What are you missing???


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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I know we are all only just pregnant, but what are you missing from pre pregnancy??

I'm missing Friday night wine mmmmmmmmm :cheer:
Being able to stay awake after 10pm
Not feeling sick everytime I think of food!!!! :puke:
when I was pg I missed coffee. Stong coffee whenever I felt like it. :rotfl: :rotfl:
I am missing alcohol lol....

also staying awake beyond 9.30pm

It probably sounds a bit crazy but I miss going to the gym! :shock:
I no its bad but i miss drinking and smoking, its hard to see my friends drinking and having a cigarette but i just think about that ive got a little life growing inside of me and how special that is and it all seems worth it! :D
MissyRee said:
I no its bad but i miss drinking and smoking, its hard to see my friends drinking and having a cigarette but i just think about that ive got a little life growing inside of me and how special that is and it all seems worth it! :D

Hell yeah! In 2nd tri with this thread, loads of us put fags and booze!!

I hardly ever used to go out, a few times a year maybe... But for some reason I want to stumble out of a club will one shoe on, grab a kebab and come home and eat it!! xx
Lol dannii :lol:! Ive done tht before a few too many times actually thinking bout it, i would have usually of slipped over and lost my kebab to the pavement on the way home after only eating 3 or 4 mouthfuls! Was totally worth it though lol X
I miss being able to fit in my jeans :lol:
I'm missing my Friday night glass of wine..... :(

I'm also missing not feeling sick all and tired all the time too. I can't wait for the 'blooming' stage to kick in!
Bit off topic but just wanted to say, love the pic Dannii! You are stunning!
Chelle said:
Bit off topic but just wanted to say, love the pic Dannii! You are stunning!

Thanks! :oops: It was a test shoot that led no where lol!! xx
salted peanuts
sleep (getting enough but cant get enough if you know what i mean lol)
not feeling sick


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