What are we doing to prepare for buba?

Mrs N

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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Now that I think that I am in my first 2ww I need something to take my mind off imagining symptoms so I have been tinking about stuff that needs to be done to prepare for being pregnant and having a buba. I have thought of the following...
OH is boarding out the loft so that we have a space to put all our rubbish. WE are trying to clear out the room that we plan to have as a nursery so that we can see the space (it is a very small room). Trying to make a list of odd jobs that need to be done and working out what we can do and what we need to get others to do. Get a new car (really using the baby as an excuse here as really dont need one but would like one!)
What have you lovely ladies been doing?
Sounds like you are very busy hunny. Do you have a car in mind?

At the minute im knitting a blanket for baby, but thats all im doing in preparation as we already had a few things ready last time so I know where everything is for when we are blessed with a little bundle of joy.

But im extra busy for the next two months anyway as im training for my half aswell as being a mummy, an OH and working, so hopefully that will keep my mind of ttc, its working now anyway :) x x
Think I need something like that to take my mind off it, I am at college at the moment so am a housewife the rest of the time so do have a lot of time to think (and am going through a faze of imagining symptons)
THinking about getting a nissan Quashqai, really want a 4x4 and this is small enough for me as I am a really bad driver! Plus it has parking sensors which would help a lot!! Got a focus at the min so really dont need a new car but thought it was best to do it now before we think about car seats etc!!
P.s im trying to take up nitting but I am rubbish at t so far!! Cant even tie the knot to start it!!
My work colleague has a Nissan Qashqai and they are really nice cars, it looks nice and is quite big inside. You should have plenty of room for all the baby stuff in that.

fx for your BFP this month then!
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I think you do need a big car when you have a baby, I had to swap my KA for a 307 when I had my little man but i suppose it depends on the size of the pram and all the other things you carry around when you go out. Think Im going to have to look at another car when I fall pregnant as Ive got a polo now but i really dont want to as I love my car :(

You will get there with your knitting hunny, have you tried watching the video's on youtube? Thats how I taught myself last year and Im flying now :)

What are you knitting? x x
Yeah they seem perfect for what we want, telling freinds that I want a new car but not that we are trying for a buba and they keep on suggesting ridiculous cars!! Have to keep making excuses as to why I cant have a sporty two seater!! Lol!! We looked at the Jukes which are the little version of the quashqai but it is prob too small for a car that we plan to have for a few years! Also think need to have a car now as it depends on what pushcair we get as to what fits in the back!! My dad recons should wait till after the reg changes as might be able to get em cheaper!! (the cheaper the better!)
YEah got given a dvd which I am going to study next week. My best friend is due end of may and might try to make a blanket for their baby...or mine of it takes too long!!
Thats a lovely idea for you best friend :) maybe you could do both x x
Yeah think I will see how it goes, might just be a coaster!! Lol! Now I know she is having a boy tho I can go out and buy some blue wool and ive it a go!
some good planning there - we have been saving for me to be a stay at home mum since...7 or 8 years I suppose

It's really important to both of us but it's going to be tough!
Thats one of the reasons that I havent gone back to work (left my job as an estate agent in FEb last year to train to be a beautician) so that we got used to not having the spare money. Once you get used to it, it really isnt that bad!! Mind you I decided to do beauty coz now I can do it mobile in eves or weekends if need be!! xxx
As soon as I finish knitting the sweater to DH I will start knitting something for my future baby:) I have many friends that are due soon, but want to test out my knitting skills before knitting anything for them!

We will move soon as well, into a bigger flat, so really looking forward to that! Need to take my mind of this "making-a-baby" thing! So, need to stay occupied:)

good luck girls! Hope you get your BFPs soon!!
Ooh new flat sounds exciting!! I wanted a bigger house but hubby did put his foot down about that! Lol!
my hubby's the one who wants to move somewhere bigger - don't think he ever wanted to be in a 2-bed, wanted to be straight in a family home with a family, but we got what we could afford and I made him wait...one day we can move, but I'm a bit too happy here to want to go anywhere else!!!
Thing is we bought this house as a family home 3 years ago but since then we have filled it up so would like a bigger house but cant afford a house that is big enough to makeit worth while moving!! Think I just need to get less stuff!
that makes me glad we started small - we're the kind of hoarders who'd do the same...
Hi. I'm currently knitting a blanket for my friends baby. Using wool called Rico Pompon. It's so soft but cuddly at the same time. After this have wee cardigan lined up for my sister's baby which is due in March and another blanket for friend who's due in April. Mayb after all these projects are finished I might have reason to start knitting for myself instead of everyone else :wink::pray::pray::pray:
All your little projects sound so cute Dawn. My fingers and toes are crossed that you will get a bfp very soon then you can start knitting for your little one :dust::dust::dust: x x

Think i will start knitting too! my gran is amazing at it, she can knit a baby jumper in a day without hardly looking at what she is doing!

I would quite like to do a blanket. anyone got any tips?
Youtube is great hunny. Knit lots of squares and then put them all together to make a patchwork type one. The pram we have is brown and cream so i went for those colours, i took this a few weeks ago so ive got a few more square to add,


x x


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