What areyou doing for Christmas?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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What is everyone doing for christmas this year?

We are having the meal at home - just the three of us and then going visiting gradparents, great grandparents etc.

S. xx
im at my mummys and daddys LOL going there at 8.00am for the day to watch my sisters open there prezzies! :D :D :D
Saturday I have the bumps dad here until Sunday night when Ryan and I will be going to my parents. Having Chinese Christmas Eve, Turkey Sunday and Lamb Boxing Day. All the family there. Oh not sure about Karl (sperm donor) now as his mum had a mild heart attack this morning. :?
Oh thats not good Claire...

I have to cook Gammon for xmas as hubby doent like turkey! I cooked this Gammon for the first time about 6yrs ago and ever since then I have to do it every year!! It takes AGES to do tho!

Think I'll cook everything on christmas eve!
S. xx
SarahH said:
Oh thats not good Claire...

I have to cook Gammon for xmas as hubby doent like turkey! I cooked this Gammon for the first time about 6yrs ago and ever since then I have to do it every year!! It takes AGES to do tho!

Think I'll cook everything on christmas eve!
S. xx

I'm not keen on Turkey, sprouts eww but I have them anyway Christmas Day, silly really having something you don't like just because of the day. :lol:
I know the feeling i hate sprouts but make and effort to have it on xmas day and when im saying it thats because i only have one :lol: .

We have christmas at home my mum and gran and auntie come up late xmas morning to see the kids then my mum stays for lunch then later on we go to my gran and grandad's house then back home once the kid's are in bed and finished playing with there toy's we have a few drink's and few ppl round.I love christmas cant wait :cheer:
Im driving down to Margate and back on saturday (from cardiff - about 600 miles round trip :wall: ) to pick up my youngest daughter whos spending xmas with us, my OH only has xmas day and boxing day off so we will have a lovely chilled out day xmas and then having some friends round for lunch boxing day, then I get a couple of days on my own with my daughter before taking her back, i REALLY cant wait!
Going to mum and dad's sometime in the afternoon for dinner then going home early evening
when i eventually drag myself from my pit, im cooking a "fry" up (more like grill up tho) for me and papa smurf..

then he's driving me to mothers were we are having christmas lunch and pressies etc....
Having a nice quiet day at home on Christmas Day - except it won't be very quiet with my four. We've got the whole world and his mother coming round on Boxing Day
We've got my family over at ours for Crimbo day then DH's on Boxing day :D then its my birthday on the 27th, not sure what we'll be doing for that at the mo. tho.
I've spent most of today cooking, making the mince pies, sausages rolls, cakes etc, knackered now!
my mum and brother are coming round for xmas dinner this year, id thought id give my mum a rest from cooking this year
We're at my parents for Xmas Day. So, up at 6am, feed Charlie, open pressies, bacon butties, then drive to parents. Just the 6 of us for dinner this year, then the DH's parents and sister and partner are coming round for Xmas tea. More pressies then!!! :cheer:

Then Boxing Day it's back to my parents for another full day, but this time with my brother, his wife and brother's 2 girls. And Kayleigh's dad will be turning up at some point to take her to Wales until New Year.

I've got to give out lots of IOU's for meals for once we move somewhere with a bit of room! :roll:
OH and I are spending xmas lunch with my mum and dad and my brother, although OH will go see his family in the morning for an hour whilst I pop up and see my grandparents.

We have lunch, spend all afternoon at the table then veg out in front of the tv and watch all the chrimbo specials :cheer:
Richard and I are going to eat turkey curry and beg out all day with Thea. Phoning the family in England is the nearest we will get to actually doing something lol.

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