping better too, very best wishes :hug:

glad youve got somthing thats working babies do go through stages where they sleep like angels then wake loads :hug: hang in there you do get so much more meotional when pregnant :)

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