What are you most looking forward to when you eventually get pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hi all!

This is the second month of me and OH TTC#1 since we miscarried in December 2010.

What are you most looking forward to about being pregnant? Infact what are you NOT looking forward to?

Personaly I'm looking forward to EVERYTHING - feeling sick, backache, scan pictures, finding out how many babies I'm having, the gender of the babies, being congratulated and even labour lol!! Just because I know what comes after labour I'm just really excited :)

Share your thoughts and what your looking forward to/not looking forward too? :)

xxxxx :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: xxxxx
Sorry to hear about ur miscarriage. :(

Im looking forward to being pampered LOL....hubby pampers me like crazy when im pregnant :D...

and also the sex of the baby....ttc a girl at the moment :)
I'm looking forward to everything - and this because I really want to have the final result - baby in my house :)
I'm just looking forward to [hopefully] having a healthy baby placed into my arms. After 3 losses that seems so far away right now :cry:

Not looking forward to getting fat, being sick, being tired, breaking out in spots, constant worry etc...
I'm really looking forward to completing my little family!!
Taken alot for me to build a life for myself and kiss many frogs before met hubby and with his 2 children it's lovely but I want that closeness and bond wit my baby!
Not close to my mum so I really yearn to be a good mum and not be like me am my mum!!

Pregnancy - sooo excited to finally seeing a positive test an having a big bumb!!
I will miss drinking cocktails!!
I cant wait for us to feel complete again, since our nephew was born we noticed how much of a hole not having a baby leaves in your lives and although we have a fab life and I have the best hubbie in the world it would be lovely to make our little family into three!!
Plus cant wait for all the shopping! Lol!
I am really looking forward to having a big pregnant belly and feeling bubba moving inside me :) ..... I am NOT looking forward to squeezing the little bugger out :shock:
Haha! I'm sure most of the ladies agree with you about pushing jellybean out lol!

I'm looking forward to everything :) X
Im personally looking forward to the parties!, and all the lovely gifts everyone will buy me :)

Im also looking forward to a bump and my scan pictures, such as framing them and getting creative for the nursery :D..I cant wait!
I'm really looking forward to hearing the first cry and being told baby is fine xx
I am looking forward to everything I think! I know I will whinge and moan about certain things when it comes to it though! I think its human nature to complain :D
I am looking forward to everything I think! I know I will whinge and moan about certain things when it comes to it though! I think its human nature to complain :D

I think your right I've said I'm gona enjoy everything but I'll probs moan about the sickness when it comes and the backache and the pain of labour lol. xx
I'm also looking forward to everything, but particularly nesting to start with, getting the nursery all set up and finally knitting for my own lo rather than friends and family. Then, once it's born, I just can't wait to hold it and watch it fall asleep in my arms. Visited a friend at the weekend, her baby is 11 weeks, and it was lovely cuddling him till he fell asleep.
looking forward to the scans, bump, kicks and shopping but most importantly bringing a healthy child into the family.

not looking forward to the sickness, tiredness, wee-ing and waiting!...my next pregnancy will be my last so Im going to relish every second...

...aw this post makes me feel all warm inside, its so lovely to hear all you ladies speak so passionately about becoming mummies/having more babies. x
A bump, buying baby things and a most of all a future son or daughter to be a Mummy to!
I know I'm not TTC yet but I'm looking forward to everything, from morning sickness to swollen ankles to piles to heartburn cos it means it's all part of the journey to having our lil bundle of joy

It will also mean that me & OH are happy in our relationship & have sorted things out

Also that I get to share all my experiences from WTT to TTC to Tri 1, 2 & 3 with all you lovely ladies & stealing all your wonderful advice as your all be mummies by this point :cloud9:


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