what can i do?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Hello everyone hope you are all well xx

i started working with this company ages ago who look after old people in their own homes and i was really good at it but the pay was really bad you would get paid like every month and a half maybe take longer so i left.
I then started another cleaning job and stayed with them for a couple of months was cleaning hotel area but when it come to december their was no work going so i seen an advertisement for my old job and i really needed the money so i went back just to help them out over chrismas because they where struggleing but i did tell them because of the pay being silly i am going to keep my other job just so i got some money coming in weekly.
Around the 18th december they asked me to come with them full time and promised they would pay me every 2 weeks as they where struggling with staff i left my other job and worked all over christmas because i dont like seeing the old people with out, i found out i was pregnant around 4 weeks and told work right away and said i was bad on my last child till i reached 11 weeks, they now had new staff joing and i got 3 days a week of instead of full time work. but i could not do it i was really ill and i told them i need at least 2 weeks of just till i felt better and i knew they had staff to cover me so i did not leave them stranded now i am ready to go back to work and asked them for hours they ignore me i have phoned and they ignored me i am so worried because if i dont have a job i will not be able to afford anything at all :shock:

i dont know what to do :(

i am sorry about my spelling etc and it is a bit of a boring post lol sorry xx
Is there an office that you can turn up at to ask for answers?x
offten some place dont give you a written contract it can be verbal when you get the job but they shuldnt be treating you like this some plces have a union or someone you can talk to if not id surgest going to citzens advice about it all did you have a doctor sick note to say that you need time off
my own fault for not signing contract silly me and now its going to be twice as hard to get another job :(
no not at all, not all company do a written contract it can be verbal where they agree the hours you work and rate of pay and stuff it is better to have a written one that is signed but for some its not needed

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