What are you missing??

Nikki Nakki Noo

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2008
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Hey what is everyone missing the most :
I really miss:

My hot BATHS!!!
Mayonaise with EVERYTHING!!!
Runny eggs!!!

And im gonna especially miss a DRINK tonight but then i have to thank my lucky stars that im pregnant i guess x
Runny eggs
Hot bath
Medium rare steak
Deep fried Brie/Camambert (sp?)

I still take the odd chicken & mayo sarnie as I know the mayo is made from pasturised eggs
beer and fags :( Have not had a smoke since my bfp (was only a casula smoker anyway) and could just down a whole bottle of san miguel right now but will stick to the lime and lemonade. Guess all in a good cause though and am gratfeul for it. :D
why are you missing hot baths???
you can still have hot baths lol its only much later on you have to worry about it as it can aise the temp of the baby :)
i miss nothing
i dont smoke, i still have a drink if i want one and i never eat any of the none allowed foods anyway so i think im lucky in that sence
I'm missing pate, but I refuse to be paranoid this time round and have been eating star bars and I am not giving up my dippy boiled eggs for anyone :shakehead:

As for deep fried brie and camembert, I researched last time I was pregnant and apparently it should be fine as the heat of deep frying it would kill off any off the bugglies that there might possibly be if you are unlucky enough to get the one piece of brie or camembert which had been found to contain listeria in the past 50 years... :roll:
I would kill for a runny egg mashed up on toast the way my dad used to make it. The bath thing is a combination of paranoia and the fact that I don't like the feeling of being too warm these days. I can just about manage a shower but my usual bath that leaves me lobster coloured just makes me feel :puke:
Sex? What's that? I can't even be bothered to think about it. Poor DH! My libido died the day I fell pg, I want it back!

The only things I'm missing are food:
Rare steaks
Pink duck
Blacksticks cheese, my favourite :cry:
Runny eggs
Pate - I'd kill for some pate on a cracker!
Smoked salmon.
Parma ham, salami
Basically someone looked at my diet and said that's what you can't eat when you're pg! :evil:

I'd like to get rid of the vivid dreams, constipation (I'm in that damn toilet at least 20 mins a time) :oops: and laying on my chest. The ping pong balls in my boobs have got to go! :lol:
runny eggs
steak (I usually eat it blue, so would rather give it up for now than have one that's well done)
feeling like myself - mentally and physically :(
I miss cleaning the cat litter :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Kidding...I don't even have a cat! :lol:

I do miss having a drink at the weekend, I really missed it new years eve and I just diddn't feel like guinness, plus I was on antibiotics!

Everything that Serendipity_ said :lol:

Can't say I really miss anything else...

I have mayo when I want it aslong as it's pasturised which most is, I have my steak well done anyway, I don't like weird cheeses...cheddar is as far as I go, I don't eat pate, I never liked my baths hot because I can't breathe in them :lol: and sex I just can't be arsed with lol...

Yeah I do miss feeling like myself too prunella1 and I miss being able to lie down and sit Aaliyah on my tummy and sing nursery rhymes and be silly. :hug:
Serendipity_ said:

With you on this one Serendipity! We've agreed no monkey business til after 12 weeks (or the next scan)- up until today I wasn't too bothered but woke up this morning gagging for it!

Oh well - only 5.5 weeks to go........... :wall: :lol:

Also missing pate.

Nevermind - it will all be worth it in the end
Aww at least you still have your dairylea babyblonde :lol:
Ah, the Dairylea or sex question.....

nearly as difficult as Daddy or chips (am I showing my age there...?)
Jade you are a genius have been trying to think of something to eat all morning and dairylea was the answer!
Are you on about that advert? I remember that. :D

Aaliyah had a tshirt from Adams when she was a baby that said ''Daddy or chocolate'' on the front and ''Daddy of course..'' on the back :angel:

Oh no stupid hormones i'm gonna cry now...!

:D Genius eh? :D Woohoo!

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