What are you getting your lo's for their 1st birthdays?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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hey everyone :)
i've already got finley a smart trike a ball pool but wanted 2 get something special aswell. any ideas.
and what are u all buying? i'm so excited
We are getting Shaun at trike, and a few little toys to give him more to unwrap, and a day out at the zoo :)
oh so exciting all these 1st birthdays!

Have seen youfor ages Mel_ed, how are things??!

We are getting him a sand and water table and maybe one of those cars where they push it themselves with their feet?
Grandparents and great granny also want to get big pressies :) great granny wants to get him a rocking horse and we also still need a toy box!
I've got charley's already. I've got him a toy story ride on car thingy. I did get him a v tech shape sorter but I've given him it already!
Islas getting a swing slide thing from elc £89 instead of £140! She's got a trike already .I also want to buy the massive pink mechano set from elc! Looks tonnes of fun.

Im glad this thread has already been started! I havent got a clue! We're expecting a tax credits rebate and I want to buy LOs birthday stuff from it, so I think we need to make a list. Id like him to have a rocking horse, is he too young?
i want to get marley a trike!is that facebook page yours? i dont have FB but i want a baby bunting from that link! lol
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Paige is getting a ball pit, sandpit, 2 sets of bowl, plate and cutlery, a sleepsuit. All that has only come to £30 because Ive been getting stuff in the sales as they pop up and used my tesco vouchers. The 300 balls for the ballpit were only £3.80 :)

Im getting a handcasting kit to do on her birthday of mine and her hand together. Not so much a gift for her, but thats going to be the keepsake for the day.
Paige is getting a ball pit, sandpit, 2 sets of bowl, plate and cutlery, a sleepsuit. All that has only come to £30 because Ive been getting stuff in the sales as they pop up and used my tesco vouchers. The 300 balls for the ballpit were only £3.80 :)

Im getting a handcasting kit to do on her birthday of mine and her hand together. Not so much a gift for her, but thats going to be the keepsake for the day.

awww the handcasting kit is a lovely idea!!!! and deffo a good keepsake for you. we have a paint one of when lo was a few weeks old so i think i'll do a casting one when he's 1 and put together! you just gave me the idea so thankyou! =))
I think we will get Alfie-Ray a smart trike, a couple of little toys to open and we are having family round for a little family party with his cousin and a couple of other children in the family, nothing too big or fancy a few sandwiches and the toys out and a cake.
I think I might try and do a teddy bear picnic in the garden, let the kids get messy, then get the paddling pool out to dunk them :lol: For some reason I really want bunting inthe garden for it :confused:
Awww lovely thread :) my LO a bit off one yet but it's so exciting! Wish we could do teddies picnic etc but with am end of nov bday I can't see it happening! Ill just have to have a summer half birthdays parties haha!

Anyway I know this isn't a great prez for babs but I've seen these gorgeous first birthday picture frames in the shape of a cake! They are really nice! In card shops x
They could still be a present! They could just be in his room :)

Paige is having a bbq for her. With the grandparents, great grand parents etc all coming over. I haven't have a christening or naming ceremony so this is the first gathering for her. On her actual birthday though Im going for a meal with her and my parents.

Her second birthday will be the biggy though, Ive managed to get olympic tickets for her actual birthday :yay:
Im getting LO a little table and chair and a load of art stuff so he can do painting and stuff. I figure if i give him a specific place to do art he's less likely to draw on my walls :pray:
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Im gonna throw a small party for Alisha.
And perhaps a trip to the zoo as well
Toy wise i have no idea shes only five months at the mo x
Laylas getting a smart trike, well i say getting, allready got and being stored at nanny & grandads, lol

i really want to get her something like a ball pool or a little tykes kitchen or something, cos her birthdays on 1st dec i need to decide what i want to save for xmas and what for her birthday, i think i might go down the lots of little pressies and things for birthday n smart trike and kitchen for xmas cos every1 will see her pressies then, cos her bdays a thursday unless we have a party on the sat after everyone will be at work :-( and we had 3 1/2 foot of snow last year around her birthday cos we had to dig our way out of the estate nearly a mile to get to the hosp, so dont want to arrange a party for her and no one be here except mummy daddy and the doggy, lol

Im getting Maisie a smart trike and a few little bits for christmas and a silver bangle. Then for her birthday I have no idea will probably get her a ball pit and a bounce and spin zebra but i'll see what my money situation is as im hoping to move our and if we are i'll need to get stuff for her room so that'll be her pressie xx

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