what cant you wait for?.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Just in a bit of a day dream really thinking about all the things i cant wait to have/do after little one is born!!

I cant wait to sit with my baby on boob in the mornings :)

I cant wait to have a big fat juicy rare steak with runny eggs/pate etc etc ..... mmmmm

I cant wait to sit on my lovely sunny balcony with baby with his little sunhat and umbrella with my friends coming to visit.

I cant wait to get my body back and wear a gorgeous dress and go and sit in a beer garden with my girlies one day :) :dance:

What cant you wait for?? xx
I can't wait for a propper nights sleep lol I have a long wait!

Nah, really, I can't wait to see my OH with our daughter because I know how much he wants to hold her x
I can't wait to see what she looks like :)

I can't wait to have a big gin and tonic - I've been wanting one for weeks, even dreamt about it!

can't wait to dress her in all her gorgeous clothes

can't wait to hold her and cuddle her

can't wait to take her out in her pram

can't wait to feel a little more human

Also can't wait to show her off
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I can't wait to see my little boy all dressed up in the beautiful clothes I've bought for him - even though I know they'll be covered in baby sick, lol.

Can't wait for his first smile and laugh.

Can't wait to feel that wave of total and utter unconditional love.

Can't wait to see what he looks like!

Can't wait for the end of acid indigestion and restless legs, lol.

I'm sure there's loads more but can't think straigt right now xxx

PS - you always start the nicest threads Cherelle!! xx
I cant wait for the itching to stop and piles to go etc lol
I cant wait to have a drink with my husband i go pub with him and drink coke at the mo
I cant wait to see my other kids faces
I can't wait to kiss and hold my baby and smell that wonderful baby smell! I can't wait for my Dad to see his Grandchild for the first time. Most of all I just can't wait to be a mummy!
I can't wait for...

To see what my baby boy looks like
To see my OH with him
To get that overwhelming feeling of love that everyone goes on about
To wear non maternity clothes
To have a glass of wine or a French martini, I'll take any lol
To be able to eat shellfish
To be able to move freely without backache, pelvic pain
To no longer have acid indigestion/heartburn
OMG I could go on allll day lol xxx
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I can't wait to see what my son looks like.

Can't wait to see how Reshaun is with him.

Can't wait for Michael to hold him and look after him as he was a natural with Reshaun.

Can't wait to go out for a meal, share a bottle of wine and have normal sex!!! And most of all, to WANT it!

And also can't wait to bomb up and down the stairs instead of taking them like Nan.

Sooooooo much to look forward to!!!
I can't wait to

Meet him
Hold him
See what he looks like
Try out my sling
Feed him
Lay on my front
Do my coat up
Eat pate and brie
Have Bacon with out heartburn alll day.
Stop mosturising my belly

I can't wait to be a mum again

Nice thread! :) I can't wait to - See what our baby looks like (me or OH)
Our baby meeting our family for the first time, I will be an emotional wreck no doubt!
Getting rid of the headaches, and acid indigestion! Booooo
Having an ice cold beer :-D (Haven't had a drink since September!!)
Taking baby out in our gorgeous bugaboo

and having the whole summer off!!! Bring it on!! x
Just popping in :) Will be joining you girls friday - i think?

I am looking forward to nights watching the TV with baba laid on my chest snuggling up!

Can't wait until labour is over with and i can see what LO looks like :)

Looking forward to everything about being a mam xxx
i cant wait toooooo....

See my son with his new baby brother :)

see what he looks like :)

Sleep on my tummy :)

Get into my nice summer clothes :)
I cant wait for..

To see OH with baby for the first time
To cuddle baby
To take baby out in the pram
To put on normal clothes & they fit
To have a good night out (eventually) & have a few good drinks & be able to dance normally ! x
:cry:i dont want it to end just yet so i can wait for everything this is my last baby so im trying to enjoy it all as much as possible as i know i will never get to feel this way again but i cant wait to snuggle into my baby and smell her newborn smell im just happy to enjoy where i am at the mo :)
I can't wait to finally meet him and for me and the OH to take him for walks and just be a little family. I'm definitely excited to be a mum!! xx
I can't wait to....

Find out if we are having a son or daughter
See Jamie hold him/her for the first time
See him/her smiling for the first time
See my parents meet their first grandchild
Hear someone call me mummy for the first time
Wear jeans again
Feel sexy in normal clothes
Get fit so that I'm not huffing and puffing after walking up a few stairs

Oh I could go on and on.... (I agree lovely thread cherelle xx)
I can't wait to see what she looks like
I can't wait to try breast-feeding
I can't wait to see DH with her
I can't wait to introduce her to my dad, brother and Nana
I can't wait to tell her all about her Nana Karen
I can't wait to hang out with her every day
I can't wait to get pished on delicious cocktails
and I can't wait to be able to go roller skating again!

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