what are you scared about?

It's nice to know it's not just first time mums who have worries....I guess those having their subsequent are worrying about different things.

I just don't think I'm going to want anyone except my hubby and my mum around me at all for the first week or so!

we are going to book people in for visits which with our family being so divided is easier but also means we can have our time to. xxx
hey, I am worried about things going wrong still, not so much, but I still worry... I am worried about post natal depresssion, I have never had a child before and the last thing I want is to get depressed after baby is born and not be able to look after her well; I am worried about getting back to the size I was before I was pregnant and my partner still finding me attractive (does that sound superficial, not meant to). I fear my sister and mum will try and take over as this is the first child in the family; and I want to be a good mum and hope I have the freedom to explore motherhood so I find what my strengths and weaknesses are. I am worried for a bad birth and baby being affected by this and hope that all goes well. I am worried I cannot breast feed for whatever reason and hope this all goes well to; just want to be a good mum!
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