What bloods are done for PCOS?

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls!

Hope you're all well, I'm not getting too stressed as I'm seeing my private specialist tomorrow but on my ultrasound results the hospital sent to my GP to print out for me it says 'borderline PCOS'

This is new news to me but not a massive shock as I've always suspected it was a possibility.

I've had a full blood count, LH, FSH and Progesterone, and as far as I've always been told by my GP I've been tested for PCOS and the result was clear but what I wondered is do you know exactly which bloods relate to PCOS?

Thanks :)

The only blood tests I had done was 21 day bloods to check my progesterone levels, but they couldn't confirm I had pcos until i had a scan.
They look at FSH/LH ratio, also at testosterone (there are actually couple of types of male hormones) and based on that they will have a conclusion.
I have polycistic looking ovaries but the bloods didnt confirm PCOS although my cycles could be 90 days or so. It a comprehensive diagnosis and conclusions cant be made based on the ultrasound alone.

They can also dig further, I had thyroid hormones and adrenal hormones done as well as it can be the cause as well.
Mmm I had all of that done in June plus testosterone (which is a sign of pcos) so if they haven't tested for testosterone ask incase they all come back normal and your testosterone is too high. You can have poly cysts or the syndrome or both! Pending on what's up the might give you clomid to help you ovulate or Metformin to reduce your testosterone. I can't remember about the progesterone or spell it properly!

If they all come back normal that's a great sign! Then the next step is to push for an exploratory to see if your tubes are blocked or they might suggest a laporoscopy if they want to have a good look.

I was diagnosed with pcos through blood tests and a scan then a couple of years I had a lap which diagnosed Endo but I did a lot of changes to my diet because I was getting severe pain with Endo. Good luck! I changed docs the first one said after a year of no periods to wait another year! Pah! Go with your gut :)

Thanks Girls,

I've had thyroid and all was well, I really need to repeat my progesterone as my results have been a bit strange, I've not had testosterone so I'll ask about that tomorrow.

The think is I have to OV as I get pregegrs all the time and I'm assuming that means my tubes are ok too but I guess that's another question for tomorrow.

yeah i thought thyroid too although my thyroid came back fine but i was told i had 'mild' pcos.

i think you def ov MB, the problem is at the other end like we said before, around implantation.

hope you have a good appointment today and get somewhere with them :hugs: xx
Have you been to the clinic yet maybe? How did it go? xx
Thanks Girls, 4pm appointment, I'll update ASAP, Lou any news from your end? :)

Thinking of you Maybe, hope all goes ok. Will be threadstalking! x
Will be thread stalking as well, hope it all goes well
Hey chick

Hope you got some positive news at your appointment xxxxx
Thanks Girls, 4pm appointment, I'll update ASAP, Lou any news from your end? :)

Nah, i called the embryologist and she said that my case was definitely discussed in the meeting and the consultant who i will be seeing at the review willphone me by the end of the week.

The fame makes me feel like a bit of a freak :oooo:

What happened to your update anyway? I hope you're alright :hug:
I've made a post, thanks girls!

Good they're on the case Lou, I think with it being a particularly unusual one where no embryo's were made will make them more likely to get their heads together and crack this one :sperm: :egg:

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