What can I do to increase CM around OV?


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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My sister said that she was told to take a suppliment to help her to have EWCM but can't remember what it was.

Has any one advice on what I could take to help EWCM - I'm ovulating right now, I can feel the sensation in my side but CM is not there very much at all.. maybe last nights spermies have nothing to swim in :think:
I think cough syrup with GUAIFENESIN in it works and natural yoghurt does too. :hug:
can you not use a lubricant with no spermicide in??

I have tons of CM usually, but when we...erm...get down to it, I dry up!! Always have so its nothing new. I use one made by durex, it doubles as a massage lube, tastes nice too.......
or pre-seed. you can buy that on ebay :)
drink water :D

like all other fluids in your body if you don't drink enough ..it dries up
Really Libs.. OMG! water.

I normally drink a lot of fluids during the day but i'm off work and I have been consious that I am not drinking any where near enough. It is so obvious but it hadn't crossed my mind. Thanks!
You could try Guaifenesin or Robitussin which is found in cough medicines. For either to be effective you need to know when you're approaching ovulation to take advantage of the use of either medicine as they work best on women who produce at least some CM. The only way to know that is by checking your CM. If you buy the liquid form of Guaifenesin, take two teaspoons three times a day around the time of month you're expecting to ovulate. In any form it is encouraged that you to take it from the first day you notice any type of wetness until the day of your change in body temperature. That may be for about a week.

When buying, you need to look for one in which Guaifenesin or Robitussin is the only active ingredient. Many cough and cold medicines contain antihistamines that also work systemically in your body but have the reverse effect. They dry up mucus and diminish wet cervical fluid. And while you're trying to get pregnant, you shouldn't expose yourself to any other drugs unnecessarily, so find a product that contains only guaifenesin and no other active ingredients, including dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) and alcohol.

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